Midwives On Call: From Babies To Bride. Kate Hardy
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Название: Midwives On Call: From Babies To Bride

Автор: Kate Hardy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9780008906528


СКАЧАТЬ what are you feeling?’

      ‘Nothing.’ Flick’s eyes widened. ‘I can’t feel any cervix at all. Am I doing something wrong?’

      Sophia smiled as she double-checked Flick’s findings, shaking her head at her student, who had been correct in her evaluation. ‘You’re fully dilated, Gemma,’ she told their patient. ‘Let’s check the baby’s position and then get set up. What do you need to do now, Flick?’

      ‘The four Leopold’s manoeuvres. First one checks the upper abdomen to make sure it’s the baby’s buttocks and not the head and then the umbilical area to locate the baby’s back and—’

      ‘Can I go to the bathroom first?’ Gemma pleaded. ‘I really need to go.’

      Aiden helped Flick set up for the birth while Sophia stayed close to Gemma. They spread waterproof sheets over the bed and one of the armchairs in the living room and gathered some clean towels. Flick opened a kit and checked the resuscitation gear they carried in case it would be needed.

      Aiden found himself glancing frequently at the door, waiting for the reappearance of Sophia and Gemma.

      The attraction he’d felt the first time he’d met the cute little midwife had come back with a vengeance. Those lovely brown eyes were so warm and that smile made him feel like he’d just done something outstanding. Something that deserved approval because he’d somehow made the world a better place.

      Heck … all he’d done was crack a fairly weak joke. Imagine how Sophia would look at him if he really did something to be proud of.

      He wasn’t going to let his opportunity slip past. He might have made a note of the number he’d used to call her but that was just her pager service. He was going to ask for her personal number as soon as he got the chance—as long as he didn’t get called away first. Who knew how long this labour might take? Gemma was taking long enough just to go to the loo.

      And she was being noisy about it, too. They heard a cry of pain. And then another.

      And then Sophia’s calm voice. ‘Could you bring a couple of towels, please, Flick? Lean on me, Gemma … Yes, that’s your baby’s head you can feel. Deep breath and give me one good push …’

      The wail of a healthy newborn could be heard a moment later and Aiden moved to peer in the bathroom door at the crowded scene. Gemma was still sitting on the toilet and Sophia was guiding her hands to help her hold the slippery baby against her skin. Gemma was sobbing and Sophia looked … as if she was blinking back tears?

      ‘She’s gorgeous, Gemma. A dear wee girl … Flick, have you got the clamps and scissors? Gemma, would you like to cut the cord?’

      ‘No …’ Gemma shook her head.

      Somehow, Aiden had moved further into the small space without noticing and he was now blocking Flick’s access to the toilet. Some signal passed between Sophia and her student and Aiden found himself holding the clamps in his gloved hands. He attached one a few inches away from the baby and then another to leave an isolated area to cut. He’d done this before and knew to expect how tough it was to cut through the umbilical cord.

      He already felt involved in this birthing scene but then Sophia smiled at him again.

      ‘Can we give baby to Aiden for just a minute, Gemma? I’d like to get you cleaned up and comfortable in bed to wait for the placenta.’

      Flick gave him a clean towel and Aiden carefully took charge of the tiny infant, with Sophia’s assistance. This was the closest he’d been to her and he could smell the fragrance of her hair. Almost feel the warmth of her skin through the gloves as their hands brushed. And then he looked at the tiny scrunched-up face of the baby and got completely distracted.

      The miracle of birth never failed to amaze him but he never wanted the responsibility of one of these himself. The enormity of bringing a new person into the world and trying to keep them safe for ever was overwhelming. As he backed away, carrying the precious burden in his arms, he looked up to find Sophia watching him.

      He couldn’t read the expression in her face but it struck him as poignant and something inside his chest squeezed hard. But then it was gone. She smiled and turned back to her patient.

      ‘Put your arm around my shoulders and we’ll take this slowly. You might find your legs are pretty shaky.’

      The five-minute Apgar score was a perfect ten and Aiden returned the pink, vigorously crying infant to his mother. There was no reason for him to stay on the job any longer and watch as Sophia guided Flick to help the baby latch onto Gemma’s nipple and begin its first breastfeed.

      And then Sophia supervised Flick in attending to the delivery of the placenta and checking it for any damage, and it really was time for him to leave. He stripped off his gloves and picked up his helmet and kit.

      Flick was giving Gemma a wash with a hot, soapy cloth and Sophia was putting the placenta into a bag. This was it—the best opportunity he was going to get. He stepped closer.

      ‘I know you were busy last time I asked,’ he said casually. ‘But are you doing anything special after work today?’

      Wide, surprised brown eyes met his gaze. ‘Not really,’ she said, ‘but I won’t finish for a while. We usually spend a few hours with a new mother and make sure she’s happy before we go.’

      ‘Maybe we could meet up later, then?’

      Gemma looked up from watching her baby suckle. ‘Are you asking Sophia for a date?’ She grinned.

      Flick was staring at Sophia and seemed to be stifling laughter. What was going on here?

      Sophia tied the bag and stripped off her gloves. Her cheeks had a rosy glow and she seemed to be carefully avoiding meeting his gaze. ‘It’s not about a date,’ she said. ‘I happen to owe Aiden a coffee, that’s all.’

      She made it sound like that was the only reason he might be interested in taking her out. Aiden couldn’t let that pass.

      ‘Yeah …’ he said slowly. ‘I’m asking for a date. Would you like to come out with me this evening, Sophia?’

      ‘Um … I …’ Sophia bit her lip. ‘Maybe you can call me later. We’re both at work and this isn’t, you know, very professional.’

      ‘I don’t mind,’ Gemma said.

      ‘And I’m not going to tell anybody,’ Flick added. She looked as if she was trying not to smile. ‘Was that a yes I heard there, Soph?’

      There was definitely an undercurrent here that Aiden had no way of interpreting but right then Sophia met his gaze again and he didn’t care about anything other than hearing her say that word.

      ‘Okay. Yes.’ He could see her chest rise as she took a deep breath. ‘I’d love to go on a date with you, Aiden.’

      ‘Cool. I’ll pick you up about seven? Where do you live?’

      ‘How ’bout I meet you somewhere? A nice bar, maybe?’

      So she didn’t want him to know where she lived? No problem. When you had a three-dates СКАЧАТЬ