A Forever Family: Reunited By Their Baby. Rebecca Winters
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СКАЧАТЬ you.” She had an urge to kiss his cheek for being so understanding, but she held back. Without a minute to lose, she hurried through the E.R. and pulled the blue curtain aside.

      “Fran—I thought you’d never get here.”

      “I’m so sorry, Kellie.” She pulled up a chair. “How are you feeling right now?”

      “Foolish. The doctor just came in and said nothing showed up on the tests. He says I fainted because I hadn’t eaten all day. They gave me something to eat so I’m fine now. I’d like to get out of here and check into a hotel. The last thing I want is to go home with Leandros.”

      “He won’t allow you to go anywhere without him. At least not tonight. Kellie? What else aren’t you telling me? This is truth time. I can’t do anything to help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”

      She sat up. “Not ten minutes after we arrived back, Karmela let herself in the apartment carrying a stack of work for Leandros to look over. She looked positively shocked to find me there.”

      Fran’s eyebrows knitted together. “If she had plans to be alone with him, she should have been the one who fainted to realize you weren’t on vacation with me yet.”

      “She’s not the type to faint. That woman is as cool as the proverbial cucumber, treating me like I was the interloper and not his wife. No doubt she was allowed to use the security hand code to get in while her sister was alive and Leandros never deleted it.

      “Leandros disappeared into the study with her for a few minutes. When she came out again, she flashed me this satisfied smile and bade me a safe flight in the morning. Fran—how could she have known my plans if Leandros hadn’t discussed them with her? I don’t want her knowing my business. I tell you, that was the last straw.”

      She groaned. “It would have been for me, too.”

      “When he came to find me, I was in the kitchen getting some juice and didn’t say anything to him about her. He hovered around me until it drove me positively crazy, so I said goodnight and went to bed in the guest bedroom. It wasn’t long before he came in and found me on the phone with Aunt Sybil. He told me to hang up because he wanted to have a serious talk with me.”

      “Did you?”

      “Yes. I’ve never seen him in a rage before. He swore he didn’t know Karmela would be by. The more he tried to explain his way out of it, the more I couldn’t listen to him. Suddenly I felt so sick I passed out.”

      “I’m not surprised. Under the circumstances it’s a good thing we’re flying home tomorrow.”

      “Please forgive me, Fran. I’m ashamed to have to confess I got you to Athens on my terms, not yours. It was horribly selfish of me when you wanted to wait until September.”

      “None of that matters. You need help.”

      “So do you,” came Kellie’s cryptic comment. She stared hard at Fran. “You’re back late. I don’t need to ask if you had a good time with Nik tonight.”

      “I did.” It was a night she’d always remember.

      “With that droopy gardenia in your hair, I can just imagine. Did he put it there before or after he kissed you?”

      “There was no kiss.” Except on her forehead.

      “Not yet maybe, but it’s coming. It’s the Angelis charm working like clockwork. Just be careful you don’t get completely sucked in.”

      “Why do you say that?”

      “He already wants to go on vacation with you!”

      “Kellie—he was only flirting.”

      “No. Nik Angelis is a compelling force in the corporate world, and he’s an even more compelling sensual force when it comes to women. One of the secretaries in Leandros’s office says he’s had a string of them over the years. Leandros claims that when Nik wants something, he’s relentless until he gets it. I can see where his persuasion tactics are leading where you’re concerned.”

      “In what way?”

      “He wouldn’t think twice about asking you to quit your job at the hospital and move to Greece in order to become his niece’s nanny.”

      Fran swallowed hard. “He already has. I turned him down. When the doctor at the hospital in Leminos mentioned he’d like to hire someone like me, Nik said something about having other plans in mind for me.”

      “I knew it!” Kellie muttered. “He’s going to use every trick in the book to get you to take care of Demi. His plan is to make the moves on you to ensure victory. He’s counting on a beautiful, vulnerable divorcée like you to cave. Have you told him you can’t have children?”

      “No, of course not.”

      “Then don’t! That piece of information would be all he needed to get you to say yes. You can’t do it, Fran, or you’ll be facing even greater heartache than with Rob. He’s got enough money to buy anyone he wants, but not you—” Her eyes pooled with moisture. “I say this because you’re the best person I’ve ever known and you’re beyond price.”

      “Oh, Kellie—” She gave her friend a long, hard hug.

      “Promise me you won’t let him get to you. If you do, it will mean you’ve given up on marriage altogether. You and I have talked about you falling in love again with a widower who has small children. Isn’t that what you said?”

      She pulled away from Kellie and wiped her eyes. “Yes, and you know it’s what I’d like to happen.”

      “Then if you really mean that, don’t get any more involved with Nik. I promise that if you do, you’ll end up being stuck in the Angelis household as nothing more than a glorified servant. I don’t care how strong your maternal feelings are for Demi. The years pass quickly. Think, Fran! One day she’ll grow up and won’t need you anymore. Then what will you do? You’ll be too old for what you really want, and you’ll live the rest of your life with a broken heart! After we’re home I’ll concentrate on helping you meet a terrific guy. There are hundreds of widowers looking for a wife online through a dating service.”

      “Ugh. That sounds horrible.”

      “Maybe not. You deserve to meet someone fantastic and fall in love with him. It happens to lucky couples all the time. Second marriages can be wonderful if you’re not desperate, and if you take the time to meet that one person you can’t live without.”

      “I know.”

      “Then remember something else. One of these days Nik’s parents will bring pressure to bear and he’ll have to get married, thus joining the ranks of his married brothers. They’ll all have families except for you. So, what then? When Demi goes to college, will you go back to the States and get another job at another hospital, only to keep taking care of other people?”

      The words stung, but she knew Kellie was saying them partly from her own pain and partly to help Fran think straight.

      “You need to take charge of your life and live for you. I think СКАЧАТЬ