Mistresses: Blackmailed For His Pleasure. Annie West
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Название: Mistresses: Blackmailed For His Pleasure

Автор: Annie West

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9780008905996


СКАЧАТЬ with surprise before narrowing in anger. “What are you doing here?”

      “Stopping you from making a mistake,” she said. “How did you get Nonna’s shares of the inn?”

      Her brother let out a smug laugh. “Nonna is already heart-broken that you lost your half of the inn to Marinetti.”

      “You told her about that?” she asked, her voice dropping to a choked whisper.

      “Of course. She signed over her half of the inn to me, the family who has stayed by her side this past year.”

      “The family who is about to gamble away our heritage!” She clasped trembling hands over her mouth and stared at her brother as if he were a stranger. “What are you thinking? The inn is your home. It’s our family’s livelihood. You live there. Your wife works with Nonna and affords you a modest income off the guests.”

      “Peasant wages,” Cardone spat. “I want more for my family and myself.” He flicked a damning glower at Stefano. “I want the kind of life your rich boss enjoys.”

      “Then work for it!”

      “Trust me in this, mio serella,” Cardone said to Gemma, the endearment sounding false to Stefano’s ears. “When I win this pot you’ll never have to bow and scrape for a mili-onario again,” he said, inclining his head Stefano’s way. “You would be independently wealthy.”

      “You can’t risk our home,” she said, and Stefano realized the source of her fear.

      He owned her shares now, and if her brother sold his, then their family would be cast out on the street. The inn that had been handed down from generation to generation would be lost.

      Cardone grasped Gemma’s upper arms and drew her close. Her startled gasp touched something inside Stefano, something that smacked of jealousy. Something that spurred him to protect her any way he could.

      He just barely stayed the urge to shove Cardone aside and take Gemma into his arms. Just barely. And that admission enraged him for he had just proven he was no better than his father around her.

      “Your home,” Cardone repeated, the biting sarcasm in his voice hushing those in the room again. “You would do anything to hold on to that crumbling pile of stones, even sell yourself to an old man.”

      “Apologize to the lady,” Stefano said, barely restraining himself from physically hauling Cardone outside and laying into him.

      Never mind he had accused Gemma of the same thing. He had not voiced such crudities in public.

      “Defending her?” Cardone asked, setting his sister aside.

      “In this attack? Sì”

      Which made no sense because Stefano had wanted to publicly humiliate her. He’d wanted to ruin her and recover as much of his father’s property and money as he could.

      Cardone sneered at Gemma. “You go from doting on one Marinetti to the other and turn your back on your brother.”

      “You don’t want my help. You just want what money I can spare so you can toss it away on the turn of a card.”

      She turned to Stefano but didn’t look him in the eyes, seeming shamed and weary and oh so vulnerable. “Please, take me away from here. I can’t bear to watch anymore.”

      This was his chance to walk away and complete her humiliation. This was the time to put her in her place once and for all and defend his family’s honor.


      To an Italian, honor was everything. But the timing felt wrong. This wasn’t the place or time.

      “The title is verified,” the bank said to Cardone.

      “Take her away from here,” Cardone said, then turned to accept the casino’s offer.

      Nobody noticed Gemma’s distress and obvious depression. Nobody but Stefano.

      “I’ll give you five hundred thousand euros for the title,” Stefano said, doing this for himself for he had no desire to have a stranger as his partner.

      It had nothing to do with Gemma’s crushing defeat. Nothing to do with revenge. He did not want to feel anything for this woman but disgust. She’d all but stolen from his father, yet she portrayed the injured party so well now that he almost sympathized with her.

      Cardone smirked and snatched the title from the bank. “I accept your offer, Marinetti.”

      “Think of what this will do to Nonna,” Gemma said, her voice rough with emotion now.

      But Cardone merely shrugged. “Perhaps the new owner will allow her to stay on there, if given the proper incentives.”

      And again Stefano wanted to throttle the man for his crude innuendoes hurled at Gemma in public. It went without saying that the old woman could live out her days in her home. But he refused to comment now.

      Far too much had been said already.

      A quiet hum resumed in the room with gamblers taking their places for the next game. He caught the questioning look in his friend’s eye, but didn’t attempt to engage in conversation.

      This wasn’t the time.

      He wanted out of here before he truly did lose his temper with Cardone. Just one more insult to Gemma was all it would take, and wasn’t that a thorn for Stefano to contend with?

      The transaction went swiftly with Cardone signing his name with a flourish and Gemma standing stiff and solemn beside Stefano.

      He tucked the title in his suit pocket then pressed a hand to her back. “It is time to leave, bella.”

      She simply nodded and walked out with her head high.

      He caught himself admiring her pride in the face of such adversity.

      It was over. He owned the inn now.

      But he felt no victory. Not yet.

      He controlled what she wanted most. The inn. The question was what would she agree to do to gain back the title.


      SHE shouldn’t have left Monte Carlo with Stefano. She should’ve taken the train back home.


      She didn’t have a home any longer, just a flat in Viareggio. She’d let her nonna down in the worst possible way.

      What would happen next?

      Gemma had to ask Stefano about his plans for the inn. For if he intended to sell it, there was the slim chance she could still secure a loan from the bank.

      It was a slim thread to hang onto as she sat beside him in the helicopter, the lights of the СКАЧАТЬ