Secret Heirs: Baby Bargain. Эбби Грин
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Название: Secret Heirs: Baby Bargain

Автор: Эбби Грин

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474096164


СКАЧАТЬ missed you.’ He smiled slowly.

      ‘Why is it all about sex for you?’

      She could read that smile as easily as she could read a book, and it still had the power to turn her legs to jelly even though her mind was doing its best to resist.

      ‘It’s not. Making money ranks highly as well. Ah. I spot curious eyes and a few people descending... Looks like you’re going to have to do a round of introductions whether you like it or not.’

      So he’d wanted to show up unannounced...? He couldn’t see what the big deal was. When he had started this fling with her he had not expected it to last longer than a week or two. She didn’t fit his profile, and he was smart enough to work out that if the women who did fit his profile were done and dusted within a month or two then there was no chance that her novelty value would outlast a night in the sack, maybe two.

      But she was still around, and he wasn’t sick of her yet... And, that being the case, it had made sense to see her in her own surroundings—the surroundings she had always made sure to keep quiet about. He had wanted to know exactly what he was dealing with instead of taking her at face value. That was just the man he was. Where was the problem?

      She was still looking at him with wounded, accusing, angry eyes.

      ‘You know where I’m coming from,’ he said flatly. ‘I don’t need you getting weepy and hysterical. I came here to make sure you weren’t playing some kind of long game. But, like I said, that wasn’t the only reason. And now that I’m here there will be questions asked if you’re sour and defiant about introducing your boyfriend to your family. So relax, Susie.’

      She’d forgotten just how inherently suspicious he was, but it had been brought back to her now. She had fallen in love with a man who would only ever let her get so far and no further. There would always be part of him that was locked away. He was a charming, seductive lover, but a proper relationship would always threaten his self-control so he would never allow it. She’d conveniently managed to forget that part of him, and it hurt now to have been reminded of it.

      ‘I’m relaxed!’

      ‘You could have fooled me,’ Sergio murmured. ‘I think I know how to relax you, though...’

      He kissed her on her mouth, felt a whisper of protest, and then she melted into him until he drew back and looked down at her with a sexy smile.

      ‘Much better.’

      ‘Mum! Alex...’

      It wasn’t much better. She might have been able to hide away in their private little bubble before, but now she had to stand up and be counted—because there was a third party on the scene: a baby. She couldn’t keep going weak at the knees every time he glanced in her direction, pretending that the future was something that would take care of itself in due course.

      ‘This is... This is...’

      ‘I know who you are...’

      Alex had moved into charming mode, and Susie sighed as she watched her older sister do what most women did when those deep, dark eyes fastened on them. Her brilliant, sharp, independent and undeniably striking sister blushed.

      ‘Mother, this is only Sergio Burzi. I might be a neurosurgeon,’ she added coyly, ‘but even I know who you are. How on earth did you meet Suze?’

      ‘You naughty little thing!’ Louise Sadler was smiling, her beautiful aristocratic face creased with delight as she looked at Susie. ‘You kept this one well hidden under your hat. I expect you were hoping to surprise us...?’

      ‘Or maybe,’ Alex inserted, ‘you didn’t want to say anything just in case your date didn’t turn up. You must have your diary filled to overflowing, Mr Burzi...’

      ‘Sergio, please...’

      ‘You probably don’t remember me at all, but we were at the same art gallery opening a few months ago...’

      ‘Sergio...’ Louise stepped forward, still thrilled to bits, and took his arm. ‘You must come and meet the rest of the family. Your father is going to be delighted,’ she whispered to Susie, who had reluctantly fallen into step as they moved towards the main party, ‘that you’ve brought along such a gorgeous chap...’


      Too late. Events had been taken out of her hands. Or rather transferred from her hands into her family’s hands—and now, as the evening progressed, everyone else’s hands.

      So many people had heard of him. She hadn’t known him from Adam when she had plonked herself next to him uninvited because she had been on the run from her dinner companion. She hoped to God that he didn’t breathe a word about that.

      Having had him all to herself for the past few weeks, she was awestruck at the ease with which he mixed. He knew just what to say to everyone. He charmed. He was witty. He was flatteringly attentive to her. And she couldn’t help but feel a treacherous burst of pride at having his arm slung over her shoulders.

      Even Clarissa, who was getting steadily more tipsy as the evening wore on, and who barely had time to talk to anyone because she was so wrapped up with Thomas, dragged her to one side and told her that she wanted to hear everything the very second they were alone together once she’d returned from her honeymoon.

      Under any other circumstances, Susie would have been over the moon. Had they been seriously involved, and had their relationship gone beyond sex—had she not now been carrying his baby—she would have been bursting with happiness and daydreaming about being the next one to walk up the aisle.

      As things stood...

      ‘Did Stanley bring you? I guess you’ll be wanting to head off now...’

      Most of the guests had left. Only a circle of hard-core friends, all drunk, were swaying inside the marquee with glasses in their hands.

      Outside, the temperature had dropped and she hugged her pashmina around her.

      Somewhere in the course of the evening Sergio’s bow tie had been discarded, and she wanted to slip possessive fingers under his shirt and feel that hard, roughened chest against her skin. She itched to do it.

      ‘You’re not drinking?’

      ‘I...I’ve had a headache all day,’ Susie mumbled.

      ‘What’s eating you?’

      ‘Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming?’

      ‘Not this again. I wanted to introduce the element of surprise—let’s not breathe new life into that particular argument.’

      ‘You don’t know what you’ve gone and done.’

      ‘Really? Enlighten me.’

      ‘Now that my parents have met you...especially in the presence of every single one of my family members on my mother’s side...they’ll all be thinking that what we have is serious—is going somewhere...’

      ‘I’m not СКАЧАТЬ