Rumours: The Ruthless Ravensdales. Melanie Milburne
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Название: Rumours: The Ruthless Ravensdales

Автор: Melanie Milburne

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474096126


СКАЧАТЬ of any of his family in the villa.

      The sound of a footfall in the bedroom startled Holly so much she felt her flesh shrink away from her skeleton. She slipped into the shadows of Julius’s suits, using them as a shield to hide behind. Her heart hammered. Her breath halted. She couldn’t allow Julius to find her in here. But how on earth was she going to get out? Why hadn’t he told her and Sophia he was coming home tonight? Why turn up unannounced? What if he went to bed while she was stuck here, hiding in his wardrobe? She would have to hope and pray he’d go to the en suite and have a shower or something so she could sneak out without being detected. Hopefully the fact his bedside lamp was on wouldn’t make him suspicious. He might think Sophia had left it on in anticipation of him coming home...or something.

      The thoughts were a tumbling mess inside her head. Round and round they went until she felt dizzy. Her skin was breaking out in a sweat. She could feel beads of it rolling down between her breasts, under her arms, across her top lip.

      ‘Holly?’ Sophia’s voice called out. ‘Is that you?’

      The relief Holly felt was so great it was as if her legs were going to fold beneath her as the tension washed out of her. Even her arms felt boneless, her shoulders dropping as if had just been relieved of carrying a tremendous weight. She took a steadying breath and walked out of the wardrobe with what she hoped was a calm, collected and innocent look on her face. ‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘Did I give you a scare?’

      Sophia was frowning. ‘What were you doing in Señor Ravensdale’s wardrobe?’

      ‘I was just...checking to see if I’d put his shirts I ironed the other day in the right place,’ Holly said, mentally marvelling at her ability to construct a credible excuse at such short notice. ‘You know how fussy he is. I didn’t want him to come home and get antsy about the blue shirts mixed up with the white ones. Oh, and I straightened his ties. One was hanging half a millimetre lower than the others.’

      Sophia’s frown lessened slightly but didn’t completely disappear. ‘You don’t have to work at this time of night. You’re entitled to time off.’

      ‘I know, but I was bored, so I thought I’d double-check stuff.’

      ‘You’ve worked hard this week,’ Sophia said. ‘Much harder than I thought you would.’

      ‘Yeah, well, I’m not afraid of hard work,’ Holly said. ‘So, why are you up? I thought you were in bed.’

      ‘My wrist is giving me a bit of pain,’ Sophia said, wincing as she cradled her arm against her body. ‘I was coming past to go downstairs to make a hot drink when I heard a sound.’

      ‘Weren’t you worried it might be a burglar?’

      ‘No, I knew it was you.’


      ‘I could smell your perfume,’ Sophia said. ‘The one Señor Ravensdale bought for you. It was a good choice. It suits you.’

      Holly gave the housekeeper a quick stretch of her lips as a smile. ‘That man has serious class. Does he always buy women such expensive gifts?’

      Sophia gave her the sort of reproachful look a parent would give to a persistently naughty child. ‘Come and make me a hot chocolate,’ she said. ‘Then it’s time, young lady, for bed.’

      ‘When is Julius coming home?’ Holly asked as they walked down to the kitchen together. ‘Have you heard from him?’

      ‘He sent a text a couple of hours ago,’ Sophia said. ‘His plane was delayed in Santiago.’

      ‘Maybe he’s catching up with a lady friend.’

      Sophia pursed her lips without responding.

      ‘Why do you call him “Señor” instead of Julius?’ Holly asked.

      ‘He’s my employer.’

      ‘I know but you and he seem to be pretty chummy,’ Holly said. ‘How long have you worked for him?’

      ‘Since he moved to Argentina eight years ago.’

      ‘So you would’ve seen quite a few girlfriends come and go in his life, huh?’

      Sophia cast her a glance. ‘Why are you so interested in his private life? Do you have designs on him?’

      Holly coughed out a laugh. ‘Me? Interested in him? Are you joking? He’s the last person I would fall for. The very last.’

      Sophia released a soft sigh. ‘That’s probably a good thing.’

      ‘Because I’m too far below his station?’

      Sophia shook her head. ‘No. He wouldn’t let something like that be an issue. I think he wouldn’t fall in love too easily, that’s all.’

      ‘Like we have a choice in these things,’ Holly said, then quickly added, ‘not that I’m speaking from experience or anything.’

      ‘So you haven’t lost your heart to anyone yet?’ Sophia asked with another sideways glance.

      The word yet seemed to hang in the air. It was like a gauntlet being thrown down. Fate issuing a challenge. A dare.

      Holly laughed again. ‘Not yet.’ Not ever. Not going to happen.

      Not in a million years.

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