The Night Before Christmas. Tawny Weber
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Название: The Night Before Christmas

Автор: Tawny Weber

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474086172


СКАЧАТЬ involve my heart. Disappointed?”

      Her lips pursed, as if she was debating.

      “Well, I suppose it won’t jeopardize my chances of winning the account to admit that I was disappointed to find out you were my competition,” she said with a little shrug. The move did delicious things under that filmy shirt, the lush pillows of her breasts moving against the satin bra as if protesting their confinement. Gage’s fingers ached to touch. To see if she was as soft as she looked.

      “Disappointed because you are worried I’ll win?” he asked, too distracted by the view to worry about nicing up his words.

      “Disappointed that it meant we can’t date,” she denied, just a hint of irritation. “The man I met at the party was very appealing.”

      It wasn’t her words, so much as the snap in her tone that grabbed his attention. Gage noted the annoyance as it flashed in her eyes, then was gone.

      “But now you’re wondering if that man was real.” Gage frowned, wondering that, too. And wondering why he cared so much.

      “You’re obviously real, seeing as you’re sitting right next to me all but licking—” she hesitated, took a breath that made her breasts shift deliciously again, then said archly “—your plate. The only question I have is who you really are.”

      Marcus Milano’s son.

      Devon Milano’s younger brother.

      The last one consulted, the one who least fit the Milano mold.

      And—definitely—a man who didn’t need a pretty little blonde poking into who he really was.

      Time to change the subject.

      “Isn’t the more important question how you’re going to pitch this romantic fluff idea of yours?” he said with just a hint of disdain. As he’d hoped, her eyes flashed and she shifted her shoulders back into combat position.


      The only time he wanted her focused on him was if it included naked skin, hot tongues and the buildup to incredible orgasms.

      “You’re very dismissive of something you don’t understand.” She arched one brow, poking a strawberry with her fork and lifting it to her mouth. She didn’t bite it, though. Instead, she slid the juicy fruit over her lower lip. Gage’s eyes narrowed and his body stiffened.

      She smiled, her look pure triumph, as if her x-ray eyes saw through the table at his burgeoning boner.

      “Don’t you think you’re proving my point?” Gage asked, shifting in his chair. He wasn’t embarrassed at his physical reaction. But he wasn’t sure where she was going with this, either. Hailey had a way of leading things along, all innocent-like, then just when he was sure he’d won, she’d bat those lashes and outmaneuver him.

      He had to admire that about her.

      “No.” She touched the strawberry with the tip of her tongue, as if testing its taste. Gage’s brain shut down and he suddenly didn’t give a damn whether she won or not. Just as long as she did that same move on a particular part of his body.

      “Your point was that it’s just about sex. That the physical act and gratification are all that matters. My point is that the packaging is what makes that act so powerful. The buildup, the anticipation. The emotional journey.”

      She paused to let her words sink in, then bit that strawberry right in half. Gage almost groaned out loud as his dick did a happy leap to full attention.

      “You know,” she reminded him softly as she licked a tiny piece of strawberry off her lip. “The romance.”

      “Visuals,” he countered after clearing his throat. Then, always ready to play to win, he leaned closer. Close enough to get in her space. Close enough that the delicate scent of her perfume wrapped around him. And close enough to see the rapid beat of her pulse against her throat.

      “Imagery is powerful. I could describe to you exactly how I want to strip those clothes from your body, what I’d like to do once you’re naked and beneath me, how I want to taste you and where I’ll touch.” He waited, letting those words sink in. And sink they did, as she dropped her fork next to her plate and blinked quickly, looking as if she was trying to fan away that image with her eyelashes. Gage grinned. “But that’s sex. Which is my point.”

      As if he’d been waiting around the corner for just the right moment, the waiter came in again with their entrées. Gage vowed to give the guy an extra tip for perfect timing, since Hailey now had to sit quietly, looking shell-shocked and absorbing his words instead of skipping right past them while trying to prove her point.

      A point, Gage had to admit as his dinner was slid in front of him, that was pretty solid. If she was basing romance on good food and ambience, she’d have nailed it. He looked closer at the plate, noting all his favorites, from the way the steak was cooked to the type of vegetables.

      “So what’d you do? Hire an investigator to scope out what I eat? If Cherry and Rudy were here, would they be having the same?”

      “If Cherry and Rudy were here, their meals would fit their tastes,” she said primly, cutting a delicate sliver off her chicken.

      Gage glanced at the place settings, trying to see how she’d designated it so the waiter knew who got what. They all looked the same. And he’d chosen his own seat, and hers, so that wasn’t it.

      “Clever, but I don’t see what makes the meal choice romantic. Or what it has to do with lingerie,” he added, needing to remember the real purpose of this evening.

      “No?” She gave him one of those looks only women could pull off. The kind that made it clear she wondered where he kept his brains but didn’t hold his lack of knowledge against him since he was so damned cute. “Romance is the effort to show you care about someone else’s preferences. It’s putting in a little extra time to make sure they feel appreciated. Special.”

      “My grandma does that. Is she romancing me?”

      “Does she do it in a private room by candlelight, with your favorite music in the background?”

      Well, there was an image. Gage grimaced as it filled his head. Damn. She kept winning those points.

      Time to turn the tables.

      “So tell me, what’s the point of all this romance stuff you’re so hot on?” He disguised his shift closer to her chair by filling her wineglass. “Isn’t the end result the same?”

      “The result?”

      “When a guy romances a girl, or vice versa, the hoped-for result is sex, isn’t it? Same as a woman wearing lingerie. She wears it to get—” Gage winced before a very unromantic phrase slipped from his lips and corrected “—attention. The kind that will lead to sex.”

      “When you’re hungry, do you prefer filet mignon or a burger from the convenience store?”


      “Then I suppose Milano Lingerie’s place in that scenario would be, what? The equivalent to hunting down your own meal in the jungle and СКАЧАТЬ