The Doctors' Christmas Reunion. Meredith Webber
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Название: The Doctors' Christmas Reunion

Автор: Meredith Webber

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474090315



      Ellie sighed again.

      Had she been wrong?

      Pushed too hard?

      She didn’t know.

      But when she’d talked to Andy about one last attempt at IVF—not immediately, of course, but when her body was ready—Andy’s response had staggered her.

      He had been adamant—enraged, really. His answer had been an adamant no.

      Their two—well, three now—failed IVF attempts had already cost them too much, both financially and emotionally, and no amount of arguing was going to change his mind. He was done.

      Completely done.

      And if she thought they needed a baby to make their marriage complete then it couldn’t be much of a marriage.

      Stunned by his pronouncement, Ellie’s immediate reaction had been to pack her bags and head back to the city, but she’d grown far too fond of the town and its people to just walk out and leave them without a GP.

      Early on, she and Andy had tried to talk—one or other of them calling a truce—but the talk had soon become a row and now too many bitter, hurtful words hung in the air between them. Although Ellie could concede in her head that they would never have a child, she found it so much harder to accept it in her heart.

      Even harder to accept that Andy wouldn’t consider trying...

      So she’d opted to stay, but had packed her bags, moving into the flat downstairs, built to house the locums his parents had hired to replace Andy’s mother during her own maternity leave.

      Did the townspeople know?

      Was there gossip?

      Ellie assumed they did and that the gossip existed as it did in all country towns, but few attempted to discuss their situation, although she often felt the warmth of their compassion.

      The separate living and work situation had turned out for the best, Ellie thought glumly as she made her way through to the surgery and nodded a good morning to Maureen, her receptionist-cum-nurse, who was busy hanging tinsel along the front of her desk.

      Dismissing the idea that it could possibly be that close to Christmas when she herself felt so bleak, her thoughts tracked back to Andy... But how were they going to cope with Christmas?

      Didn’t the very word conjure up togetherness?

      Joy and laughter and sharing...

      Happiness, and hope for the future...

      Could they carry on with Christmas celebrations as if nothing had ever happened? Sit at one of their tables—just the two of them—with silly paper hats on their heads, reading even sillier jokes?

      The ache in Ellie’s heart deepened, but suddenly she knew.

      She couldn’t do Christmas, not here, not with Andy—she couldn’t go on with things the way they were. If she advertised now, she might find a young doctor, fresh out of GP training, who’d like the challenge of working in the bush. Or a skilled, well-qualified migrant, happy to spend three years working in the country before applying for permanent citizenship.

      She was sure there’d be someone.

      She wouldn’t actually get a new appointee until January, when staff changes were generally made, but if she stayed until just before Christmas, then Andy could manage any emergencies for a week or two.

      She’d go—

      Where would she go?

      Where the hell would she go?

      Back to the city?

      To what?

      Ellie shook her head. That idea had zero appeal to her.

      And she’d grown to love this town and its people so maybe she should go to another country town—one without Andy in it!

      Ellie could feel her heart weeping at the thought, but she had to accept they couldn’t go on as they were.

      ‘What’s Andy up to with this soccer club idea of his?’

      Maureen interrupted her gloomy thoughts as she pushed the final tack into place on the tinsel and fetched Ellie the mail.

      Ellie shook her head, clearing Christmas—and leaving—from her mind.

      Why had Andy started the soccer club? Had he told her while she was busy checking out all the familiar bits of the man she knew so well?

      Loved, even?

      ‘I know he’s having a barbecue for them on Saturday; our side veranda seems to have become the unofficial clubhouse. And some of the kids I’ve seen coming and going are far from athletic types, so I guess he’s doing it to raise their fitness levels.’

      ‘My Josie’s joined,’ Maureen said, ‘and you know the worry I have with her weight. I would have thought she’d be the last person picked for any team, so maybe fitness is behind it.’

      Ellie thought of the motley lot she’d seen on the side veranda from time to time, and for the first time wondered just what Andy was up to with this soccer club he’d started. The ones she’d noticed were a very mixed bunch.

      There were a couple of gangly Sudanese lads from the group of refugee families who’d been re-settled in the country town, a young teenage girl who was often in trouble with the police, two girls from a remote aboriginal settlement who boarded in town for schooling, and a rather chubby lad she suspected was bullied at school...

      Ellie took the mail through to her consulting room, aware yet again of the painful arguments that had split their oneness, and the gulf that had widened between them. Once Andy would have shared his interest in the team, and she’d have shared his enthusiasm...

      This was no good, she needed to focus on work.

      Ellie scanned the patient list, surprised to see Madeleine Courtney back again. Madeleine was a puzzle—one she would have shared with Andy had things been different.

      But they weren’t, she reminded herself sharply, stamping down on the little kernel of unhappiness inside her before it could open, overwhelming her with memories and grief...

      Only one other name stood out—Chelsea Smith. She frowned, trying to remember a patient of that name, then rubbed at her forehead because she knew she’d be frowning and it wouldn’t be long before she had permanent frown lines, and became known as Grumpy Doc Fraser.

      ‘Who’s this Chelsea Smith?’ she called to Maureen.

      ‘She’s a new patient. She phoned earlier so I put her in that space you leave every morning for emergencies.’

      Thanks a bunch, Ellie thought, but she didn’t say it. New patients always took longer to treat as Ellie had to gather as much information as possible from them.

      But Maureen СКАЧАТЬ