Hot Single Docs: London's Calling. Lynne Marshall
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Название: Hot Single Docs: London's Calling

Автор: Lynne Marshall

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474085632


СКАЧАТЬ was happening here? The magic she’d wanted when she’d first seen Rafael again and had imagined an embrace that could wipe all out all the grief they’d given each other?

      Certainly the sensations Rafael’s fingers were conjuring up were enough to wipe out rational thought. Like worrying about any hot water that was being wasted. Tendrils of a pleasure-pain mix were shooting down her spine and arcing right through her body.

      But it was just a neck massage. If they hadn’t happened to be standing in a shower cubicle it was something that could be perfectly acceptable between any colleagues who were friends and understood the aftermath of the physical challenge they’d just shared. If she started thinking it was intended to be intimate she could well be lining herself up for disappointment.

      ‘Thanks.’ Abbie’s movement was subtle but the touch of Rafael’s hand vanished instantly. She could feel him taking a step back even as she turned her head to smile at him.

      ‘We did it,’ she said.

      ‘Indeed.’ Rafael had one hand on the door. He raised his other hand to rub his own neck. ‘I’m sure Ethan and Leo will be delighted to hear how well we managed to work together.’

      Oh, yes...that disappointment had only been waiting to hit Abbie hard enough to make her lose her emotional footing.

      ‘That wasn’t what I meant,’ she muttered.

      Rafael leaned closer to hear her. Was it intentional that the movement pushed the door closed behind him? ‘What did you mean?’

      ‘That we put Lucy back together. I...I think she’s going to get a good result.’ Sudden, unwelcome tears stung the back of her eyes. Abbie turned them towards the shower so that Rafael wouldn’t see. There was steam billowing out over the top of the curtain now. At least she’d be able to have a good cry when she was under that stream of water. She needed Rafe to go away. Now.

      But he didn’t. ‘We certainly did,’ he said. ‘And what’s more, you probably saved her hand, Abbie. Well done, you.’

      The praise was sweet. So sweet that Abbie couldn’t hold back the tears now. She had to swipe at them with her hand.


      Rafe was turning her to face him. Tilting her face up with gentle pressure under her chin. The warmth of the steam around them had nothing on what was sparking between them and had it dampened the oxygen level as well? Abbie’s lips parted as she tried to find a new breath.

      The caring tone of the endearment Rafael had used still hung between them and it made the flicker of desire in his eyes totally irresistible. Abbie couldn’t look away. Her fatigue was forgotten as her body strained towards his, her mind willing him to touch her. To kiss her.

      She had no idea who moved first, and what did it matter?

      This was no gentle reunion kind of kiss. It was how Abbie had dreamed it might be. An incandescent moment that would burn everything else into oblivion. A leap straight back into the fierce passion they had discovered the first time they’d touched each other. A passion that had only grown more powerful the more they’d learned about each other’s bodies.

      He knew exactly what took her over the edge. The slide of his tongue against the inside of her lip and the way it tangled with the very tip of hers. The slide of his hands inside her clothing and the way those strong hands cupped her buttocks and pulled her against that hardness she knew so well. Wanted so badly...

      But somehow it didn’t feel right. Maybe it was becoming aware of the splash of water beside them and remembering where they were and how inappropriate this was.

      Or...maybe it was something much bigger than that.

      In the same way that she had seen the massage as being nothing more than a physical action, a part of Abbie’s brain could see that this was only sex.

      Passionate, exciting, mind-blowing sex certainly. The kind that had sealed their initial relationship and had led to Ella’s conception and had had them rushing headlong into marriage and a lifetime commitment, in fact. A kind that had been enough to keep them sane during the terrible times they’d been through in the course of Ella’s illness but, at the end of the day, it was just that. Sex.

      And perhaps that wasn’t enough any more and that was what didn’t feel right.

      It was Abbie whose hands stopped moving and touching. Whose lips stilled. Who wriggled free of the intimate contact of their lower bodies.

      ‘We can’t do this,’ she gasped.

      Rafael’s gaze slid towards the shower and he sighed. ‘Come home with me, then.’

      ‘No.’ Abbie shook her head. ‘I don’t just mean we can’t do it here.’

      There was bewilderment in his gaze now. He had no idea why Abbie had pulled away.

      ‘Can’t you see? It’s not going to solve anything, Rafe.’

      He still didn’t understand. And he didn’t believe her. He thought he was being rejected and at the flicker of pain—anger, even—Abbie’s heart sank. She was doing it again, wasn’t she? Attacking his pride. The surest route to strengthening the barrier between them instead of starting to dismantle it.

      But she could also see the internal struggle going on. The effort he was making.

      His voice was raw. ‘Then what is going to solve it, Abbie? Tell me.’

      There was nothing Abbie wanted more than to tell him.

      If only she knew.

      Rafael waited for a heartbeat. And then another. And then, muttering something in Italian that was probably a curse, he turned and left.

      A second later, Abbie heard the bang of a locker door. And then the thump of the changing-room doors being pushed open. Rafael was going somewhere else to shower and who could blame him?

      What had she done?

      Blown the best chance she could have had to reconnect with the man she loved?

      The fatigue came back in a wave that made it unbelievably hard to get on with what she had to do. The feel of her own hands on her skin as she pulled off the scrubs only reminded Abbie of the touch of Rafael’s hands and made her feel worse.

      What had she been thinking?

      * * *

      There was very little traffic around at this time of day, which was just as well because Rafael wasn’t paying much attention as he gunned his car in the direction of the only safe place he could think of. His home.

      Abbie didn’t want him.

      Her body did, that much had been obvious, but her heart didn’t and that was what mattered.

      How the hell could he let her know how much he still loved her if he wasn’t allowed to touch her? To let his body say the things that were too hard to put into words?

      She was being unfair. Shutting them both out of the one area of their relationship СКАЧАТЬ