Rumours: The Secret Billionaires. Дженнифер Хейворд
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СКАЧАТЬ see him smiling and briefly wondered if she’d got it all wrong. Could it simply be that he liked her? Did her conscience and anger at the way the power of the Di Marcello family had disowned her and Leo make her see things that weren’t there? There was only one way to find out.

      ‘Yes, I’d love to.’ She smiled warmly at him.

      ‘You do not have to fetch your little boy today?’ The question froze the smile on her lips.

      ‘No, he’s with my mother today.’

      ‘In that case, there is a nice restaurant on the next street I’d like to try.’

      ‘Perfect.’ Sadie smiled up at him, acutely aware that the other mechanics were showing interest in their prolonged conversation. She glanced back up at the office window to see Daniela grinning madly at her and waving her away, which just spurred her on to abandon her usual caution. ‘Let’s go, then.’

      Together they walked down the street to the restaurant Toni had mentioned. She’d been here before with friends but never with a man. In fact she’d never been anywhere with a man since Antonio had walked out on her, determined not to get caught up in things she and Leo just didn’t need.

      ‘So, you are here in Milan with your parents?’ The question caught her off guard as they sat outside, the early summer sunshine bright, but at least now she too could hide behind sunglasses.

      ‘Yes, we moved here when I was almost eighteen because of my father’s job, but we will be returning to England soon.’ Was she telling him too much? Should she have kept that to herself? If there was even the chance that her suspicions were right and he was working for Antonio Di Marcello, she would have to guard what she said.

      He sat back and glanced around him as the bustle of Milan continued. He didn’t seem at all perturbed or even interested in what she’d said. Again she questioned if she’d got it wrong.

      ‘Will you miss Milan?’ he asked as their drinks were put on the table and she looked at him, at the way his overalls were open at the front, revealing a white T-shirt which showed off his tanned skin and the firm muscles of his chest.

      Quickly she averted her gaze. Since when did she take such an interest in a man?

      ‘I will, but there is nothing to keep me here.’ She awkwardly rearranged the cutlery and condiments, hating the way she would be giving away her nerves to a man she still thought had ulterior motives for being here with her right now.

      ‘What about your little boy? Is his father in England?’ The casual question was loaded with suspicion and her unease notched up a level.

      ‘His father is here, in Italy—for all the good that does Leo.’ She couldn’t help the bitter anger which sounded in her voice, unable to keep the hurt of Antonio’s neglect from her tone.

      ‘And is he happy you are moving away with his son?’ Toni’s question hit her hard and she pressed her palm against her chest, as if she’d been physically touched. This was all getting too close to the doubts she’d battled with over recent months since her parents had announced they were moving back to England, desperately trying to persuade her to do the same. They had wrapped the move up in the need to retire closer to family, but she secretly wondered if it was more to do with her and Leo.

      ‘It’s none of his business,’ she snapped a little too sharply as Toni’s question hit on the root cause of her worry.

      ‘Does he not have a right to know?’ Behind those sunglasses she was sure Toni’s eyes were piercing her accusingly. She could feel it with every fibre of her body.

      ‘The only man who has a right to make any contribution to the decisions I make regarding my son is the man who puts a ring on my finger.’ Sadie couldn’t help the spark of anger which must show in her words and on her face. When she’d discovered she was pregnant, she’d hoped that man would be Antonio, the man she’d fallen in love with so easily, but she’d quickly learnt to accept that would never happen.

      * * *

      Antonio had a moment of panic before his usual control kicked back in. Marriage was something he’d tried once and never wanted again. It might have been based on lies, but it had only reaffirmed his long-held opinion that marriage wasn’t for him. Despite this, he knew he had a duty to the continuation of his family name—if there was no heir, that meant the end of the Di Marcello family. A duty he had shrugged off since his six-month marriage had spectacularly exploded in the most unpredictable way. That had been a marriage based on duty and now Sadie Parker had enlightened him to another duty and, whatever he thought of marriage, he was going to have to accept and honour that duty. His son had to come first, not because he was the Di Marcello heir, the next generation, but because he was his son and he didn’t want his son to have an empty childhood like his own. Could he put all he believed aside and love his son?

      For his son he would do anything.

      ‘Strong words,’ he teased and sat back, forcing his limbs to relax in a way he was far from feeling. He couldn’t afford to blow his cover, not now. He was still Toni and would have to remain on alert. There was the rest of the day to get through before he could reveal himself and even then it would be too soon.

      No, that particular revelation would have to keep for a little while longer. He had the small matter of his parents to deal with first. A visit he was not looking forward to. They would have to accept Leo. It was his turn to manipulate and use emotional blackmail.

      He could sense Sadie’s suspicion, feel her doubt, and he knew this would have to be handled very carefully. He needed to give her space and time to let her guard down, because right now her defensive barrier was almost impenetrable, a mechanism he knew all about.

      ‘It’s what I feel, Mr Adessi.’

      ‘Toni, please.’

      Sadie frowned at him, then sat back and smiled. ‘Okay, Toni, tell me a bit about you. What is it you are rushing back to in Rome?’

      ‘Who said I was rushing?’

      She pushed her sunglasses up onto her head, pulling her hair from her face and allowing him to see those expressive green eyes. ‘You are leaving work today after only two weeks.’

      There was lightness to her voice and he sensed her relaxing. Could it be that she was letting him closer? Or was she toying with him again?

      ‘It’s not what really interests me.’ There was a game of cat and mouse being played out across the table and it wasn’t yet clear who was which—or who was in charge. He suspected she was not as relaxed as she would have him believe.

      ‘What does?’ she asked, looking down as her meal was placed in front of her.

      ‘I’m more of a builder than a mechanic,’ he said, bending the truth to fit his double persona. If he told her he was in the construction industry, that his company built ground-breaking designs around the world, it would surely give him away—or confirm her suspicions.

      She looked at him for a moment and he thought he’d gone too far, then she shrugged slightly and began her meal. ‘This is delicious. Thank you for bringing me here.’

      He looked around at the simple restaurant and then back at her. Once he’d resumed the identity of Antonio Di Marcello he’d be taking her to much more glamorous places than this. СКАЧАТЬ