A Baby For The Billionaire. Maureen Child
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Название: A Baby For The Billionaire

Автор: Maureen Child

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request

isbn: 9781474092982


СКАЧАТЬ stared at her for a second or two then said, “Yeah. Just what I was thinking.”

      Dina didn’t even know how to respond to that and thankfully, she didn’t have to. A small crowd of people rushed from the castle down the drive to the car. A short man in a sharp black suit and carefully tended hair walked directly to Connor and held his hand out.

      “Mr. King,” he said, in a voice brushed with a lovely accent. “So good to have you back again. We’ve your usual suite prepared for you.”

      “Thank you, Sean,” Connor said, shaking the man’s hand. “Dina, this is Sean Flannery, the castle manager.”

      “Nice to meet you.”

      “And you, madam,” Sean said, taking her hand in a firm grip before turning back to Connor. “We’ve also taken care of your special requirements. The extra bedroom is equipped for your triplets, and may I add my congratulations to you and your lovely wife.”

      Dina blinked, surprised. Then she realized she shouldn’t have been. Why wouldn’t the hotel staff assume she and Connor were married? They were traveling with triplets, after all.

      “Oh, thank you, but—”

      Connor dropped one arm around her shoulders. “My wife’s tired from the flight, Sean, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to get us checked in right away.”

      “Certainly.” He waved a hand and suddenly the throng of hotel employees with him descended on the limo, taking luggage out of the trunk and hurrying toward the arched stone doorway.

      Dina gave Connor a look, but he shook his head as if to say later, so she let it go. Instead, she turned back to the limo and leaned inside. She unhooked the babies from their car seats and one at a time, she handed the kids out to Connor, who corralled them on the pristine lawn. But the triplets had been trapped for too long and refused to stand still. The three of them took off in different directions, toddling unsteadily across the grass, squealing and babbling as they went.

      “We should catch them before they ruin the flower beds or fall into the fountain—”

      “They’re fine,” Connor said, watching the three of them with a soft smile on his face. “Just exploring.”

      “Uh-huh.” She glanced back at the noble facade of the castle and could only imagine the luxurious furnishings inside. With that thought came the worry of just what three curious babies could do to elegant accommodations. “Maybe we should have found a smaller hotel. Triplets? Here?”

      “If you’ll pardon me, Mrs. King,” Sean said with a smile and a wink, “you’re not to worry about a thing. This is Ireland. Children are welcome everywhere.”

      With those words, she felt more than welcome, and nearly relaxed. Until she saw Sadie pulling flowers up and had to run to catch the little girl before she did too much damage. Connor ran after the boys at the same time and while the Irish wind blew all around them, they worked as a team to gather the babies.

      By the time they were settled in their palatial suite and had ordered room service dinner, the trips were ready for bed. Using teamwork, Connor and Dina got all three of them bathed and tucked in, then Connor poured two glasses of wine and they collapsed into lush green velvet wing-back chairs in the luxurious living room.

      Through the wide windows that overlooked what she’d learned was Lough Corrib, Dina saw the twilight sky and the tips of the trees guarding the castle dancing in the wind. Still watching the magical scene outside, she took a sip of her wine and said, “The manager seems to know you very well. You even have your usual suite.”

      “I stay here when I visit my cousin Jefferson and his family.” He eased back into the cushy armchair. “Maura’s sheep farm is only a half hour away, and the castle is comfortable.”

      She laughed a little. “Comfortable? It’s...I don’t even have a word for it.” Shaking her head, Dina said, “I’ve never been anywhere even remotely like it.”

      He stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed his feet at the ankles. “Wait until you see it at night with the moonlight on the lake. Pretty spectacular. Tomorrow, we can take the triplets down to the lake, let them throw rocks...”

      “Or fall in and go swimming?”

      “We’ll be with them. But that’s a good question. Have they taken swimming lessons yet?” he asked.

      “No,” she said, studying the gold-colored wine in her glass. “Elena was going to take them this summer, but—”

      He frowned, took a small sip of his own wine and said, “We’ll have to do it instead. My cousin Rafe is going to install a fence around my pool, but swimming lessons are pretty much life or death for kids, don’t you think?”

      “I agree.”

      “Good.” He gave her a fast smile that resonated inside her with a heat she really didn’t want to acknowledge. “I’ll arrange for a private instructor to come to the house starting next month.”

      “I don’t know that we’ll still be at your house next month,” she said.

      “Oh, I think we can count on it.” He tipped his head to one side and stared at her for a long moment or two.

      “Connor...” He wasn’t treating their move to his house as if it were temporary, but that was how she had to think of it. No matter what it felt like occasionally, she and Connor and the trips weren’t a family. They were...more like survivors of a shipwreck huddled together in what, at the moment, was a pretty fabulous lifeboat.

      She had to make him see that she couldn’t stay indefinitely at his house. But what could she say? She was too nervous to stay at his place? She didn’t trust herself around him? Oh, a man that sure of himself really didn’t need to hear anything like that. Muttering under her breath, she took a sip of her wine.

      “What was that?”

      “Nothing,” she said. “So what are we doing here in Ireland, exactly?”

      His mouth quirked as if he knew she was desperately trying to change the subject. “Well, I told you I’ve stayed here at the castle before, but this time I’ll be talking with management, gathering information about what kind of activities they offer families and in general seeing if Ashford Castle would be a good fit for our family adventure company.”

      “I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying staying here.”

      “Oh, it’s beautiful,” he agreed, shifting his gaze around the room, “but will it be enough to qualify as a family adventure? We’ll see.”

      “Maybe it doesn’t have to be so much about adventure as it does a family spending time together in an amazing place,” she said. “I know the castle itself would be enough to capture the imagination of any child. They’d picture themselves as knights and princesses...”

      He nodded. “You might be right about that. My brothers and I would have loved this place when we were kids.”

      Several seconds of silence passed before he asked, “Did you see much of the triplets before they came to live with you?”

      “What?” СКАЧАТЬ