The Dare Collection July 2019. Nicola Marsh
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СКАЧАТЬ own comfort.

      She turned to thank him for the hundredth time, and nearly ran into his chest. Trish looked up, her breath stalling in her lungs at the intensity of his dark eyes. “Uh, hi.”

      “Hey.” He slipped his hands over her shoulders and up to cup her jaw, pausing there as if he meant to say something. She found herself holding her breath, waiting for... She wasn’t sure what.

      But the moment passed. Cameron sifted his fingers through her curls and tilted her head back farther so he could kiss the sensitive spot beneath her ear. “What am I going to do with you, Trish?”

      She cleared her suddenly dry throat. “I can think of a few ideas.”

      “I imagine you can.” His dark chuckle curled her toes in her boots. “I’m going to start by taking you to bed.”

      That sounded like the best kind of plan to her. She nodded, but he was already moving, scooping her into his arms and heading for their bedroom. Trish couldn’t help her breathless laugh. “I can walk, you know.”

      “I know.” He kicked the bedroom door shut. “But why walk when I enjoy carrying you so much?”

      Since she didn’t have a witty response to that, she kissed him. Cameron let her slide down his body without losing contact with her mouth. He teased her lips open and delved inside, kissing her as if this was the main event and he’d be happy kissing her forever.

      It wasn’t enough.

      Unwilling to break the kiss, she undid his pants and shoved them down. Cameron kicked out of his shoes and the pants and walked her back to the bed, working on getting her jeans off in the process. It wasn’t smooth or suave, and she ended up giggling as he wrestled the offending denim off, but they finished stripping quickly, until they stood before each other naked.

      She stepped closer and pressed her hand over his heart. “This might sound corny, but you’re seriously beautiful.”

      “You’re stealing my lines.” He pulled her closer, spreading one hand across the small of her back as he fit their hips together. “You know, the first time we had sex, I knew I wanted to someday trace constellations of your freckles.”

      She’d always liked her freckles—aside from the middle school years where everyone hated everything about themselves—but she’d never considered that someday she’d be with a man who spoke about them like that. As if they were as attractive as her breasts or ass. “That sounds unbearably hot.” She grinned. “One second.”

      Trish hurried into the bathroom and dug through her makeup bag. She headed back into the bedroom a few seconds later, wielding her lip liner. “Do it.”

      If anything, the heat in Cameron’s gaze flared hotter. “On the bed.”

      She scrambled to obey, so turned on she could barely drag in a steady breath. The way he looked at her in that moment would fuel masturbation sessions for the rest of her damn life.

      He joined her on the bed and coasted his hand just above her skin, tracing a pattern only he could see. His brows drew together in concentration as he uncapped her bright pink lip liner and carefully connected a series of freckles on her stomach. It tickled, but laughing was the last thing on Trish’s mind. “Oh God.”

      “Mmm.” He leaned down and pressed a light kiss to the space in the center of the new constellation. “Hold still.”

      And so it went. Cameron drew another half-dozen constellations on the front of her body. Her chest. Under her right breast. Just above her pussy. On the inside of her left thigh. The top of each foot.

      He knelt between her spread thighs and took in his work. “Fuck.”

      “Take a picture.”

      His gaze slammed into her own. “Trish—”

      “Do it. I want to remember this always.” Because I won’t have it forever. It’s something we’ll share no matter what happens. She swallowed past her dry throat. “I trust you.”

      Another hesitation, longer this time, but he finally nodded and rose to get his phone. Cameron seemed to take the photography as seriously as he took everything in life. He adjusted her position to his satisfaction and snapped a few pictures.

      By the time he was finished, her entire body practically vibrated with need. “Touch me.”

      He rejoined her on the bed and handed her the phone. “Passcode is five-five-six-three.”

      She realized he’d stuck her photos in a passcode protected folder and typed it in. As Trish swiped through the photos, each sexier than the next, Cameron settled next to her and ran his hand down her stomach—avoiding smudging his work—and cupped her pussy. “You’re the beautiful one, Trish.” He kissed her neck as he fucked her slowly, thoroughly, with his fingers. He shifted to see the pictures. “That one’s my favorite.”

      In the photo, she had her arms over her head and her legs spread as if she’d just been fucked within an inch of her life. From the angle, she could just make out the slightest glistening of her pussy where she was so wet, she ached for him. The bright pink constellations stood out against her pale skin, turning it from just another sexy-dirty photo into something closer to art.

      She lifted her hips to take his fingers deeper. “It’s my favorite, too.” Driven by the knowledge that this might be one of the few things he kept to remember her by once everything was said and done, she flipped back to the camera and took a picture of where his fingers speared her. Don’t forget me, Cam. Don’t forget this.


      “Not yet.” She wasn’t even sure what she denied him, only that nothing good came from Cameron saying her name in that rough tone of voice. A tone that spoke of truths she wasn’t ready to hear.

      She pushed him onto his back and straddled his hips. A few seconds later, she had his cock sheathed in a condom, and Trish wasted no time sinking onto him, taking him as deep as she possibly could, until she wasn’t sure where she ended and he began.

      She rode him slowly, determined to make this last, to hold out as long as possible. Pleasure built between them, as inexorable as their next heartbeats. The expression on his face was so stark, so possessive, so goddamn hot, she had to close her eyes to keep from coming on the spot.

      “Don’t close your eyes, Trish. Don’t shut me out.”

      Immediately, she opened them again. Cameron pulled her down to claim her mouth as he rolled them and leveraged her legs wider. He lifted her hips a little as he thrust into her, the new angle bowing her back and drawing a cry from her lips. “Oh God, Cameron.” She gripped his thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist and he leaned back, and he thrust again, hitting the same spot. Her mind went blank and words sprang from her lips, words she had no control over. “OhGoddontstoppleasedontstop. IlovethisIlovethisIlovethisIloveyou. Yesyesyesyesyes.” Another stroke and she was lost. Trish came hard enough that she damn near vibrated out of her skin. “Cameron!”