The Dare Collection June 2019. Rachael Stewart
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      ‘You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you?’

      ‘I don’t need to crow about my successes, Neve. They speak for themselves.’

      ‘Spoken like a true egomaniac.’

      Far from being irritated by my waspish response, he gave an insanely sexy smile. ‘Keep giving me compliments like that and I might just fall for your charms.’

      ‘Sorry. My one compliment started and ended there.’

      His smile slowly dimmed. ‘Shame.’

      Before I could ask what he meant, the Weston twins returned to the stage.

      Sam smiled and I cautioned myself not to get excited. ‘We love everything you stand for, Miss Nolan. My best friend and her fiancé stayed at your hotel the week before they got married and they adored it. We really want to go with you...’ my heart dropped as she paused and meshed her fingers together ‘...but on the basis of a two-year deal with The Mortimer Group attached as a possible future partner and Mr Mortimer as a consultant. For that we’ll offer Mr Mortimer a ten per cent share of our company.’

      Damian shrugged. ‘It’s not the perfect deal but it’s interesting enough. I’m in.’ He glanced at me. His gaze wasn’t challenging. It was almost...hopeful.

      Silence thrummed through the charged space.

      Aware of the cameras trained on me, I cleared my throat. I was a strong, intelligent businesswoman. I couldn’t afford to crow at the win I sensed within reach or exhibit my fierce reluctance to have Damian attached to my business.

      Besides...wasn’t this the perfect opportunity? His professional involvement would be abstract but he’d be within reach of the sexual plans I had in mind long enough for me to deliver that final coup de grâce my soul, and my pride, needed.

      I plastered on a smile, aware that the fifteen-second suspenseful silence we’d agreed with the production team to add extra drama to the show was slowly ticking by.

      Again, I met Damian’s gaze. Hope had given way to blatant, challenging hunger. One that dared me to come out and play. My skin grew hotter, that insane urge to tangle with him and win this time rushing through me again.

      A two-year deal with the twins and Fantasy Rooms was the best thing that I could deliver to my hotel right now. It was the perfect platform from which to launch myself internationally, to show my mother that I could make an even better success of her parents’ business despite her doubts.

      And by the end of that term I’d prove to the twins that they were better off with me in the long run than with Damian.

      ‘Have mercy, Neve. The suspense is killing us all,’ Damian mocked with a half-smile. ‘I know this is a TV show but do you want your potential new partners to have heart attacks before they sign on the dotted line?’

      A little embarrassed, I glanced over at the twins, who were staring at me with identical expressions of apprehensive hope.

      Tyler’s imploring brown gaze met mine and a part of me grew excited for them because their dream was coming true.

      Perhaps it was a little foolish to lay my heart on the line for them but I intended to protect their business just as fiercely as I would mine so they’d never know the kind of betrayal I’d felt at the hands of Damian Mortimer.

      Fortified by that belief, I nodded. ‘I’m in.’

      Sam gave a shocked, ecstatic gasp. Tyler’s smile stretched wide as he fist-pumped. My own smile widening, I stood and approached them.

      ‘Thank you,’ Sam gushed.

      ‘I’m excited...we’re both excited you’re on board,’ Tyler said as he held onto my hand, still grinning wildly.

      The camera zoomed in, and I sensed Damian approach. My stomach dipped as I felt heat from his body caress mine.

      ‘Congratulations,’ he offered, shaking Sam’s hand.

      His gaze slid to where mine was still held in Tyler’s and narrowed imperceptibly.

      The observation sent a pulse of electricity through me but I ignored it. The other Raiders joined us, offered congratulations of their own.

      Damian thrust his hand at Tyler. They shook hands abruptly as the director shouted cut.

      ‘We’re so glad you’re on board, Miss Nolan. You’re our inspiration, the reason we decided to come on the show,’ Sam said with a wide smile.

      ‘I’m beginning to feel like a spare part,’ Damian drawled, brittle amusement tilting his lips.

      ‘No,’ Tyler piped up. ‘We hoped you’d be on board too but Nevirna was always our target. No offence.’

      ‘None taken. For your sake, I hope your gamble pays off,’ Damian said in a cool tone.

      ‘So what happens now?’ Sam asked me.

      ‘Now I get my lawyers to put together a contract package. I expect Mr Mortimer will also do the same. But before that I’d love to see a real-life sample of your work.’ I already had my ideal fantasy room in mind.

      ‘Of course,’ Tyler responded immediately. ‘We’d love to show you a full scale of our work. We put a few of our outfitters on notice on the off-chance we might need them. We’re at your disposal to start immediately if you wish.’

      Impressed by their forward thinking, I reached into my jacket and handed over my business card. ‘You’ll have my email with specifications within the hour and I’ll tell my hotel manager to expect your call. She’ll have a room ready for you to start on tomorrow. But that means you’ll have to travel to Westport tonight.’

      ‘No problem,’ Sam said.

      ‘And when you’re done with Neve’s place, you will do one of mine,’ Damian added. ‘I’d also like a demonstration before I fully commit.’ He addressed the twins but his gaze was fixed squarely on me.

      Immediately lewd images invaded my brain, supplying reel after reel of every hot, dirty fantasy I wanted to indulge in with him.

      ‘Will it be at Mortimer Plaza?’ Sam’s excitement broke into my lurid thoughts.

      Damian’s gaze darkened, as if he’d read my filthy fantasies. ‘I’ll decide on a location later. But we’ll both inspect the finished work to make sure we are on board. Which means I’m coming to Westport too. Any objections?’ He directed the question to me.

      I forced an easy shrug, despite the wild blaze invading my pelvis. ‘Not at all.’

      Damian shot a few pertinent questions at them. I parried with a few of my own. Then we parted company.

      The moment our mics were taken off, Damian stepped closer. Against my will my breath caught, every sense vividly aware of the way his broad shoulders blocked out the rest of the room. Hell, even his five o’clock shadow made my fingers itch for its rough bristle against my skin.

      ‘You think СКАЧАТЬ