Australian Affairs: Claimed. Margaret Way
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Название: Australian Affairs: Claimed

Автор: Margaret Way

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474086653


СКАЧАТЬ between her thighs. She had never felt comfortable enough to allow Charles to explore her so intimately. But somehow she sensed that nothing would be offlimits to Jake Chandler. He would be a masterful and exciting lover—and a demanding one. She had felt it in that disturbingly erotic kiss. Her body had responded with such fervency to the head-spinning experience of his mouth commandeering hers. It had probably been just another kiss to him, but to her it had been a revelation. It had shown her how out of control her needs could be given the right inducement.

      She had never thought of herself as a particularly passionate person. She had put her lacklustre love-life with Charles down to a mixture of long-term familiarity and the exhausting demands of their careers. But in Jake Chandler’s arms she had been transformed into a wild woman with even wilder needs. She thought again of what would happen if she gave in to those needs. So many young women her age enjoyed casual flings. It was part of life these days. She was becoming a bit of an anachronism with her white picket fence and pram mentality. Why couldn’t she have the same freedom as other girls her age? It wasn’t as if she had to fall in love with him. He was hardly likely to fall in love with her. Could she be brave enough to step out of her comfort zone and live a little?

      Jake’s phone rang and he answered it via the Bluetooth device on the steering wheel. ‘Jake Chandler.’

      ‘Hi, Jake, it’s Tiffany. Remember me?’

      ‘Tiffany…’ He scratched his jaw. ‘From the gym, right?’

      The woman gave a tinkling laugh. ‘That’s the one,’ she said. ‘Are you up for a drink some time?’

      Kitty rolled her eyes and looked out of the window, a fist of jealousy clutching at her insides. What a silly fool she had been to think he would wait patiently for her to make up her mind.

      Of course he wouldn’t wait.

      He probably had a waiting list of potential lovers. She was just a temporary diversion from his usual list of candidates. Her temporary appointment at St Benedict’s gave him a perfect get-out clause—a three-month affair with no strings.

      ‘Yeah, why not?’ Jake was saying. ‘How about tomorrow at Brad’s place? Shall we say around nine?’

      ‘Lovely,’ the woman said. ‘I’ll look forward to it.’

      ‘See you then, Tiffany,’ he said. ‘Ciao.’

      Kitty threw him a look of disgust. ‘You could have at least waited until I was out of the car before you planned your next seduction.’

      ‘We’re just meeting for a drink,’ he said.

      ‘You don’t even remember who she is, do you?’

      ‘I can picture her,’ he said, frowning as if trying to recall. ‘Blonde hair, long legs, nice smile.’

      ‘Have you slept with her?’

      ‘Not yet.’

      Kitty’s insides clenched again. ‘What’s stopping you?’

      ‘There’s the little matter of a thousand bucks, for one thing,’ he said. ‘I’m not going to lose a bet like that unless I’m sure it’s going to be worth it.’

      Did he think she would be worth it? Kitty wondered. Could it be possible that he found her just as exciting and tempting as she found him? It had certainly felt that way while he was kissing her. She had felt the powerful charge of his desire. His body had left an imprint on hers she could feel even now.

      ‘And the other thing is I like to be the one who does the chasing,’ he added.

      ‘Isn’t that a little old fashioned of you?’

      He flashed her a quick grin as he swung his car into the car park. ‘Look who’s talking, Miss Nineteenth Century.’

      As soon as the car drew to a halt Kitty opened the passenger door. ‘Thank you for taking me,’ she said stiffly. ‘I hope I didn’t disrupt your plans for tonight too much.’

      ‘It was fine,’ he said. ‘I enjoyed myself.’


      He waved a hand. ‘‘Night.’


      ‘STUPID, stupid, stupid,’ Kitty berated herself as she cleansed her face in her bathroom a few minutes later. ‘What were you thinking?’ She grabbed a bunch of tissues and savagely wiped off her cleanser. ‘Miss Nineteenth Century. What a jerk!’

      The doorbell sounded.

      Kitty tossed the tissues in the bin and went down to open the door—to find Jake standing there with her violin case.

      ‘You forgot something,’ he said, holding the case out to her.

      ‘Oh…’ She took it from him with a sheepish look. ‘Thanks.’

      ‘I called my mate about your car,’ he said. ‘I told him I’d drop it off at his workshop once I get the battery charged.’

      ‘Thank you, but I don’t want to put you to any more trouble.’

      ‘No problem,’ he said.

      Kitty went to close the door but he put a foot out to stop it from closing. ‘Aren’t you going to ask me in for a coffee or something?’ he asked.

      ‘I’m sure you’ve had much better offers this evening,’ she said with a speaking look.

      ‘Phone’s been running hot, but I thought I’d have a quiet one tonight.’

      ‘Good for you.’ She pushed against the door again. ‘Do you mind?’

      His gaze ran over her teddy bear pyjamas. ‘Am I keeping you out of bed?’

      ‘Not at all,’ she said. ‘It’s not even eleven o’clock.’

      ‘Then let’s have a nightcap,’ he said. ‘You owe me one for driving you all that way tonight.’

      She stepped back from the door. ‘You said it wasn’t a problem.’

      ‘It wasn’t. But then I found your violin case. The least you could do is offer me a drink for delivering it to your door.’

      She blew out a breath of resignation. ‘What would you like?’ she asked.

      ‘What are you having?’

      Kitty hoped he couldn’t see the milk and choc-chip cookies she had laid out on the table for her supper. ‘I was thinking about a glass of wine,’ she said, surreptitiously blocking his view of the kitchen. ‘Do you like red or white?’

      ‘What have you got open?’

      ‘Nothing as yet,’ she said. ‘I’m not a big drinker.’

      ‘Then СКАЧАТЬ