Her Holiday Rancher. Cathy Mcdavid
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Название: Her Holiday Rancher

Автор: Cathy Mcdavid

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mustang Valley

isbn: 9781474045735


СКАЧАТЬ didn’t you tell me yesterday you were the trustee?” he asked.

      She crossed her arms over her middle. “My instructions were not to tell anyone before the reading of the will.”

      “I helped you rescue your horse.”

      “Doesn’t work that way, Gabe.”

      He shifted, the chilly November air penetrating his dress shirt. Why hadn’t he grabbed his suit jacket before coming outside?

      “Isn’t there a conflict of interest?”

      “Rest assured, I’m completely unbiased when it comes to my job, and completely professional.”

      “Your father has been after Dos Estrellas for years. Twice he tried to buy it when Dad fell behind on the property taxes. And he made an offer earlier this year. Dad was going through chemo. Nothing like kicking a man when he’s down.”

      “What are you implying?”

      “Can you be relied on not to use your position to advance your father’s ambitions?”

      She pivoted on her high heels. It was a miracle she didn’t lose her balance and face-plant in the driveway. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”

      Gabe took hold of her elbow. They both stilled. “It’s a fair question.”

      “I have never used my job to advance my father’s ambitions or my own. Nor would I. You asking such a thing is insulting.”

      “Look at me, Reese.” He waited until did. “I’m protecting my family.”

      She sagged, some of the fight going out of her. “You’re angry—about the terms of the will and your brothers inheriting two-thirds of the ranch. You were also taken aback learning I’m the trustee. For those reasons, I’ll pretend you didn’t just question my ethics.”

      “Our fathers didn’t get along.”

      “I disagree. They actually liked and admired each other greatly. My father has always spoken very highly of yours.”

      “They were business rivals. And your father was considerably more successful than mine.”

      “Your father had two families to support. I’m an only child, and my mother left when I was eight. It makes a difference.”

      Her parents’ divorce was another similarity they shared. While Gabe’s father had taken a mistress, Reese’s mother had abandoned her family, running away with her lover, who was, at the time, the Small Change’s tax accountant.

      “And your father came from money,” Gabe said.

      “Which gave him all the more reason to admire yours. August Dempsey made something of himself from humble beginnings.”

      Gabe didn’t voice what was on his mind, that, in the end, his father had lost much of what he’d built. The family would be paying off his medical bills for years. Which meant Reese would be the trustee of his father’s estate for a long, long time.

      “Can we not argue about this?” She glanced down at her arm, which Gabe still held.

      He let his hand drop and instantly missed the intimate contact. He’d felt warmth beneath the fabric of her jacket. And soft, supple flesh. It had stirred his senses.

      “Does your boss know about the feud between our families?”

      “Of course he does.”

      “And he doesn’t care?”

      “First of all, I’m the one who told Walt. I thought it would be best he hear it from me. Secondly, as I said earlier, I’m required by my position with the bank to be honest and fair. Also, every detail of my work will be scrutinized by the board.” She squared her shoulders. “Should even one small detail come under question, my job could be at stake. I won’t risk it.”

      “You don’t need to work. Your father’s well-off.”

      Reese inhaled sharply. “You’re hardly an expert on my personal life.”

      Gabe could have kicked himself. “I’m sorry. I was out of line.”

      “Fine. Apology accepted.” She reached for the open car door. “Now, if you don’t mind.”

      “Would I also be out of line if I requested someone else at the bank be appointed as trustee? Surely, you aren’t the only person qualified.”

      He expected her to be mad. She fooled him again by dismissing his question with an indifferent shrug. “You can ask. The answer will be no.”


      “I’m not at liberty to say.”

      “Sounds like a convenient excuse.”

      “It isn’t.”

      Again, she’d barely reacted. Gabe found that interesting. Reese was either incredibly confident or she knew something she wasn’t telling.

      Her cell phone chimed from her jacket pocket. Extracting the phone, she glanced at the display and promptly answered with an anxious, “Yes, Enrico.” After a pause, she said, “I’ll be right there,” and disconnected. “I have to go,” she told Gabe.

      “Is everything okay?”

      “Yes. No.” She fumbled with the phone before returning it to her pocket. “My father fell from the porch steps.”

      “Is he hurt?”

      “Banged his knee. He may need to see the doctor.”

      For a banged knee? Gabe thought Reese might be overreacting. Theo McGraw was tough as nails and wouldn’t be bothered by a little tumble off the porch steps. “Call me if you need anything.”

      She narrowed her gaze. “Really? After raking me over the coals, you’re offering to be the good neighbor?”

      “I, um...”

      He’d started to say he was concerned for her, then changed his mind at the last second. He didn’t give a damn about Reese McGraw.

      Except, that wasn’t true. He did feel something for her. Compassion and sympathy, at least. Why else would he have kept her secret all these years?

      If not for their fathers’ rivalry, their relationship might have taken a different path. They had been classmates and neighbors. Dating in high school wouldn’t have been far-fetched.

      Anything transpiring between them now, however, was out of the question, and Gabe was wise to maintain a safe distance.

      The problem was he wanted to take her in his arms, give her a hug and tell her not to worry. Her father was going to be fine.

      “I don’t hate you, Reese. And I don’t wish your father ill. If he needs help, or you, call me.”

      “Thank СКАЧАТЬ