His Unexpected Twins. Carrie Nichols
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Название: His Unexpected Twins

Автор: Carrie Nichols

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Small-Town Sweethearts

isbn: 9781474091442


СКАЧАТЬ her place waiting for him when he picked her up. Way to go, she scolded herself. Except he’d said yes to popcorn and a movie. And now she probably had a big goofy grin on her face.

      They pulled into her driveway and drove past a rambling log home more suited to Architectural Digest than Loon Lake. Although she hadn’t been inside she knew the floor-to-ceiling windows in the back offered a breathtaking view of the lake. The motion-sensitive lights came on as Liam’s truck approached the three-car garage where she rented the upstairs apartment. Despite living here for six months, she had yet to meet the absent owner of the impressive main house. Her rental was handled through a management company.

      Liam pulled his truck next to her car. “Am I blocking anyone if I park here?”

      “No. It’s fine. The log home’s owner is still absent.”

      He hopped out of his truck. “Who owns it?”

      “That’s the big Loon Lake mystery.” She started up the stairs to her apartment. Partway up, she turned to him. “There’s a rumor it belongs to Thayer Jones, that ex-hockey player who grew up here. But no one really knows. Even Tavie Whatley doesn’t know for sure.”

      Liam laughed. “Then it really is a mystery.”

      Warmth flowed through her at his laugh. “Yeah, I didn’t think it was possible to do anything in this town without Tavie knowing all the details.”

      Seventysomething Tavie Whatley ran Loon Lake General Store and much of the town from her perch behind the cash register. She and her husband, Ogle, were not only fixtures in the community but the force behind many of its charitable endeavors. Brody jokingly called Tavie Loon Lake’s benevolent dictator.

      She unlocked her door and they entered her small but efficient kitchen. She loved the light gray bottom cabinets, porcelain farmhouse-style sink and open shelving above a wooden countertop. A breakfast bar divided the kitchen from the living area. Off the living room was a short hall leading to her bedroom and the bathroom.

      “I’d give you a tour, but this is really it—other than the bedroom...” She cleared her throat. Why did showing Liam her bedroom feel so awkward? Her bed was made and there wasn’t a stuffed animal in sight: an adult bedroom. Huh, did she want to avoid reminders she was an adult and old enough to be sexually active? “How about some popcorn?”

      “Sounds good. Need help?”

      “Thanks. I got it covered.” She handed him the remote. “You pick something while I get it.” She pulled out her glass microwave popcorn maker, glancing at him sprawled on her sofa. Don’t get any ideas, she cautioned herself. They were hanging out, sitting together and watching a movie. She set the microwave timer and looked over at him again. She swallowed. When had her couch gotten so small?

      Liam was flipping through the movies on her paid streaming subscription. “What do you feel like watching?”

      “How about that new action movie with what’s-his-name?”

      He turned his head to give her one of his sexy half grins. “Are you psychic? That’s the one I’ve been wanting to see.”

      She laughed. “Just another example of my superpowers.”

      The timer on the microwave dinged and she removed the glass popper. She poured the popcorn in the bowl and salted it. Handing Liam the bowl, she plopped down next to him.

      “How about this one?” He clicked on a movie selection. “It’s got what’s-his-name in it.”

      She tossed a popped kernel at him, but he caught it in his mouth and grinned as he chewed. He set the bowl on the coffee table and leaned closer.

      She couldn’t be sure who moved first, but their lips found each other in a sweet kiss that held the promise of more. All thoughts of movies and actors flew out of her head. He angled his face closer and she—

      The music for the movie startled her and she abruptly pulled away. “Sorry.”

      “I’m not,” he said, brushing her hair off her cheek and tucking it behind her ear.

      He leaned back on the couch and pulled her into his side. She cuddled next to him and tried to concentrate on the movie, but it wasn’t easy with his body warm against hers and his luscious scent surrounding her.

      As the credits rolled he set the empty popcorn bowl on the end table next to the couch and picked up a book that had been on the table.

      “This looks like a textbook.”

      “Yeah, working on my advanced nursing degree.”

      He nodded. “So you can finally move away from Loon Lake?”

      “What? Absolutely not.” She wasn’t about to abandon the people who’d been there for her and her family when they’d needed it. “I like living in Loon Lake.”

      He flipped through some of the pages. “Will you be able to use the new degree at the hospital?”

      “I suppose I could, but they’ll be breaking ground soon on a skilled nursing facility and I’m hoping to work as a nurse practitioner there. If I time it right, I will have my gerontology degree when they finish construction.”

      “Skilled nursing facility?”

      Ellie grinned. “A nursing home.”

      “Is that nurse speak?” he asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

      She rolled her eyes. “C’mon, you’re not turned on by nurse speak, are you?”

      “Only if you’re the one speaking it.” He put the book back and settled against the cushions. “Sounds like you have it planned out.”

      “I want to help the people I’ve grown up with. Give back to a community that gave so much to me. I haven’t forgotten how everyone rallied around when I was sick.” Damn. She hadn’t meant to bring up the past like that. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

      When he didn’t comment but put an arm around her shoulder, she relaxed against him. “What about you? I heard you’re determined to follow in your dad’s footsteps at the fire department.”

      He nodded. “That’s the plan. I should hear if I made captain soon. My dad was one of the youngest captains and I’m hoping to follow suit.”

      “So we haven’t convinced you yet that Loon Lake is a great place to live?” She tried to keep her tone light, but she needed to hear him say it so maybe her stupid heart would get the message.

      “Are you kidding?” He shook his head as he toyed with her hair. “The Loon Lake firehouse is part time. If not for guys who are willing to work in the department on their days off from full-time jobs, Loon Lake FD would be an all-volunteer one.”

      “And that’s bad why?” Her body tensed on behalf of the guys she knew who worked for the town.

      “It’s not bad. It’s how most small towns are able to afford full-time protection,” he said. “But it’s not what I want.”

      She swallowed. Yeah, that’s what she thought. СКАЧАТЬ