Once a Playboy…. Kate Hardy
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Название: Once a Playboy…

Автор: Kate Hardy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408973608


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      He’d risked it once. He’d fallen for Rebecca at university; and he’d been so sure that she saw him for who he was and loved him anyway.

      How wrong he’d been.

      His background hadn’t attracted her; it had pushed her away. She’d said she couldn’t cope with living in a goldfish bowl as the future wife of a future baron; and even though he’d said the barony stuff was just a label, she’d claimed it was what made him who he was and it couldn’t be separated. He’d even offered to give it up for her; but that still wasn’t enough for her. She’d given him his ring back. I love you too much to make you unhappy.

      And then she’d walked away for good.

      George had made quite sure from then on that he was the one to leave. Which was why he kept all his relationships short and sweet and very far from serious, nowadays.

      ‘Yes,’ he said.

      Serena flushed at his curtness. ‘Sorry. I mean, I saw the stuff in the papers.’

      So had most of the country. The gossip rags had had a field day when the news had leaked that David Somers’s heirs might not be who they thought they were.

      ‘I didn’t mean to pry or spread gossip,’ she added.

      He believed her. And it wasn’t her fault that his mother had been the way she was. Or that Rebecca hadn’t been able to see past her own insecurities and take a chance with him. ‘It’s OK. And you haven’t upset me. I don’t mind talking about it.’ And it was true, now. The DNA test results had been conclusive and had put paid to all the rumours. Then Ed had announced his engagement to Jane, and the press had been utterly charmed by his brother’s Cinderella bride. ‘Anyway, it’s all done and dusted now. I won’t let myself get distracted in the future.’

      ‘You’re actually going back to doing that parachute thing?’ Serena looked surprised.

      ‘Powered paragliding,’ he corrected. ‘Sadly, no. The whole family ganged up on me and made me agree to sell the rig. And my consultant said I can’t go skiing again until the pin’s out of my leg.’ He grimaced. ‘So I guess I’m going to have a very, very boring year, limping everywhere and being grumpy with everyone because I’d much rather be doing something else.’ Something with enough speed to let him leave all his self-doubts behind. Something that meant he didn’t have time to sit still and think.

      She smiled. ‘I’m sure you can find something to keep yourself amused.’

      Someone would be a better idea. And she happened to be standing right in front of him. He had a feeling that Serena James could distract him beautifully; even though she wasn’t his usual type, there was something about her that really grabbed his attention.

      ‘How are your wrists?’ she asked.

      ‘Better. I can manage without the splints now. And I’ve got pretty much the full range of movement back, thanks to the exercises you gave me.’ He gave her a rueful smile. ‘You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to being able to drive myself again.’

      ‘Taxis that bad, are they?’

      ‘They are when they’re being driven by your little sisters, and the fare is a whole journey’s worth of nagging.’

      She laughed.

      ‘You’re supposed to be sympathetic,’ he said.

      ‘I am.’ She was still smiling. ‘But I’m just imagining you being bossed around by a woman.’

      ‘My sister,’ he corrected. ‘Bossy isn’t the half of it. The oldest one’s the scariest barrister I’ve ever met—you just don’t answer Alice back. Ever. The middle one’s an architect and threatens to gag me with gaffer tape if I dare suggest she modifies her driving slightly so she doesn’t scrape my car, and the baby just switches to speaking Latin if you try to talk her into letting you do something!’

      Serena laughed again. ‘I bet you charm all three of them into doing everything you ask of them.’

      Fair point. It was what George did with women. Charmed them. With two exceptions—ones he didn’t usually let himself think about—women tended to agree to what he wanted.

      And right now he wanted her.

      Serena had a beautiful mouth—a perfect rosebud. She wasn’t wearing a scrap of make-up, but she really didn’t need any. She had a fresh, natural beauty. Flawless skin that made him itch to touch it, feel how soft it was under his fingertips. And he couldn’t help wondering what that mouth would feel like against his own.

      ‘So you think I’m a shallow, charming playboy? I’m hurt,’ he said, batting his eyelashes at her. ‘Deeply wounded.’

      ‘Sure you are.’ That glint of amusement was back in her eyes.

      ‘Oh, but I am.’ And the suggestion was too much for him to resist. ‘And, as you’re the one making me feel bad right now, Serena, maybe you should be the one to kiss me better.’

      She simply smiled at him. ‘I’m afraid that’s not part of the treatment, Mr Somers.’

      He noticed that she’d switched back to formality with him. Well, it was his own fault for being too pushy. Time to backtrack. ‘I apologise for teasing, Ms James—or should that be Mrs?’

      ‘Ms is fine.’

      Which still didn’t tell him whether she was married—or at least committed elsewhere. Though he had a feeling that she wasn’t. A feeling that wasn’t based on any actual information: simply his gut instinct. And his gut had rarely led him wrong in the past. Only with Rebecca, and that had been his fault for wanting what she couldn’t give him.

      Serena took him through all the exercises, and he concentrated on making sure he got them right.

      ‘Good. I think we’re done for today,’ she said.

      ‘See you on Thursday? Or are you going to make me see Brutal Bruno instead, to teach me a lesson for being cheeky with you today?’

      ‘Bruno’s as gentle as a lamb,’ she protested.

      ‘Not with me, he isn’t,’ George said feelingly, remembering his first sessions with the physiotherapist while he had still been in hospital. Once the painkillers had worn off, the movements had hurt like hell. Not that he would’ve admitted to any of it. He’d wanted to be out of hospital with his independence back. Like yesterday.

      ‘Oh, you big baby.’ She laughed. ‘I’ll see you on Thursday.’

      He’d see her on Thursday.

      Funny how that made the whole physiotherapy thing seem bearable.

      Serena was still smiling as she wrote up the notes.

      George Somers was just too gorgeous for his own good.

      Another time, another place, and she would’ve been tempted to take him up on his offer of kissing him better.

      But …

      She СКАЧАТЬ