Her Motherhood Wish. Keli Gwyn
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СКАЧАТЬ course you do. Losing a mama or a papa hurts in here.” Callie placed a hand over Ruby’s heart. “I know. Mine went away when I was a girl, too, but some nice people took me in. Someday, you’ll have a new family, too, and they’ll love you, but right now this is your home and we’re your family.”

      Her sentiment was well-intentioned, but circumstances didn’t create a family. You were born into one, and they loved you from the start. No matter what you did or how many mistakes you made, they were there for you, just as his had been there for him. Hoping for that same level of love and acceptance from someone else was foolhardy. He’d learned that lesson the hard way.

      But Callie was right about one thing. The children would be well cared for. And they’d be safe. He would see to that.

      “Let’s dry your tears before the other children arrive.” Callie pulled a handkerchief out of her sleeve, dabbed each of Ruby’s cheeks and kissed them. “That’s better, isn’t it?”

      The little girl nodded. “You’re a nice lady.”

      Callie smiled. “And you’re a lovely girl. Now, shall we see if Mr. Chip needs anything?” She held out a hand, and Ruby took it.

      They slipped between the benches and joined him.

      Ruby gazed up at him. “Do you need help, Mr. Chip?”

      “As a matter of fact, I do. I could use someone to make sure I have all my tools lined up just right.” He swept a hand to where he’d laid out his knives, chisels, gouges and the mallet. “All the handles need to be facing the edge of the table so I can grab them quickly. Could you tell me if any of them are backward?”

      The adorable girl bobbed her head and started down the row, lifting her doll so she could see, too. He leaned against the bench, blocking Ruby’s view of the final tools, reached behind his back and spun the wooden mallet around. She approached, and he stepped out of the way.

      “Oh! This one’s upside down.”

      “Why, look at that! You’re right. Would you turn it around for me? It’s not too heavy.” And it wasn’t sharp, as the other tools were.

      Ruby righted the mallet and looked to him for approval.

      He squatted, smoothed a strand of her blond hair behind her ear and cupped the side of her soft face in his work-roughened hand. “You did a great job, princess.”

      Callie sighed. He looked her way, and his breath caught. Minutes before she’d been irritated with him, but now her entire countenance shone with admiration. And it was directed at him. He wasn’t sure what he’d done to bring about such a transformation. He hadn’t changed his position on the need for safeguarding the children, but he would enjoy being in her good graces while it lasted.

      She caught him staring at her and smiled. “You’ll make a fine father one day, Chip.”

      So that was it, was it? She was pleased with the way he’d handled Ruby’s offer of help. He hadn’t done anything special, but Callie’s approval meant a great deal to him.

      Four rings of the dinner bell, the signal for a special event, brought the brief encounter to a close. She swept in to pick up Ruby and stood in one of the open corner areas between the benches. “We’ll have a good view from here, sweetheart. I’m looking forward to watching Mr. Chip work, aren’t you?”

      Callie’s enthusiasm eased the tension in Chip’s shoulders.

      A young boy about seven years old bounded in ahead of everyone else and plopped down in the middle of one the front row benches, facing Chip.

      “You were fast.”

      “I ran,” the boy said, breathless. “I wanted to get the best seat so I can see everything you do.”

      “You should be able to. What’s your name, son?”

      “Freddie. I got one of those animals you made. I wanna see how you do it.”

      “Ah, yes. You’re the one who asked Mama Tess what I’ll be making.”

      Callie walked down the row behind the lad and leaned close. “If you like working with wood, we can ask her to let you come help us one day. You’ll learn a lot from Mr. Chip. He’s very good.”

      Admiration and compliments? Was Callie sincere, or was she teasing him?

      He had no time to ponder the question because the other children entered the large room and took their seats on the benches. Jasper squeezed in next to Luke. A group leader had to settle a minor scuffle as two young fellows vied for the same spot, but as soon as Tess stepped into the center and clapped, everyone quieted.

      The tall woman smiled. “Thank you all for seeing to the after-dinner chores so quickly. Now you’ll get to watch Mr. Chip make something special. He won’t be able to finish it tonight, but he’ll get as far as he can. I’m sure you’ll have lots of questions, but he’ll need to concentrate, so you’ll have to save them until the end.”

      Freddie’s eagerness to learn had overcome Chip’s concerns about keeping the children quiet. “I remember having a hard time holding questions inside when I was a boy, so, if you’re agreeable, they can ask their questions while I’m working.”

      “Very well.” Tess turned her attention back to the children. “You may raise your hand to ask a question just as you will when you make a guess about what Mr. Chip’s making, but wait for me to call on you before speaking.”

      Freddie’s hand shot into the air.

      Tess chuckled. “He hasn’t even begun yet, Freddie. What do you want to know?”

      “That chunk of wood on your table is really big, Mr. Chip. How can you make a little animal out of it?”

      “This—” he patted the large round of white pine “—is for the statue I’ll be carving. I use small pieces of wood and different tools when I whittle a toy.”

      Callie spoke up. “Would you be willing to show us, if it wouldn’t take too long?”

      “Sure. I could whip out a small figure in no time.” And he knew just the one he’d make. He grabbed a scrap of white pine and his knife and set to work, sending chips flying.

      “I have another request.”

      He paused and looked at Callie. “Yes?”

      “If you could talk as you work, we’d all understand what you’re doing.”

      Talk and carve at the same time? He’d never done that, but he could give it a try. “I’ll do my best.” He kept his hands moving as he explained the process. “I’m using a knife to remove all the wood that isn’t part of the figure. That sounds simple, but that’s really what it’s about. I keep the image in mind and shave off everything that doesn’t belong.”

      He continued, describing and demonstrating the four basic cuts as he worked. The children sat quietly with not a single hand going into the air. He was finished in no time. “Since Miss Callie asked me to make this little fellow, I’ll give it to her, but I’m sure she’ll pass it around so you can all see it.” He handed her the creature.