Colorado Bodyguard. Cindi Myers
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Название: Colorado Bodyguard

Автор: Cindi Myers

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

isbn: 9781474005425


СКАЧАТЬ of his ears at the mention of reporter Emma Wade—soon to be Emma Ellison. Her reporting on Lauren Starling’s disappearance had put her at odds with the gruff commander at first, but now they were engaged.

      “Ms. Wade came to us with her concerns about your sister and we have followed every lead,” Graham said. “But there’s nothing there.” He slid back his chair and stood. “I’m sorry, Ms. Montgomery, I wish I had better news for you. If you find out something more, don’t hesitate to contact us.”

      The others started moving chairs and rising also. Carmen gave Sophie a sympathetic look and patted her shoulder. Sophie’s expression clouded and Rand braced himself for a storm—of tears or anger, he wasn’t sure which.

      But she was stronger—and more determined—than he’d given her credit for. “Wait,” she said. “There’s one other thing that might tie her to this area—to your jurisdiction.”

      Graham paused on his way to the door. “What’s that?”

      She dug in her purse and held up a small rectangle of white cardboard. “I found this in her apartment. It was tucked into a book beside the bed—the police said they searched her apartment, but they obviously didn’t feel this was significant.”

      Randall took the piece of thin cardboard and stared at the crisp black letters on its glossy finish.

      “What is it?” Simon demanded.

      “It’s a business card.” He turned it over and over, then looked up at his coworkers. “A business card for Richard Prentice.”

       Chapter Two

      Sophie tried to read the look that passed between the officers. The business card definitely interested them. “Do you know Richard Prentice?” she asked. “Have you asked him if he knows anything about my sister’s disappearance?”

      “You don’t know Prentice?” Rand Knightbridge asked. “Your sister didn’t mention him?”

      “She never said anything about him. And I’m not from here, so I don’t keep up with local people and events. I looked him up on the internet, but all I learned is that he’s a very rich businessman and he has an estate near the park. That seems significant, don’t you think? Maybe she came here to see him.”

      “Where are you from?” Captain Ellison asked.

      “Madison, Wisconsin. Tell me about Richard Prentice.”

      “Like you said, he’s a rich guy who owns a mansion near here,” Officer Woolridge said, his sour expression making clear his opinion of Prentice.

      “We should talk to him,” Sophie said. “Maybe he knows why Lauren was here. Maybe she interviewed him for a story.”

      Again, Rand and the captain exchanged looks. “What is it?” she demanded. “What aren’t you telling me?”

      “Prentice is an agitator,” Woolridge said. “He likes to make a lot of noise in the press and try to provoke a reaction from people he’s trying to manipulate.”

      “What kind of reaction?”

      “He wants money,” Rand said. “His specialty is buying historically or environmentally sensitive property at rock-bottom prices, then threatening to destroy the property or to use it in some offensive way if the government, or sometimes a private conservation group, doesn’t step in and pay the high price he demands.”

      “That’s extortion,” she said.

      “And perfectly legal,” the captain said. “If he owns the property, he’s free to do almost anything he wants with it.”

      “That sounds like a story Lauren would want to cover,” she said. “Maybe she came here from Denver to interview him.”

      “Or maybe he contacted her,” Carmen Redhorse said. “He likes to use the press to communicate his demands.”

      “We need to talk to him,” Sophie said again, her agitation rising. They all looked so calm and unconcerned. Couldn’t they see how important this was?

      “That’s not so easy to do,” Rand said. “Prentice has a team of lawyers running interference between him and anyone he doesn’t want to talk to—in particular, members of this task force. Unless we charge him with a crime, which we have no evidence he’s committed, or subpoena him as a witness, the chances of him answering any questions we have for him are slim to none.”

      More looks passed between them, but these were easier to read. “You may not believe this is worth pursuing, but I do,” she said. “My sister did not commit suicide. She wasn’t crazy. And if you won’t help me find her, I’ll find someone who will.”

      She shoved back from the table and started toward the door. Randall intercepted her. “Don’t go,” he said. “We’ll do what we can to help.” He looked at the captain. “Won’t we?”

      Captain Ellison nodded. “Start by retracing Ms. Starling’s steps here in the county,” he said. “Do you know where she was staying?”

      “I don’t,” Sophie admitted.

      “Canvass the local motels,” the captain said. “Rand, you start there.”

      Sophie had hoped he would assign the woman, Carmen Redhorse, to the case. A woman would be more sensitive, and easier to work with, she thought. Officer Knightbridge, with his frightening dog and gruff manner, was just as likely to scare people away as to persuade them to help. But he wouldn’t frighten her. “I want to go with you to talk to them,” she said.

      “That isn’t possible,” Rand said. “I can’t take a civilian to question potential witnesses.”

      “Fine. Then I’ll start contacting hotels and motels on my own. If I find anything, I’ll let you know.” It’s what she should have done in the first place, as soon as she saw what a low priority the Denver police gave the case.

      Once again, Rand stopped her before she reached the door, his tall, muscular frame blocking her path. She tried to duck around him, but he took hold of her arm, his grasp gentle, but firm. “We can charge you with interfering with a police investigation,” he said.

      “There wouldn’t be an investigation if I hadn’t come to you,” she said, shaking him off. “Can you blame me if I have my doubts about how much trouble you’ll go to to find Lauren? Whereas I know I won’t stop until I learn the truth.”

      “Take her with you to the hotels and motels,” Captain Ellison said. “The locals may open up to her. But, Ms. Montgomery?”

      “Yes?” She turned to face him.

      “Officer Knightbridge is in charge. Do what he tells you or we’ll have you on a plane back to Wisconsin before you can blink twice.”

      She glanced at Rand, whose face remained impassive. “All right,” she said. She’d play along, but she wouldn’t let him stop her from doing what she thought was best for her sister. “When do we start?”

      “How СКАЧАТЬ