Amish Redemption. Patricia Davids
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Название: Amish Redemption

Автор: Patricia Davids

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474031080


СКАЧАТЬ “Are Mammi Ada and Bella okay?”

      “They are in God’s hands, Hannah. He will protect them.” The twister had come up behind them. Mary had no idea if it had touched down before or after it passed over the farm. She prayed for her dear grandmother.

      “I want to go home. I want to see Mammi Ada and Bella.”

      “Is Bella your sister?” the man asked.

      “She’s my wunderbar dog.”

      He chuckled. It was a warm, friendly sound. “Have you a wunderbar cat, as well?”

      “I don’t. Bella doesn’t like cats. She’s going to be worried about me. We should go home now, Mamm.” Mary hoped they had a house waiting for them.

      “We’ll get you home as soon as the storm has moved on,” the young man said as he stepped back.

      Mary’s eyes were adjusting to the gloom. She could see he was of medium height with dark hair, but little else. She knew that without his help things could have been much worse. He could have taken shelter without risking his life to help them. She had his bravery and quick action to thank for getting them out of her buggy before it’d become airborne. Just thinking about what that ride would have been like caused a shiver to rattle her teeth.

      He gave her an awkward pat on her shoulder. “I think the worst is over.”

      She tried not to flinch from his touch. Her common sense said he wasn’t a threat, but trusting didn’t come easily to her. “We are grateful for your assistance. God was merciful to send you when He did.”

      He gave a dry bark of laughter. “This time I was in the right place at the right time.”

      What could he find funny in this horrible situation?

      * * *

      Joshua was amazed at how God had placed him exactly where he needed to be today to save this woman and child, and yet six months ago the Lord had put him in a position that sent him to prison for no good reason. Who could fathom the ways of God? Not he.

      “I am Mary Kaufman and this is my daughter, Hannah.”

      He heard the hesitation in her words and wondered at it. “I’m Joshua Bowman.”

      “Thank you again, Joshua. Do you think it is safe to venture out?”

      A loud clap of thunder rattled the structure over them. “I think we should wait awhile longer.”

      The thunder was followed by the steady ping of hail against some metal object outside and the drone of hard rain. The tornado had passed but the thunderstorm had plenty of steam left.

      “I reckon you’re right.” Abruptly, she moved away from him.

      “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be overly familiar.” Close contact between unmarried members of the opposite sex wasn’t permitted in Amish society. Circumstances had forced him to cross that boundary, but it couldn’t continue.

      “You were protecting us.” She moved a few more steps away.

      She was uncomfortable being alone with him. He couldn’t blame her. She had no idea who he was. How could he put her at ease? Maybe by not hovering over her. He sat down with his back against the old stone wall, refusing to think about the creepy-crawly occupants who were surely in here with them.

      She relaxed slightly. “Do you live here?”

      “I don’t, but my great-uncle did until he died a few months ago.”

      “I’m sorry for your loss.”

      “Danki, but I never knew him. He was Englisch. He left the family years ago and never contacted them again. Everyone was surprised to learn he had willed the property to my mother. She is only one of his many nieces.”

      “He must have cherished a fondness for her.”

      “So it would seem. My father sent me to check out the place, as the letter from the attorney said it was in rough shape. Daed wants to find out what will be needed to get it ready to farm, rent out or sell. Unfortunately, it’s in much worse condition than we expected.”

      That was an understatement. His father would have to invest heavily in this farm to get it in working order, and the family didn’t have that kind of money. They would need to sell it.

      “From the sounds of things, it will need even more repair after the storm passes.”

      He chuckled at her wry tone. “Ja. I think the good Lord may have done us a favor by tearing down the old house. I just wish He had waited until we were out of the way.”

      His eyes had grown accustomed to the gloom. He could make out Mary’s white apron and the pale oval of her face framed by her black traveling bonnet. She sat down, too, pulling her child into her lap. Together, they waited side by side in the darkness. At least she seemed less afraid of him now.

      The thunder continued to rumble, punctuating the sound of the wind and the steady rain. They sat in tense silence. Even the child was quiet. After a while, the thunder grew less violent but the rain continued. Was it going to storm all night? If so, he might as well find out what was left of the property and see if he could get this young mother and daughter home.

      He rose to his feet. “Stay here until I’m sure it’s safe to go out.”

      She stood, too, holding her little girl in her arms. “Be careful.”

      He made his way to the cellar door and pushed up on it. It wouldn’t budge.

      He pushed harder. It still didn’t move. Something heavy was blocking it. He worked to control the panic rising in his chest. He couldn’t be trapped. Not in such a small place. It was like being in prison all over again. His palms grew damp and his heart began to pound.

      “What’s wrong?” Mary asked.

      The last thing he wanted was to scare her again, but she would soon find out what was going on. He worked to keep his tone calm. There was no point in frightening her more than she already was. “Something is blocking the door. I can’t move it. Can you give me a hand?”

      He sounded almost normal and was pleased with himself. If she knew differently, she didn’t let on. Having someone else to worry about was helping to keep his panic under control.

      “Hannah, stay right here,” Mary said, then made her way up the steps until she was beside him. She braced her arms against the overhead door. “On three.”

      She counted off and they both pushed. Nothing. It could have been nailed shut for all their efforts accomplished. He moved a step higher and braced his back against the old boards. He pushed with all his might, straining to move whatever held it. Mary pushed, too, but still the door refused to budge.

       This can’t be happening.

      “Help! Help, we’re down here,” she yelled, and beat on the door with her fists. He wanted to do the same.

      Don’t СКАЧАТЬ