Savage Interlude. Кэрол Мортимер
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Название: Savage Interlude

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474030229


СКАЧАТЬ love.’

      He laughed at her woebegone face. ‘I love you, funnyface. What more can you want?’

      ‘Indeed,’ drawled a voice behind them, the faint American accent only slightly noticeable. ‘It would appear that Miss Darwood has what numerous women in the world would gladly give up everything else for.’

      ‘What the hell—–!’ James sprang to his feet, turning to face the intruder. ‘No one is allowed in this part of the house—Damien! By all that’s holy! But I told Jennings to show you out to the pool when you arrived.’

      Green eyes narrowed. ‘I didn’t come all this way to be fobbed off to the pool with your other guests. I’m sorry I interrupted your těte-à-těte with Miss Darwood, but I have a limited time in England, and all of it accounted for.’

      The voice was attractive enough, deep and faintly husky, but what he was saying wasn’t. And the contempt in those deep green eyes wasn’t very pleasant either. Kate had seen numerous photographs of this famous man, but no photograph could do him justice. It couldn’t begin to hint at his height, well over six feet, or the blackness of his hair, and the deep emerald of his eyes. His face was deeply tanned as if he enjoyed being out in the sun, his features harsh, from the thinned contemptuous lips, the taut aquiline nose, to the deep lines grooved either side of that satanic face.

      ‘Come in, come in,’ James invited, unperturbed by this man’s terseness. ‘Of course you don’t have to go to the pool if you don’t want to. Can I offer you a drink?’

      ‘Whisky will be fine,’ Damien Savage nodded consent.

      James poured out the whisky for his guest himself. ‘I’ve read the script, Damien. I like it.’

      The film director looked at Kate pointedly. ‘Could we discuss this somewhere more private? The script is not for the public yet.’

      ‘Kate isn’t the public,’ James laughed. ‘I have no secrets from her, you can talk quite freely.’

      ‘Nevertheless I would prefer that we spoke alone.’

      James shrugged. ‘Would you mind, Kate?’

      She looked from her brother to the arrogant face of Damien Savage. ‘But I—–’

      ‘Please, Kate.’ Her brother’s eyes were pleading.

      She glared at Damien Savage. Damn his arrogant face! He walked in here looking like the devil himself, dressed completely in black from head to foot, and proceeded to order everyone about. Well, she would do as James asked this time, but if that man dared to order her about again, she would …

      ‘All right,’ she agreed ungraciously. ‘I’ll see you later, James.’ She deliberately ignored Damien Savage, but from the bland look on his face that didn’t bother him in the slightest.

      She swayed gracefully out of the room, well aware that her perfect figure was shown to advantage in the pale green bikini she wore. What an arrogant devil that Damien Savage was! His importance as one of the leading film directors in the world must have gone to his head. Goodness knows James was famous enough in his own right, but even he had seemed rather overawed by the man’s dominating personality.

      ‘Kate darling,’ Sheri greeted with her low American drawl. ‘Where’s James?’

      Kate sat down next to the tall junoesque Sheri, admiring the other girl’s cool blonde beauty. Her own red hair often led to her losing the fiery temper that went with that hair, no matter how she tried to prevent it happening. She had been having another heated argument with James only minutes earlier, about his ruling concerning her friends. In fact, it hadn’t yet been settled, Damien Savage had seen to that. Damn the man! With James in his rare good humour of the last few days she could perhaps have managed to make him change his mind about Nigel. Who knew what his mood would be like the next time she saw him?

      ‘He’s inside,’ she told Sheri. ‘With Damien Savage.’

      ‘Damien’s arrived?’ Sheri’s blue eyes lit up excitedly.

      Kate grimaced. ‘Oh, he’s arrived all right. Sweeping all before him.’

      Sheri gave a husky laugh. ‘That sounds like Damien. He doesn’t suffer fools gladly.’

      ‘Are you saying I’m a fool?’ Kate demanded indignantly.

      ‘Oh dear, has he upset you already?’

      ‘You say that as if he does it often.’ Kate looked at the other girl interestedly. She had only ever seen newspaper reports about Damien Savage’s women friends and what a brilliant director he was, nothing about the rest of his life. But there had been plenty about the women in his life; he always seemed to be involved with one leading lady or another.

      ‘He’s very—blunt,’ Sheri told her.

      ‘You’ve met him before?’ she couldn’t help her interest.

      ‘Mm,’ Sheri sipped her lime juice, ‘at a couple of James’ parties in London. He’s very good-looking, and so masterful.’

      ‘I can think of a few other choice words to describe him. I don’t like him at all. And James surprised me, he more or less let him walk in and take over.’

      ‘You do that with Damien. And to appear in one of his movies is to guarantee success, and you know how James loves success. Damien never fails. I think it’s all to do with the fact that he writes them as well as directing them. He’s brilliant, everyone accepts that.’

      ‘Oh, I admit he’s clever, I’ve never denied that. But does he have to be so bossy with it. I didn’t—–’

      ‘James!’ Sheri stood up to greet him, pursing her lips to receive his kiss. She hugged his arm to her side. ‘Kate was just telling me you’d been delayed. Damien, how nice to see you again,’ she smiled at him.

      ‘Sheri,’ he nodded curtly, those piercing green eyes now hidden behind dark glasses.

      ‘I didn’t realise you’d be coming here today,’ she said conversationally.

      His look was scathing. ‘At least James didn’t feel it necessary to inform all his guests of my plans.’

      Kate knew he was referring to her and she felt her hackles rise. He had a nerve! Why shouldn’t James discuss things with her? She might only have been in his care four years, but during that time they had become as close as any normal brother and sister who had been brought up together.

      James was twenty years her senior, and a very famous film star into the bargain, but he always had time for her—sometimes too much time, which was when they had their arguments. But he had been very good to her since he had learnt on his father’s death that he was not an only child after all, but had a fourteen-year-old-sister by another woman. Kate had been in an orphanage since her mother had died and it had seemed like a dream come true to suddenly find that her brother was James St Just, and that he intended looking after her.

      She had every reason to feel grateful to him, and so on being allowed to leave school at sixteen had set out to become his friend and confidant. And she had succeeded, although there were still СКАЧАТЬ