Wedding Takedown. Geri Krotow
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Название: Wedding Takedown

Автор: Geri Krotow

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Silver Valley P.D.

isbn: 9781474040143


СКАЧАТЬ giving you grief. We’re going to have to continue this at the station—I need your statement. Do you mind going with Officer Ogden and getting started? You don’t need to be out here in the cold any longer. I’ll be along shortly.”

      “I can drive myself.” She needed the reassurance of her van. It was a second office, and a reminder that she wasn’t just an almost-victim of a crime, or a murder witness.

      “Let Officer Ogden drive you. I’ll have another officer bring your van to the station.”

      The real Rio was back, the one with whom she could get herself into a lot of trouble. His hand was on her elbow, his warmth soothing.

      “I’m all right, honest. I’ll follow Officer Ogden there.”

      “It’s not a question, Kayla. It’s protocol. You were at the scene of a murder. We have to take a look at the van before you get back into it.”

      “You’re kidding, right? You’re treating me like a suspect?”

      Rio’s mouth was a thin line. “Damn it, Kayla, I know you’re not a murderer. But I can’t make any exceptions—”

      “When it comes to your job. I think this is right about where we left off last year, isn’t it?”

      She wrenched away her arm and stalked over to Officer Ogden, who stood next to a Silver Valley PD sedan. Kayla had no idea why or how it had happened, but she’d found herself at the mercy of the law again.

      * * *

      Rio watched as Kayla got into the patrol car with Ogden. Forensics would do a formal check of her van later.

      He’d learned through years of police work to never rely on just his eyes. The criminal could have had an accomplice or circled back and hidden in the roomy van. Kayla hadn’t thought of that—she’d only recognized that he needed to be scrupulous about inspecting her van. He saw it all the time—witnesses and victims felt as if they were being victimized a second time by the work the police needed to do to ensure justice prevailed.

      It stung more than usual because the witness was Kayla. He’d relived those few weeks with her more than he’d ever admit to himself, always questioning whether they still might be together if he had told her from the beginning what he did and what case he was working on.

      He hadn’t expected to have those feelings after that first night. But when one night turned into a week, he’d had to tell her that he didn’t work only as a detective. He often went undercover. She hadn’t been happy to find that out. When her brother’s case came up, he could have passed it to another detective, could have done a lot of things to preserve at least their friendship.

      But she found out first, when she’d been in the same diner as Rio. He’d been eating a quick lunch with three uniformed officers. As a detective he almost always wore civilian clothes, his weapon holstered under a jacket or blazer. That day he’d finished up a long undercover case and was still dressed to fit in with the members of the drug ring he’d infiltrated. Baggy jeans, big gold jewelry and his baseball cap on backward. The warmth and rush of awareness he associated with Kayla had hit him when he’d looked across the booths and found Kayla staring at him. She’d been dining with her girlfriend from yoga class Zora Krasny.

      The “oh, shit” moment had been the end of their relationship.

      She wouldn’t even look at him now as she sat in the police car, staring straight ahead through the window.

      Kayla’s pallor shook him more than he cared to admit. The woman he’d thought he might be falling for was strong and quick to defend anyone, from her employees to a surly customer.

      Her defense of herself had been pretty good, too. When she’d found out what his line of work was, any hope of a future with Kayla was crushed under the iron will she employed to break up with him and keep him out of her life. The stress of finding out that her brother, a local firefighting hero recently promoted to chief, was being charged with negligence at his job didn’t help matters. It wasn’t just that, though. According to her brother, Keith, the real issue was her need for control over her life,

      Still, it would have been nice to be the man who’d changed her mind about what she needed. He’d like to be the man who changed her mind about a lot of things, and those included allowing a man to treat her well and to love her the way she deserved.

      He pulled on one of the many pairs of latex gloves he kept in his pocket as he walked over to the crime scene. He silently accepted the wallet one of the forensic team members handed him.

      “We found it in the kitchen. Everything was spilled out of her purse.” Officer Kaufmann was a seasoned forensics expert on SVPD and one Rio enjoyed working with because he always shot straight from the hip.

      “Meredith Houseman.” He scrutinized her driver’s license photo. The name was familiar and when he looked at her body, the business suit, there was no doubt she was the woman Kayla had mentioned earlier.

      “The mayor’s executive assistant.”

      “Yes, sir. Should we call him?”

      “Hell no, not yet. Let’s leave that to Superintendent Todd.” Rio didn’t want the mayor or any of his cronies nosing around his murder investigation. Not now, not at all. He still wasn’t convinced that Mayor Charbonneau was more than a front for the recently reformed cult that was trying to set up shop on the outskirts of Silver Valley. The embezzlement charges against the previous mayor had happened too quickly, too conveniently as far as Rio was concerned. And Mayor Charbonneau’s appearance in Silver Valley just in time for the special election had been suspicious.

      And now the newly elected mayor’s assistant was dead. Murdered at the same place where the mayor’s daughter was supposed to be getting married in a little more than a week.

      “Detective Ortega? We’ve found something unusual on the body.” The county coroner stood in front of him, his normally quiet demeanor agitated.

      “What’s that?”

      “It looks like her ribs were smashed in, probably collapsing at least one lung. She took a brutal beating before she was shot.”

      “Damn it.”

       Chapter 4

      “Rio, you and I both know that while the rumors may prove correct, unless we have evidence of wrongdoing, we can’t ask for a search warrant on the new mayor’s residence. No can do.” Colt Todd, Silver Valley’s superintendent of police, leveled his cool gaze on Rio. There was no sense in arguing with him.

      “Yes, sir.”

      “We can’t afford to do anything less than what’s perfectly legal and appropriate throughout this investigation. Is that clear?”

      “Yes, sir.” Rio couldn’t argue with his boss, not on this one. SVPD had plenty going on at the moment, between providing testimony to put a serial killer behind bars for life, keeping an eye on a cult from New York that was trying to reunite in their jurisdiction and investigating the validity of the evidence they’d collected against the former mayor. Of course, Rio didn’t think for one minute that their former mayor had been involved in any of the charges СКАЧАТЬ