Who's Cheatin' Who?. Maggie Price
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Название: Who's Cheatin' Who?

Автор: Maggie Price

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежная классика

Серия: Mills & Boon Silhouette

isbn: 9781472093189


СКАЧАТЬ had played havoc with her libido for months, and she wanted to know how he kissed, how he tasted.

      He’d be gone by morning. What harm could one kiss do?

      She shivered at the first brush of his lips, blinking as if the contact had given her a shock. He held her gaze, his eyes dark and intense, mesmerizing. Then he settled his mouth over hers, and thought ceased. Her eyes drifted shut. Her hands slid beneath the jacket of his tux, her palms settling against his rock-hard chest.

      He slanted his head, his lips parted, and he deepened the kiss until his tongue was in her mouth. The bottom dropped out of her stomach, her legs wobbled and her entire body tensed.

      With one arm locked around her waist, Marcus slid his fingers into her hair. She tasted sweet, and she felt like heaven against him. He groaned deep in his chest and pressed closer. The scent of warm skin mixed with Chanel filled his head. He knew what it was like to be cheated out of something he wanted badly. Tonight, he’d be damned if he held himself back from taking what he’d wanted for so long.

      While his mouth fed on hers, he spread his legs and inched closer, heat diffusing through him as his thighs brushed the outside of hers and his groin nudged her belly.

      She was tiny and soft and feminine, and he wanted her. When their kiss turned frenzied, arousal pounded through him. He wanted to tear his slacks open, rip apart the soft, thin material of her gown and take her right here on the desk. He wanted to watch her face when he filled her.

      This need, this want of her was instantaneous and stronger than anything he’d known.

      And all-around crazy, considering who he was currently ravishing.

      That thought had desire dying like a flame suddenly doused.

      What the hell was he doing? He no longer worked for Thomas and Jenna Preston, but he respected them. Marcus knew full well neither would thank him for doing his best to seduce their daughter before he left Quest.

      Even if she had somehow unlocked emotions inside him that went far past attraction and challenge to verge on pain.

      Melanie opened her eyes as Marcus stepped away. She felt dizzy, weak, as shaken as she had the first time she’d been bucked off a horse. Like a woman in a daze, she lifted a hand and touched her fingers to her lips, lips that felt hot and swollen and thoroughly kissed.

      “I guess after that, we’ll be friends for life,” she managed.

      He smiled, just the faintest curve of his lips. “At least.”

      “I should get back,” she added, her body not receiving any of her brain’s commands to move.

      Marcus didn’t move, either. He stood facing her, his eyes dark and unreadable. “I’ll walk you there,” he said after a long moment.

      Her heart hammered in her head, echoing in her ears like a train picking up speed in a tunnel. How was it possible to be stunned so thoroughly by the heat? To be swept away so quickly, to want so desperately what you knew you shouldn’t have?

      Where once the pull she felt toward him had scared her, the intensity of it now terrified her.

      “You don’t need to walk me.” She swept an unsteady hand toward the box on the desk. “You’re not done packing.”

      “I just finished.” He added a file folder to the box, closed its flaps, then hefted it up with one arm. “I’ll stow this in my car on the way back to the reception.” Marcus glanced at the clock on the wall. “By now your cousin Tyler should be through performing his duties as his brother’s best man. I want to catch up with him. Find out what’s gone on at Lochlain Racing after I left Australia to work here.”

      “Fine.” Hoping to heck her trembling legs continued to support her, Melanie turned and headed for the door. As she moved, she ran her tongue over her lips. Marcus’s taste churned through her blood all over again.

      What if she never managed to fully rid her system of his taste?

      Thank goodness, she thought as he switched off the light and closed the door to the office. Thank goodness he’d be gone by morning.

      Chapter Two

      “I have a good feeling about the Outback Classic, Marcus.” Pride, along with a deep Australian accent, shimmered in Tyler Preston’s voice. “You should see Lightning Chaser now. These days, he eats up the ground.”

      With his mind only partly on the conversation, Marcus skimmed his gaze for what seemed the hundredth time around the conservatory brimming with music, flowers and elegantly gowned and tuxedoed guests.

      Audrey Griffin Preston looked stunning in snowy white lace glimmering with pearls, her face luminous as she danced with her tall, sandy-haired husband, Shane. The newlyweds shared the dance floor with numerous family members and guests, including the groom’s parents and grandparents, who’d flown in from Australia for the wedding festivities.

      A knot of people had gathered near the towering Christmas tree brimming with silver ornaments and white lights that looked like tiny stars trapped in its limbs. Other guests mingled around the room.

      Since he had walked Melanie back to the reception, Marcus knew she was somewhere in the crowd. At the moment, though, he couldn’t locate her.

      Which shouldn’t matter at all.

      But it did.

      Dammit, he might have been responsible for initiating that kiss, but he didn’t thank her for unlocking needs he had no intention of satisfying. He’d grown up watching the devastating toll love had taken on his mother, and that was enough for him to never want to go anywhere near that same path. Ever.

      More and more, leaving Quest looked like a smart move. He just wished he’d get over the dragging regret that had plagued him since he gave Andrew Preston his notice. Regret that now seemed to have settled like a stone in his gut with the knowledge he’d likely never again have another taste of the woman he’d held in his arms less than an hour ago.

      Dammit, why did that seem to matter so much?

      “Earth to Vasquez.”

      The comment had Marcus shifting his attention back to Tyler. The general manager of Lochlain Racing was tall and lanky, with dark hair and a tanned face made ruddy by hours spent under the Australian sun. At the moment, his green eyes were narrowed speculatively on Marcus.

      “The way you’re taking the crowd apart makes me think you’re on the lookout for someone.” Sliding one flap of his tuxedo jacket back, Tyler slipped a hand into the pocket of his slacks while studying the crowd. “A woman, maybe?”

      “I’m just checking out who came to witness your brother tie the knot,” Marcus said, avoiding a direct answer.

      He sipped the scotch he’d opted for over the champagne that flowed freely. To ensure the subject veered away from the reason he’d taken up residence in a spot with a prime view of all the celebrants, he turned the conversation back to a subject close to Tyler’s heart. “As for Lightning Chaser, does he still like to make the other horses try to catch him?”

      “Every time he gets on a racetrack,” Tyler answered with a СКАЧАТЬ