Fortune's Legacy. Maureen Child
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Название: Fortune's Legacy

Автор: Maureen Child

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472086716


СКАЧАТЬ sense of humor was essential. “Not only got away with it,” she said, leaning forward and grinning with real relish, “I took over his job and personally held the very tasteful memorial in his honor.”

      “Ooh,” Tracy said, smiling. “Nice touch.”

      “I thought so.” Kyra straightened up in her chair, checked her desk calendar with a quick glance, then shifted her gaze to Tracy. “Anyway, promotions, daydreams and wayward wishes aside, we still need to get some business done.”

      “Right.” Tracy flipped open her memo pad, clicked her pen and got ready.

      “Okay, then.” Kyra pulled a file folder off the stack at her right and said, “Let’s get started with the Hartsfield letter. We need to get the property rights tied up before Fortune TX, Ltd. steps in and claims them.”

      “You’re always one step ahead, Boss,” Tracy said, nodding in approval.

      “It’s the only way,” Kyra agreed, and tried to push thoughts of Garrett Wolff to the back of her brain.

      At least for the moment.

      Garrett couldn’t push thoughts of Kyra aside today. Not when his superiors were making such a pitch for him to promote the damn woman.

      As senior VP of the expansion division, he should be able to make these calls himself. But he knew better than most just how slippery the slopes were in corporate America.

      He’d been at Voltage since leaving college, and he’d eventually worked himself into a position of power. And yet he was being coerced into promoting a woman he didn’t feel was ready for the job.

      All because of her name.

      Disgusted, Garrett stood up, walked across the plush, dark blue carpet toward a credenza on the far wall. Inside the gleaming wood cabinet sat a coffeemaker. He reached for a heavy porcelain mug and poured himself a cup. Carrying the steaming brew with him, he stalked back to his desk and reread the memo that had arrived only an hour before.


      See to a review of Kyra Fortune, then arrange her promotion. As discussed, make no mention of her family ties, but assure Ms. Fortune that her talents are appreciated and valued. Make this happen.


      Miles Henderson. CEO of Voltage Energy Company. A man with a mission. Garrett suspected Miles was determined to push through a merger with Fortune TX, Ltd. and he wanted Kyra to give him leverage. The board had decided in an emergency meeting the night before that Kyra, by virtue of being a Fortune, would be just the edge they needed when dealing with Fortune TX, Ltd.

      Garrett set his coffee cup down on his uncluttered, ebony desktop and then leaned back in his chair. Damned if a part of him didn’t almost feel sorry for the woman. She’d never traded on her name. Never made an issue of it at all.

      If she got wind of the truth behind this promotion… Hell, he wasn’t sure what she’d do.

      His intercom buzzed. “Yes?”

      “Ms. Fortune is here, sir.”

      “Fine, Carol. Send her in.”

      He stood up behind his desk, buttoned his suit jacket and prepared to lie his ass off.

      She stepped into the room, then closed the door behind her. Walking across his office, she moved with an innate sense of grace, hips swaying, a cautious smile on her face. She was tall—about five foot nine—with a slender build and platinum-blond hair a few shades lighter than his own. Her hair was short and sort of fringed, framing her face in feathery layers that made her look a lot softer than he knew her to be. Her blue-green eyes were wary as she stepped up to his desk and held out her hand.

      “Mr. Wolff.”

      He took her hand in his and disregarded the flash of something hot and disconcerting that swept through him. This kind of thing was always happening if Kyra got too near—the perfect reason for keeping her at a distance. Not only wasn’t she anywhere near his type, but an office affair could only get messy.

      He saw a spurt of recognition pass across her eyes and disappear again just as quickly.

      “Please, sit down.” He waved a hand at the chair closest to her.

      She did, but perched on the edge of the black leather seat, hands folded on her knees. Before he could speak, she started.

      “If this is about my idea for the expansion division—”

      “It’s not.” He cut her off, not wanting to discuss her plan.

      His temper spiked as he remembered all of the half-baked ideas she’d come up with over the last year. Granted, one or two of them weren’t bad. But she always had to push the envelope. Always had to go for just one more step.

      And while a part of him admired her for the guts it took to rock the boat, a bigger part wanted to tell her that irritating people was not the fast track to success.

      But then, he thought wryly, since the higher-ups had decided to promote her anyway…

      She fidgeted in her chair, and Garrett brought his mind back to the task at hand. “According to your employee records, you’re not due for another review until October, is that right?”

      “Yeeessss.” One word. At least five syllables.

      He sensed her nervousness and did nothing to ease it. Her perfume, a subtle scent of flowers and citrus, drifted lazily to him and he frowned to himself as he tried to ignore it. Every time he saw her, that scent reached out for him, and he almost wondered if she used the stuff as some sort of feminine weapon. If so, it was a damn effective one.

      Reaching for a manila file folder to his right, he opened it and laid it on his desk. Deliberately, he scanned the contents, though he’d already read the information it contained. She was nervous, and damned if some small part of him wasn’t enjoying it. So many of the people in this company either admired her or were intimidated by her that he relished the chance to put her on edge a little.

      She inched closer to the desk and strained to read her employee file upside down.

      “If this is about the meeting with the Hartsfield people, I can assure you that I have the situation in hand,” she said, shifting her gaze to him, and then back to the file, still open on his desk.

      When he closed it, he saw the flash of irritation in her eyes, and enjoyed that, too.

      “It’s not.”

      “Then what?”

      He leaned back in his chair, propped his elbows on the arms and steepled his fingertips together as he studied her. She was still nervous, but a flash of something mutinous darted through her eyes.

      “I called you in here to let you know that you’re going to be reviewed early next week.”

      Her blue-green eyes narrowed in suspicion. “My next review isn’t due until October. Why now?”

      He sat up, folded his arms atop the closed file and watched her. “I СКАЧАТЬ