A Very...Pregnant New Year's. Doreen Roberts
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Название: A Very...Pregnant New Year's

Автор: Doreen Roberts

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue

isbn: 9781472076175


СКАЧАТЬ against this obnoxious woman, she said deliberately, “Not painting. Designing. I’m an architect.”

      “Really.” Darlene looked as if she’d just smelled something bad. “How terribly quaint.” She reached out a manicured hand and patted Brad on the shoulder. “You hear that, Brad? An architect. It’s really amazing what they allow women to do nowadays.” She gave Anne the kind of look a cat gives when it’s brought home a dead mouse. “Brad’s law firm is doing very well, you know.”

      Brad shrugged, looking embarrassed, as well he might.

      “Well, good for him.” Anne kept her icy gaze on Darlene’s face. “You must be so proud of him.”

      “I am. He’s been such a comfort since poor Wally died.”

      Remembering her manners, Anne swallowed her temper and said quietly, “I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. It must be very hard for you.”

      Darlene sighed. “Yes, it is. One tends to lean on family at times like these.”

      “Speaking of which,” Anne said, grasping the opportunity, “I’m supposed to be at the dinner table right now with my family.”

      Darlene’s heavily painted face took on a look of dismay. “Your family is here, too?”

      “The entire family,” Anne assured her with ill-concealed satisfaction. “My parents, my brother and sisters, as well as my grandfather are all here to celebrate the new year.”

      “Good heavens,” Darlene murmured. “The whole clan. I had no idea.” She turned to her son, her oversized, gold earrings swinging an inch or two above her shoulders. “Well, Brad darling, I suppose we shall just have to make the best of it. No doubt we’ll be falling over Parkers all weekend.”

      Anne had finally had enough. With a muttered “Excuse me,” she turned her back on them and headed for the dining room. Revolting woman, she thought, seething with indignation. Anyone would think the holiday celebration had been planned entirely for her benefit, and that the Parkers were irritating intruders. Brad might have declared his neutrality, but his mother obviously intended to keep the Irving banner flying.

      Her encounter had robbed her of an appetite, but she was not about to let anyone know that. Nor was she about to let the insufferable Irvings ruin the weekend. She would simply have to do her level best to avoid them.

      Brad watched Anne disappear through the main doors of the dining room, feeling more than a little sorry for her. She’d met her match when dueling with his mother’s acid tongue. Though he had to admire the way she’d hung on to her composure. The fourteen-year-old kid he remembered would have instantly retaliated with a barrage of insults.

      Remembering that last encounter in the halls of Burke Senior High, he twisted his mouth in a wry smile. He kind of missed that hot-tempered, spunky attitude of hers. Though her green eyes still sparkled with fire when she was mad.

      “Pretentious little brat,” Darlene sputtered. “Did you see the way she looked at me? I prefer to be called Anne. The Parkers think they’re all so superior. Not that she has anything to preen about. Little wonder her boyfriend dumped her at the altar, if she patronized him the way she does everyone else. She deserves what she gets, that’s what I say.”

      “Mother,” Brad said mildly, “I’m really not interested in anything that is remotely connected to the Parkers, so why don’t we just change the subject.”

      Darlene sniffed. “Well, you should be. It was the Parkers who put your father into an early grave.”

      He felt the familiar stab of pain at the mention of his dad, and he made an effort to keep his tone even, “Dad died because his heart couldn’t handle the stress of running the resort. You know that as well as I do.”

      “He died,” Darlene said deliberately, “because he killed himself trying to hold on to that stupid piece of property rather than allow it to be sold back to the Parkers. He’d turn over in his grave if he knew it was shut down.”

      “The Coldwater Spa was operating at a loss for the last few years. It was just a matter of time before he closed it down.”

      “The right person could have made it profitable again.”

      He knew what she was getting at, and he knew where that topic would lead. He’d fought with his father often enough over his decision to go to law school instead of taking over the management of the resort. He wasn’t about to fight with his mother over it, too.

      “Well, it’s closed down now,” he said cheerfully, “so let’s just stop worrying about it and enjoy this weekend.”

      He might have known she wouldn’t let it go that easily.

      “If your father hadn’t stipulated in his will that the land had to stay in the family,” Darlene said, as they crossed the lobby together, “we could have asked a good price for Coldwater and been rid of it. If it hadn’t been for the Parkers and that ridiculous feud, we wouldn’t be stuck with it.”

      “You can’t blame everything on the Parkers.” Brad paused at the entrance to the dining room. “We’ll enjoy the weekend a lot more if you just forget about the feud and the Parkers. Pretend they’re not here.”

      Darlene sniffed. “That’s going to be a little difficult considering the entire mob is here. I don’t know how you can be so calm about it. After all, if it hadn’t been for that family, you would probably have had a better relationship with your father.”

      Brad winced. It was a low blow, and there was just no answer to that. Wishing he were anywhere else but at Mountview Ski Lodge that weekend, he escorted his mother into the dining room.

      A few yards away, Anne sat at a long table at the far end of the room, next to one of the tall windows overlooking the slopes. She’d always loved the rustic atmosphere of the lodge, with its wide, natural beams and cathedral ceilings. Logs crackled and spat in the huge stone fireplace just feet away, and she could feel the heat from the hungry flames as she looked around the table at her family.

      It was so good to be with them all again, though she missed her grandma Nellie. She smiled at Grandpa James, who sat next to her. She couldn’t resist giving him a hug. “How are you doing, Grandpa?”

      His pale gray eyes peered at her over the top of his glasses. “I’d feel a damn sight better if it was colder.”

      She was immediately concerned. “Are you too hot? Would you like to move? I’m sure they’ll be happy to set up another table further away from the fire.”

      He shook his head. “I’m fine. It’s the snow I’m worried about.” He nodded at the window. “Looks a little mushy to me.”

      Paul, who was sitting on the other side of him, gave him a nudge with his elbow. “You planning on skiing with us, Gramps?”

      Grandpa James shook his head. “Got too much respect for my old bones.” He gave Paul a stern look. “Stay off that mountain, sonny, if you value your skin.” He glanced around the table. “That goes for all of you. Not safe out there. Temperature’s rising. Take my word for it.”

      Paul laughed. At twenty-four he was a carbon copy of their father, except his dark blond hair showed no signs of СКАЧАТЬ