To Save Her Child. Margaret Daley
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Название: To Save Her Child

Автор: Margaret Daley

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9781474013956


СКАЧАТЬ her, worried about her pale features.

      She dropped her head, her chin nearly touching her chest. Her long blond hair fell forward, hiding her delicate features. What had drawn him to her from the beginning, when he’d met her months ago, were her large brown eyes. One look into them and he’d experienced a kinship with her, as if she’d gone through a nightmare that equaled his. He hoped he was wrong, because being a prisoner of war was intolerable, even for the strongest person.

      “Robbie is all I have. I can’t let anything happen to him. That man could have hurt him today.” Ella finished the granola bar and gulped down some water.

      “He could have, but he didn’t. The boy is safe. The police will find the man who chased the kids. If he has any kind of record, it’ll only be a matter of time before he’s found and arrested.”

      She angled her head to look into his eyes. For a few seconds everything around him faded. His focus homed in on her face. When she smiled, her whole face lit up, and for a moment, he thought he was special to her. Why in the world would he think that? For the past eighteen months, he’d slowly been piecing his life back together, but at the moment he felt as if all he’d been able to do was patch over the wounds.

      “Thanks, Josiah. You’ve gone above and beyond for me. Neither of us got much sleep last night because of Mr. Otterman’s search, but I wasn’t following a dog on a scent. You were. I hate to impose on you about dinner—”

      He covered her hand with his. “I usually have dinner alone after a long day at Outdoor Alaska. Going out with you and your son will be a nice change of pace. Besides, Robbie is expecting me to go. I don’t want to let him down. And you are not imposing on me.”

      For the past six months, since returning to Alaska, he’d gone through the same routine every day—wake up, grab breakfast on the run, work long hours at the store, then go home, eat dinner, play with Buddy and then go to bed. Not much else in between. The only time he deviated from the schedule was when he and Buddy helped in a search and rescue. His volunteering had been a lifesaver for him.

      Dimples appeared on her cheeks. “All right, then. Dinner it is. And there’s more to life than work, you know. I would have thought you would enjoy camping at this time of year.”

      For a second, all he could do was stare at her smile until he realized she was waiting for him to say something. “I used to camp a lot, but since I left the Marines, I haven’t.”

      “Alaska is a great place to enjoy the outdoors, even in the winter. That’s what I love about this state.”

      “I know what you mean.” He wanted to steer the conversation away from him. He glimpsed fellow searcher Jesse coming out of the trees, carrying a boy. Jesse’s dog trotted next to him. “There’s Jesse and Michael.” He pointed in their direction.

      Before Ella could say anything, Robbie and Travis raced toward them. “Well, I guess I don’t have to tell my son Michael is back.”

      “We’ll give him a few minutes to talk with his friend, then leave. I’ve worked up quite an appetite.”

      “It’s all that exercising you did today.”

      “You were right there by my side, looking for Robbie. You must be hungry, too.” Josiah rose and offered his hand.

      She took it and stood. “Thanks for all your help.” When Michael was taken to the first-aid tent, Ella motioned to Robbie to join her.

      Her son skidded to a stop. “Let’s go. I could eat a bear.” Suddenly he swung his head from side to side. “No one has seen a bear, have they?”


      “Good. I really can’t eat a bear, but I’m so hungry.”

      “Then let’s go.” Josiah indicated where his truck was parked. “Would you like to take Buddy, Robbie?”


      “I need to talk to the camp director first,” Ella said, approaching the man.

      Josiah watched Ella talk with the guy. From her body language, he could guess what she was saying to the director. It was clear she wasn’t happy with what happened today, and Josiah couldn’t blame her. She was more restrained than he would have been if Robbie were his son. At one time he’d envisioned having a family, but not after his fiancée, Lori’s, betrayal. The thought of her had been what kept him going while he’d been a prisoner of war, but when he’d escaped his three-month captivity, she’d already moved on with her life with another man.

      When Ella returned, her expression was blank except for a glint in her brown eyes. “Okay, I’m ready.”

      “I need to see Thomas for a second.” He gave Ella his truck keys. “Go on. I’ll be there shortly.”

      Josiah jogged toward the tent and waited in the entrance while Thomas finished interviewing Michael. He caught the detective’s attention, and Thomas walked to him. “I know you’re going to let Ella know your progress in finding the man who scared the boys, but I’d appreciate it if you’d call me first.”

      Thomas’s eyebrows shot up. “I didn’t realize you two were so close.”

      “We aren’t. Not exactly. But she’s a single mother. I don’t want her to feel she’s all alone in this.”

      “She isn’t. David and Bree asked me to do the same thing.” He tried to maintain a tough expression, but his mouth twisted in a slight smile.

      Exasperated at Thomas, who he’d known since childhood, Josiah asked, “Does that mean you’ll call me first?”

      “Yes. Count this as me informing you before Ella. One of my officers at the station just called me. He found a match in the database from the description Travis and Robbie gave me, and I showed Michael the guy’s photo. He positively ID’d the guy, so I sent some patrol cars to the last known address of Casey Foster to bring him in for questioning.”

      “It’s probably too much to ask that he’ll be home.”

      “Many criminals do dumb things and get caught.” Thomas looked toward Josiah’s truck. “I see Ella and Robbie waiting for you.”

      “Yeah, we’re going to grab dinner.” Josiah looked up at the clouds as drops of rain began to fall.

      “Go on. I’ll show Travis the guy’s photo. I won’t show Robbie until later. I know what a long day you and Ella had, with the earlier search for Mr. Otterman.”

      “See you later.” Josiah turned to leave and nearly collided with his twin sister. They had similar coloring—black hair, blue eyes—but that was as close as they got to being alike. He and Alex were polar opposites in many respects. They were close, though. She was all the family he had left.

      “Just got back from helping to search for Michael. I saw Ella and her son in your truck. Is Robbie okay?”

      “Shook up but not hurt.”

      “Travis, too. But I understand Michael sprained his ankle.”

      “He hurt it while running, I hear.”

      “At СКАЧАТЬ