About Last Night.... Stephanie Bond
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Название: About Last Night...

Автор: Stephanie Bond

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Temptation

isbn: 9781472083104


СКАЧАТЬ Jumping to her feet, Marie began pacing and waving her arms. “How come you never said anything?”

      At the moment she was wishing she still hadn’t said anything, and now she darn sure wasn’t going to admit she was a virgin on top of everything else. “I started to mention it several times, but I was just too…I don’t know—embarrassed, I guess.”

      “So have you two ever talked about it?”

      “I’ve brought up the subject lots of times, but he only said that he wanted to wait until we’re married.”

      “Which explains why he proposed so quickly.”

      Janine frowned.

      “And the fact that he loves you, of course,” Marie added hastily. “Maybe you need to be more aggressive. You know, take the bull by the horns, so to speak.”

      She reflected on the few awkward episodes when she’d tried to make her physical needs known to Steve. “I’ve tried everything short of throwing myself at him.”

      “Hmm. Maybe he’s truly trying to be chivalrous.”

      She pursed her lips and nodded. “And I’m glad he respects me. But it’s more than not having sex. He gets angry when I bring it up, and he shuts me out. Sometimes he doesn’t call for days afterward.”

      Marie let out a low whistle. “Sounds like he might have some hang-ups. Maybe he’s burnt out from fixing all those breasts and butts and lips and chins.”

      “Maybe,” she agreed.

      “Well, you know he’s a full-fledged hetero—Steve’s other girlfriends weren’t known for their, ahem, virtuous restraint.”

      Janine closed her eyes, suddenly sick to her stomach. “That’s what worries me. I’ve heard him say there are two kinds of women—the ones you sleep with and the ones you marry.”

      Marie winced. “Uh-oh. Therapy alert.”

      Janine nodded, blinking back tears.

      “So if you’re worried, why did you say yes?”

      She inhaled, then sat cross-legged. “Good question. I think I need another glass of wine.”

      Marie obliged, filling her lipstick-smudged glass from the bottle sitting on the dresser. “No more for me, I’m going over to Greg’s later.”

      Janine swallowed a mouthful of the sweet liquid, savoring the slight tingle as it slid down her throat. “Why did I say yes? Because Steve is great-looking and he has a terrific future, and he’s charming and he likes the same things I do.”

      “Harvesting herbs and practicing yoga?” Marie looked dubious.

      “Okay, not every thing I like to do, but we’re good together—you said so yourself.”

      “Uh-uh,” her sister denied with a finger wag. “I said you look good together—blond and blue-eyed, you the flower child, he the Valley guy. But that doesn’t mean you’re good together.”

      This conversation was not making her feel better. No one at the clinic was more surprised than she when Steve Larsen, the hunky surgeon who had every woman in white shoes worked into a lather, had asked her out. Frankly, she’d anticipated losing her virginity rather quickly to the ladies’ man with the notorious reputation, but instead, he had scrupulously avoided intimate contact.

      “Steve’s a gentleman,” she murmured.

      “Janine!” Marie said, exasperated. “You shouldn’t marry the guy just because you think he’s nice. Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with Steve Larsen?”

      She’d lain awake last night asking herself the same question, wallowing in her concerns, trying to sort through her overblown fantasies of passionate love and what appeared to be a less interesting reality. “His life and his family are just so…fascinating.”

      “You’re fascinating,” Marie insisted.

      “I thought I was the one drinking. Sis, I have the most boring life of any person I know.”

      Marie lifted her hands. “I’m sure there are exciting things going on at the clinic all the time.”

      “Oh, yeah, flu season gives me goose bumps.”

      Marie crossed her arms. “Okay, I’ll bite—what would you consider exciting?”

      Janine studied the ceiling, smiling in lazy wishful thinking. “I’d like to be caught up in a passionate relationship with Steve—you know, where we can’t keep our hands off each other. I want…something irrational. Illogical. And highly irregular.”

      Her sister sighed. “Don’t we all? If you’re having second thoughts, you need to be proactive. Look in the mirror, Janine. In case no one’s told you, you don’t have to settle.”

      “Spoken like a true sister,” she teased, but panic swirled in her stomach. She gripped her glass tighter. “And I don’t feel like I’m settling…most of the time. I love Steve, and I know sex isn’t everything, but what if he and I aren’t physically compatible?”

      Marie angled her head. “Couples can work through those things, although Steve doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would agree to see a counselor.”

      “You got that right.” Steve prided himself on having his life together, from his thriving cosmetic surgery practice to his low golf handicap.

      Marie quirked her mouth from side to side. “You’re not married yet. There’s still time.”

      Janine laughed miserably. “Right, I can just see telling Mother I’m canceling the wedding because Steve won’t have sex with me.”

      “No, I mean you still have time to find out if the two of you are sexually compatible.” Her mouth curved into a mischievous smile. “Where is Steve tonight?”

      “The groomsmen gave him a bachelor party at the resort. He’s spending the night there.”

      “Perfect! You said you’d tried everything short of throwing yourself at him, right?”

      “Yeah,” Janine offered, wary.

      Marie held up the pink bustier and grinned. “I can’t think of a better outfit to wear while throwing yourself at the man you’re about to marry.”

      “But—” Her mind spun for a good reason to object, except she couldn’t think of one.

      “Try it on and see how it looks.”

      Janine stood and considered the outrageous getup while she sipped her wine. “I don’t know if I can figure out all those hooks.”

      Her sister scoffed. “I have one of these things, although it’s not nearly as nice.” She glanced at the label and whistled. “Darn, Sandy must have dropped a pretty penny on this outfit.”

      “Steve СКАЧАТЬ