The Groom's Stand-In. Gina Wilkins
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Название: The Groom's Stand-In

Автор: Gina Wilkins

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

isbn: 9781472090119


СКАЧАТЬ was stupid, he thought irritably as he deposited her luggage. While he’d never possessed Bryan’s silver-tongued charisma with the ladies, he wasn’t usually reduced to stammering. This whole situation was awkward and weird—which must account for the sense of impending catastrophe he’d been fighting ever since they’d stopped at the convenience store.

      Leaving Chloe to settle in, Donovan went downstairs to the kitchen. At home there, he opened the refrigerator door and pulled out a soft drink. Popping the top, he downed a third of it in one long guzzle. For some reason, his throat suddenly felt parched.

      He would be glad when Bryan arrived so he could get the heck out of this kooky courtship.

      As if in response to his fervent wish, the telephone rang. Out of habit, Donovan scooped up the kitchen extension before it could ring a second time. “Donovan Chance,” he said automatically—the only way he ever answered a call.

      The caller spoke without bothering to identify himself. “I wasn’t sure you’d be there yet. I tried your cell phone. Did you forget to turn it on?”

      Donovan reached automatically for his belt. “Forgot to bring it in. I left it in the car.”

      “You didn’t have any problems getting there, I hope? The weather’s good?”

      It wasn’t like Bryan to stall with small talk. “Where are you, Bryan? How long will it take you to get here?”

      The sound of a throat being cleared was the only answer, making Donovan’s frown deepen. “Bryan? What’s going on?”

      “Something’s come up, D.C. I’m not going to make it there today.”

      “Damn it, you haven’t even left New York, have you?”

      “No. The deal here started unraveling this morning and I’ve had my hands full trying to keep everything together. This is the first chance I’ve had to even give you a call. I kept hoping I could slip away late this afternoon, but noon tomorrow’s going to be the earliest I can get out. I hope to be there by early tomorrow evening.”

      “And what am I supposed to do with your house-guest in the meantime? Leave her here by herself?”

      “I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?”

      Donovan sighed. “Damn it, Bryan.”

      “Look, I know you have things you’d rather be doing…”

      “Things I need to be doing. Like work. Isn’t there any way you can hop on a plane tonight and I could take care of things there?”

      “I’m afraid not. Trust me, Donovan, this isn’t my choice. I’d much rather be there making plans with Chloe than fighting it out here with Childers. I feel like a heel for bailing out on her like this after she’s made that long trip. I hope she won’t be too angry with me.”

      “I’m sure she’ll get over it,” Donovan muttered. Bryan had a way of charming women into forgiving him. Who was he kidding? Bryan’s magic even worked on Donovan. He should be steamed over being stuck here like this, but instead, he was agreeing to extend his babysitting services for another twenty-four hours or so.

      “So what do you think of Chloe? Is she everything I told you she was?”

      “Yeah. She’s nice.”

      The bland words seemed to echo through the phone lines for several long moments before Bryan spoke again. “You have a problem with Chloe?”

      “Of course not.”

      “Something’s bugging you, I can tell. What is it?”

      “Nothing. I’m just wondering how I’m supposed to entertain her until you get here. She didn’t agree to come away on a cozy vacation with me, you know.”

      “Just keep her company. Take her for a walk or a boat ride or something. Make dinner—maybe throw a couple of steaks on the grill. There’s a good selection of DVD movies in the media room, and some new books in the library. Or there’s always Scrabble or Monopoly if you get desperate, though I know you’re not much of a game player.”

      With another heavy sigh, Donovan nodded. “We’ll get by somehow.”

      “I’m sure you will. Despite your own glaring personality shortcomings, you’ll find Chloe’s great company. Maybe she was a bit nervous during the car ride—let’s face it, pal, you’ve been known to intimidate tougher souls than Chloe—but once she’s comfortable with you, you’ll see how interesting and amusing she can be. Just keep in mind that she’s already taken.”

      “You don’t have to worry about that.” Donovan hadn’t forgotten for one moment that Chloe planned to marry his boss.

      “I guess I’d better break it to Chloe that I won’t be there tonight.”

      “She’s in her room, unpacking. I’ll get her for you.”

      “Thanks, D.C. I owe you for this.”

      “You sure do,” Donovan muttered, setting the receiver on the counter. “Big time.”

      She really should have listened to her sister.

      Wearing a green satin nightgown and a matching robe, Chloe stood outside on the balcony of the dauntingly elegant guest room. It was a beautiful night—clear, mild, gilded by a bright, nearly full moon—but chilly. Her breath hung in front of her as she leaned against the railing and gazed somberly at the landscape of mysteriously shadowed hills and the glittering lake in the distance. It was a night made for romance and intrigue.

      Yet she was spending it alone, wishing she was back in her simple Little Rock apartment.

      Grace had warned her that this was a bad idea. She had predicted from the beginning that it wouldn’t work out the way Chloe hoped. Little could she have known just how right she would be.

      From the moment Bryan had gracefully and effusively apologized for standing her up this evening, Chloe had sensed the plans she’d made disintegrating around her. Or maybe it had all started crumbling even before that—maybe when she’d walked into her living room and found Donovan Chance and her sister glaring at each other.

      She wanted to believe she would feel differently now if Bryan had been available to pick her up at her apartment and drive her here himself. If he had been the one to spend the day with her, to dine with her, to bid her goodnight. Instead, she found herself trying to summon a clear mental picture of him. For some strange reason, his image kept metamorphosing in her mind—his thick, glossy black hair and brilliant blue eyes changing to rebellious chestnut-brown strands and metallic-green eyes.

      It was obvious that she kept thinking of Donovan because she’d spent so much time with him today. It certainly wasn’t anything more than that; she couldn’t even say that she liked the man very much. It had been all she could do to make conversation with him during dinner, since he still showed that irritating tendency to answer with a monosyllable any time he could.

      The main problem was that at this point, she couldn’t say that she particularly wanted to be with Bryan, either, no matter how much more articulate and entertaining he could be than his friend.

      She СКАЧАТЬ