Otherwise Engaged. Cara Summers
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Название: Otherwise Engaged

Автор: Cara Summers

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Temptation

isbn: 9781474020060


СКАЧАТЬ with his tongue. Drawing back slightly, he felt her breath mingle with his as her lashes fluttered. The need within him grew sharper as he nipped along her jaw, then lingered to taste the soft, secret spot behind her ear.

      She shouldn’t be doing this. The thought drummed through her mind like a chant, but she suddenly lost track of the words making it up. His mouth was impossibly soft when it returned to hers. His taste so different, so sweet. Gripping his shoulders tightly, she pulled him closer and nipped at his lips, then sighed as their honeyed warmth poured through her. It was melting her. Oh, she really shouldn’t be doing this. But she wanted to. In some part of her mind that could still function, she was dimly aware that she was losing parts of herself, parts that she’d taken years to carefully build up. Drawing him closer, she used her teeth and tongue to deepen the kiss. She heard his moan, felt his heart speed up against hers. The need filled her so quickly, fully.

      Her mouth was so avid, so greedy. Whatever he’d expected, whatever he’d fantasized about, Nick found it had little to do with what he was experiencing. One taste—that’s what he’d promised himself. Now he wondered if he’d ever have enough. She was softer than he’d thought, incredibly so. Her hair was like warm silk against his skin as he ran his hands into it, scattering the pins. And she was anything but cool. He’d seen the temper, had known there’d be passion, but he’d never anticipated this incredible heat that radiated from her to him and back again. Dragging her closer, he suddenly changed the angle of this kiss and plunged them both closer to the fire.

      This was so different. He’d never before felt the dizzying sensation that was spiraling through him, draining his control. Nor had he ever known the edgy hunger that was building within him. He had to have more. He might never get enough. The thought burned through him even as a warning bell clanged loudly in his mind. Greedily, he ignored it and took them both deeper. But it continued to ring.

      The cell phone. The realization hit him like a spray of ice water and he drew back quickly. What was he doing? He’d forgotten where they were and he’d damn near pulled her to the ground in the middle of Central Park. As the phone rang again, he thrust it into her hand. “You’d better answer it.”

      For a moment she simply stared down at it.

      “Answer it, Tyler.”

      Lifting it, she said, “Yes?” After a moment, she held it out to him. “Sam.”

      Two words, she thought as she watched him talk to his cousin. Her head was still reeling so she hadn’t been sure she could get them out, but she must have. She hadn’t known a kiss could do that. Fill you and drain you so completely at the same time. There was only one thing she was sure of. She couldn’t possibly let it happen again. But how in the world, now that she’d experienced it, was she supposed to forget it?

      “So much for your faith in Personal Connections,” Nick said as he snapped the phone shut and jammed it into his pocket.

      Tyler frowned. “What are you talking about?”

      “Sam just learned that your bridegroom is a fake.”

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