His Lady of Castlemora. Joanna Fulford
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Название: His Lady of Castlemora

Автор: Joanna Fulford

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

isbn: 9781472003881


СКАЧАТЬ not?’ He held her gaze. ‘Who better than me? I may be a younger son but I come of good family. I have risen to my present rank on merit and served your father well. Thanks to my efforts Castlemora is strong and feared.’ He paused. ‘And you cannot be entirely unaware of my feelings for you.’

      ‘I regret that I cannot return them.’

      ‘Not yet, but you might come to return them, in time.’

      She shook her head. ‘I will never feel about you that way.’

      ‘You say so now but I know how to be patient.’

      ‘Time will not change this. Do not hold out hopes of me.’

      ‘If not me, who else, Isabelle? You are no longer the prize you once were, only a widow returned in disgrace to her father.’

      Her chin lifted at once. ‘I wonder then that you should wish to make her yours.’

      ‘I have long wished it. The present circumstances change nothing, except to work in my favour since there will be no more suitors coming calling now.’

      ‘Never tell me you speak out of pity, Murdo.’

      ‘Far from it.’ He smiled. ‘I know the truth, you see.’

      She stared at him. ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘That Alistair Neil was no man at all.’

      ‘You have no right to say such things.’

      ‘You don’t have to pretend to me, Isabelle. ‘Tis common knowledge among the local whores: your late husband was but meagrely endowed, and that he couldn’t get a cock stand either. If you have no children the fault is not yours.’

      Had it been anyone else this vindication would have been balm to her spirit. As it was, her cheeks burned.

      Murdo drew closer. ‘I can give you children.’

      She stiffened. The thought of intimacy with him was utterly repellent. ‘It’s impossible.’

      ‘Come now, would you not prefer to be ridden by a real man for a change?’ Seeing her outraged expression he laughed softly. ‘One night in my bed and you’ll forget Alistair Neil ever existed.’

      ‘I’ll never share your bed.’

      If her reply had dismayed him it was not apparent for his expression did not change save that his gaze became more intense. ‘When I set myself a goal I always achieve it.’

      Despite the warmth of the late afternoon sunshine goose bumps started along her arms, and she wanted nothing so much as to be free of his presence.

      ‘I regret that you will be disappointed this time.’

      ‘You’re wrong, Isabelle. This time you will be my wife.’

      ‘That I never shall.’ With that she turned to leave, but a strong hand on her arm prevented it.

      ‘I never take no for an answer,’ he replied. ‘You should know that well enough by now.’

      She tested the hold but it didn’t alter. ‘Let go of me, Murdo.’

      ‘You escaped me once before but I’ll not let it happen again.’

      The tone was casual but its implications were not. Her heart thumped unpleasantly hard but she forced herself to meet his gaze. ‘You forget yourself. You may have a trusted position in this household, but it does not give you the right thus to presume.’

      ‘Not yet perhaps,’ he replied, ‘but know this: I intend to have a husband’s rights over you soon enough.’

      That quiet assertion snapped the last fragile strand of her self-control. ‘Never!’

      Tearing herself free of his hold she turned on her heel and ran off through the trees. He watched but made no attempt to stop her.

      ‘Aye, run from me, Isabelle,’ he murmured. ‘You won’t escape.’

       Chapter One

       Three months later

      Isabelle urged the horse to a canter, wanting only to put space between herself and Castlemora for a while. In theory she ought not to ride out alone but Murdo and her brother had gone out hunting earlier so there was no one to prevent her. All the same, freedom was going to be short-lived. Her father might have decided to bide his time over the Neils, but he had not been tardy in seeking another husband for her …

       ‘Glengarron is an old ally. Marriage will serve to strengthen the tie.’

       Her stomach turned over. Somehow she managed to control her voice. ‘Forgive me, but I thought the Laird of Glengarron was already married.’

       ‘So he is. I was speaking of his brother-in-law, Lord Ban.’

       ‘I see.’

       ‘He’s a Sassenach but that canna be helped.’

       ‘A Sassenach?’

       ‘It’s not ideal, I admit. On the plus side he’s a respected warrior with strong family connections, but, having no land, he canna be so particular in his choice of a bride.’

       Her jaw tightened. ‘Nor I so particular in my choice of a husband?’

       ‘You canna afford to be choosy now.’

       ‘Perhaps it is the Sassenach thane who will be choosy.’

       ‘Why should he be?’ He eyed her appraisingly. ‘You’ve looks enough and the Graham blood to boot. No doubt some small financial inducement could be found as well. It should be enough.’

       With an effort she held fury in check. ‘And if it isn’t?’

       ‘There’s always a convent.’

       ‘I have no vocation for the religious life.’

       He regarded her steadily. ‘Murdo looks at you a good deal. You could do worse.’

       ‘I hardly think so.’

       ‘In that case I advise you to put on your finest gown and make yourself agreeable when Lord Ban arrives.’

       Her mouth dried. ‘When is he expected?’

       ‘Very soon now. See to it that all necessary preparations are made to welcome him.’

      The recollection of that conversation filled Isabelle with roiling anger. Nevertheless, she didn’t dare to disobey. Castlemora СКАЧАТЬ