Temptation. Donna Hill
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Название: Temptation

Автор: Donna Hill

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

isbn: 9781472018892


СКАЧАТЬ evening ladies.” His mellow voice warmed Noelle like brandy in winter. Politely he inclined his head toward Tempest, who smiled knowingly.

      “Listen, Noelle, I’m going inside to call the airport. Please excuse me,” she said to both. Without another glance she walked up the small incline toward the main entrance.

      “I hope it wasn’t anything I said,” he quipped, flashing a smile that made Noelle’s insides quiver.

      Smoothly she returned his smile. “I’m sure it wasn’t. She’s expecting her husband. It seems his plane has been delayed.”

      “In that case, I feel better.” His smile stroked her. “At least about it not being my fault.” He made a small show of looking over the grounds, if only to take his mind temporarily off of the face and body that was making him lose his sense of perspective.

      In profile, Noelle stole the chance to observe him up close. He had to be over 6’3”, she noted, as he stood head and shoulders above her 5’8” height plus heels. His hard muscular body told her that he took care of himself. He had a strong chiseled face of smooth sienna, a well-tended beard that outlined his rugged chin. His eyes were wide and dark, shadowed by thick black lashes and thicker brows. His full, sensuous lips promised unmeasurable pleasure.

      He had a real GQ look. Even in semicasual attire he gave the impression of power and confidence. He wore a suit of navy linen, that hung loosely on his body, as was the fashion. He chose to wear a V-neck T-shirt of white silk. The low collar entreated her to run her fingers across his chest. She curled them into a fist to quell the urge.

      He returned his attention back to her and her flesh warmed under his gaze, shooting flashes of liquid desire to her center. She felt the tips of her breasts ripen under his open perusal, which made her even more self-conscious.

      She feels it, too, he realized, her ardor boldly evident through the revealing dress, even as he fought to control the turbulence of passion that raged within him.

      He forced his mind to clear. “This is a beautiful place you have. You’ve done wonders with it.”

      Noelle’s tapered eyebrows arched. “You’re familiar with the villa, monsieur?”

      “Actually,” he replied in a confidential tone, “I was with Jordan when he purchased it almost ten years ago. He always had intentions of working on it, but…” His sentence drifted off. “I’m glad to see that his very beautiful wife decided to take it over.”

      His dark eyes held hers a moment too long and Noelle felt lightheaded. It must be the champagne.

      She cleared her throat. “It seems that you know a great deal about me, monsieur…?”

      “Noelle! Noelle!”

      Noelle turned around to see Braxton and Tempest coming toward her. Her face lit up when she saw Braxton approach. It had been months since she’d last seen him. After the completion of the interior architecture and the landscaping, he’d had to fly off to Morocco.

      Now that both of the honored guests were present the official opening of Liaisons could commence.

      Braxton embraced her in a warm hug. “It’s good to see you again, Noelle. I’m sorry to be so late, but my plane…” He gave her that smile that had imprisoned Tempest’s heart for life.

      Noelle looked at her relieved girlfriend. “I told you,” Noelle admonished. She took Braxton’s arm and turned back to make introductions.

      He was gone. All that remained was his erotic scent that seemed to have seeped into Noelle’s pores.

      “Oh…” she muttered, a bit confused and somewhat embarrassed, looking over the heads of her guests.

      “Is something wrong?” Braxton asked.

      “No…I was just talking with…” She expelled a breath. “Never mind.” She smiled brightly. “Now that you’re here, I can make the announcement to open the house for the tour. That’s what’s important.”

      For the next hour, Noelle, Tempest and Braxton were bombarded with congratulations and enthusiastic approval of the three-story villa.

      Noelle’s jaws began to ache from the continual smile that she had carved on her mouth. But her thoughts were elsewhere. In every free moment, she subtly tried to locate the man whose image she couldn’t get off of her mind. He seemed to have vanished, and she didn’t even know his name.

      “You’re completely distracted,” Tempest said, surprising Noelle with her nearness.

      She laughed, embarrassed. “Is it that obvious?”

      “Very.” Tempest followed Noelle’s gaze. “You’re looking for him aren’t you?”

      Noelle’s shoulders slumped. “I am transparent, aren’t I?”

      “Only to those that know you. So—who is he?”

      Noelle turned her palms upward. “I still don’t know.”

      “Excuse me? You mean that the two of you were practically undressing each other on the lawn and you don’t know who he is? You’re losing your touch.”

      An underlying sadness scored her voice. “I’ve had no reason to be interested in a man in a very long time.”

      “Yes, I know,” Tempest said softly, placing a comforting hand on Noelle’s bare shoulder, “but you’re a healthy, vibrant, beautiful woman. You can’t stay in hibernation forever. And you can’t use Liaisons to shield yourself from the world.”

      Noelle’s voice quivered. “He’s only been gone a year. I…I just couldn’t…He was my life, my world. He…”

      “He was just a man, Noelle,” Tempest said gently. “Just a man. Not the god that everyone, including you, made him out to be. I can’t believe that Jordan would want you to remain alone for the rest of your life. He groomed you to be a part of the world, not just the world that he created.”

      Noelle lowered her eyes, struggling to fight back the tears that burned her eyes and seared her throat.

      Her life had changed irrevocably. It was due to Jordan. Everything that she had, what she was, what she thought, was because of Jordan. He’d rescued her, brought new meaning to her life, gave her reason to want to get up everyday.

      He’d turned her life around and now he was gone. He’d left her to deal with this evil, hungry world alone. To face his enemies that would just as soon help her as stab her in the back.

      Five years ago, sweating in her aunt Chantal’s tiny café, darting the grubby hands of the male customers she would have never imagined that her life could have ever been any different. Not until the moment that Jordan Maxwell walked into her life. Since that day nothing in her life had ever been the same.

      Forever would she recall the way he looked at her when he walked through those doors….

      Chapter 2

      “Noelle! Stop daydreaming,” her aunt Chantal ordered. “We have customers.”