To Catch a Thief. Christina Skye
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Название: To Catch a Thief

Автор: Christina Skye

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408952825



      Instantly static crackled. “Pizza to go. What can I get you, Alpha?”

      “I figure a large cheese with double pepperoni is out,” Dakota said dryly. “So I’ll settle for backup medical response at the lower trailhead. One girl up here has full-blown asthma with signs of respiratory distress.”

      “Roger that. I’ll wander on by to help and make sure it looks like a coincidence. What about the other climbers?”

      “There are seven in all, plus their leader, Ian Westlake. He might have had a heart attack. He’s holding on, but he’s no help to anyone. Nell’s about to try guiding the able ones down and I’m going to meet her on the slope to help out.”

      “Copy that. Better get the lead out, Alpha. That storm is picking up speed.”

      Bad news, Dakota thought. “Roger. I’ll check back in ten. Alpha out.”

      The SEAL stared across the slope. To his right a steep cliff fell away in a vertical drop straight down to the loch. To his left a lower ridge vanished into the notched teeth of the Cuillin range.

      There would be no climbing down tonight.

      They were on their own. No rescue chopper could land in this wind, even if any were available in this remote corner of Skye. Dakota had to help Nell hold the kids together, dig in on the ledge for the night and wait out the storm.

      In exactly eight minutes he rounded a turn and saw the little group, huddled beneath a ledge. Nell was snapping out crisp orders to a gangly teenager in a brand new parka.

      “Hamilton, get your pack lashed over that boulder. Then I want you and Meyerson inside your tent in sixty seconds.”

      “Yes, sir. I mean ma’am.”

      Once the boy’s pack was secure, he joined his terrified partner in the tent that had been pitched and tethered around stones in the lee of the wind.

      What lee there was.

      Another icy gust pounded over the ridge.

      “Wu, secure your tent. Hernandez, get that lantern ready to help him.”

      Dakota watched Nell work beside the kids, making temporary shelter. She was using their last names, which created distance and the comfort of hierarchy, making orders easier to give and follow.

      He noted that two other boys were working to secure another tent to nearby boulders, with packs tied down near the tent entrance.

      “Good job,” Nell called. “Now all of you get inside.”

      So where were the wounded ones? Dakota wondered.

      A tent flap opened. A slim girl crawled out, looking for Nell. “I found that radio you asked about, ma’am. “It’s—”

      “Wilson, go back inside and take cover. This wind is—”

      The rest of Nell’s order was swept away in an icy gust that screamed over the ridge, caught two unsecured backpacks and threw them into the teenage girl, knocking her into a spine of sharp granite. As her scream was swallowed by the wind, Dakota dove forward and caught her waist, pulling her away from the cliff edge. She moaned brokenly as he lifted her into his arms. Blood streamed over his fingers from a gash down the side of her forehead. Dakota noted her erratic pulse and diminished pupil response.

      Neck wound and probable concussion. Internal injuries were also possible.

      “Who the heck are you?” Nell blocked his way, looking angry and wary and relieved, all at the same time.

      “I was climbing over on the far side of Blaven when I picked up a distress alert from the local SAR. I changed route, circled the corrie and came up to see if you needed help.”

      Nell bit her lip, studying him intently. “You’re American.”

      “Navy.” Dakota gave a wry smile. “This was supposed to be a little holiday until I’m redeployed out of Coronado. I wasn’t counting on the weather going all to hell.”

      Nell seemed to relax slightly. “It does that a lot here. So you’re a good climber? Can you help me get these kids down?”

      “I’ll do whatever I can. Say the word.” Dakota frowned. “You’re up here alone?”

      “Yeah, I am. Look—it’s a long story and I don’t have time to fill in the gaps. I’m Nell MacInnes.”

      “Lieutenant Dakota Smith.”

      “Well, Lieutenant Smith, you can put Amanda Wilson inside this tent.” As she pointed to her right, wet sheeting snow cut off every sign of the terrain. “All of you stay in your tents and keep your backs to the rock. No one moves. Hammond, get that flap closed.”

      Dakota checked his watch as the teens obeyed Nell’s terse commands. She had chosen the camp site well, bunkered down under a ledge in the narrow rift between two cliff faces.

      The teenagers looked cold and confused as Nell went from tent to tent, giving calm orders. “Remember, you are fit and you are smart. We will survive this. Lieutenant Smith out there is going to help us.”

      “But what about Amanda?” A younger boy cut in, his voice shrill with panic. “She hit her head. Is she going to be okay?”

      “She’ll pull through.” Dakota’s voice was firm as he set the wounded girl carefully in the tent Nell had pointed out. Despite his assurances, he knew the girl was far from safe. If she had internal injuries, she might not last the night without medical intervention.

      Briefly, he considered packing the wounded girl into an improvised travois and pulling her down as soon as visibility returned. But that would leave Nell alone in deteriorating conditions—and protecting Nell was his mission priority.


      As he rose from the tent, the wind howled over the ridge. Nell staggered, tossed sideways, and Dakota caught her quickly, his arms locked around her waist.

      He felt the strength of her slim body as she fought the wind, trying to stand. “Thanks,” she rasped. “We’d better get inside.”

      Beneath her safety helmet her eyes were calm and dark, the color of racing gray water through the mountains near his home in northern California. As the two squeezed inside the tent next to the girl named Amanda, Dakota pulled a silver thermal blanket out of his backpack. “Looks like you could use this. The girl’s shivering. She doesn’t seem to be breathing very well either.”

      “Asthma.” Nell spread the blanket over the girl’s body and tucked it in. “Thanks again, Lieutenant—”

      “Dakota will do fine.”

      “Don’t suppose you’ve got a few other seasoned climbers with you who could help guide these kids down?”

      “Afraid not. I’m traveling alone.”

      Nell glanced at him intently. “Not many people I know climb alone.” She raised an eyebrow, waiting for his answer.

      “If СКАЧАТЬ