The Father of Her Son. Kathleen Pickering
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Название: The Father of Her Son

Автор: Kathleen Pickering

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Superromance

isbn: 9781472016492


СКАЧАТЬ I would never have told anyone in our family about Matthew, especially now that I have become an American citizen, but you’ve come to my side of the world. Now that you are here, I see Matt cannot be kept secret from our family for much longer, but I must rely on your discretion. When I’m ready to tell our folks, I’ll need your help, but not until I am ready. I will not tolerate anyone treating my son unkindly.”

      He exhaled a long breath. “I understand. Kelly, I can’t tell you how upset I am that you carried this burden alone for all these years. Why didn’t you call me?”

      Again, Evan’s words rushed in... Do you have someone to confide in? She closed her eyes to dispel the image of him in her mind. “My situation was so complicated. I feared if I spoke one word the entire story would tumble out. No one can know who Matt’s father is.”

      “Kelly, do you think I am daft? You came here as a nanny and now own a diner. I can already guess.”

      A jolt of panic stole her breath. She swallowed hard. “Still. Don’t ask. I will not tell you, Michael. I have to protect my son. New York laws don’t protect rape victims from their assailant if they become pregnant and keep the child. If he were to file suit, I would have to give him joint custody—at best!”

      Michael glanced toward the church. “I can leave Peter to hear confession. Let’s go inside to talk. I’ll make you some tea.”

      “I can’t, Michael. I have to get back to work.”

      “Well, then, are you free tonight?”

      “No. Give me a few days and I’ll bring Matt to meet you. I want to tell him about you first. Okay?”

      He hugged her again. “Kelly, I wish you would have trusted me sooner. I hate to think how difficult this ordeal must have been for you.”

      “The Lord has provided for me, Michael. He sent me to Herby George who was my shining light during the dark hours. Now I have Neverland, a roof over my head and the love of a beautiful child. I am blessed.”

      “Herbert George should be sainted.”

      She smiled. “Aye.”

      “And, your new citizenship? Another secret?”

      “Not so much. My American friends know.”

      “Oh, but we in Ireland don’t deserve such courtesy?”

      “I’m sorry, Michael. I’ve become so used to keeping my own counsel.”

      “To hide the child.”


      Michael watched her for a long, silent moment. She could see him struggling with the rising anger she knew all too well, against the man who raped her, but what Michael needed to understand was that even now, that man could be a danger.

      “Michael, please. You must trust me that silence is the safest road for me.”

      “I’d like to get my hands on that...”

      She squeezed his arm. “No, Michael. The devil will get his due. We need only carry on with our lives as quietly as possible.” She managed a smile. “Wait until you see Matthew. He is a marvelous boy. And, Neverland. I’ve done a splendid job of making my mark in Manhattan—no matter how small. I’ll even let you eat for free.”

      “You are amazing, Kelly.”

      His compliment warmed her heart. “And without a man, which Mum seemed to think was impossible. I am proud of my accomplishments.”

      “And so you should be. Now, for your sins you must say two rosaries, come back here next Friday, do the stations of the cross and then recite ten novenas to make up for your irreverent confession.”

      She laughed and hugged her brother. “I have missed you, Michael!”

      “When will you come back?”

      She bit her lip as she tried to figure out a way to break the news to Matt. “This is going to be tricky. Matt thinks Herby George was his only relative.”

      “You’ve lied to the child?”

      “No! I simply omitted information.”

      He frowned. “I’m thinking you might be due for another round in the confessional.”

      “Believe me, the good Lord knows all my faults.”

      “Sounds to me like you’ve carved out some rules of your own to get by.”

      “They’ve gotten me this far, Michael. Don’t be judging me now.”

      “As if my judgment would matter. So, when?”

      She tapped a finger to her lips. “Friday? For dinner?”

      He turned to escort her from the garden. “That will do. We have a lot of time to catch up on. Come early so you can do those stations of the cross.”

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