New Surgeon at Ashvale A&E. Joanna Neil
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Название: New Surgeon at Ashvale A&E

Автор: Joanna Neil

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781408917893



      Ruby laughed. ‘I’m sure if she was able to speak, she would remind us that people are our greatest asset. We have to work together to make this happen the way we want.’

      He nodded and then agreed to take comments from other people in the room. Ruby sat down and tended to Becky, all the while lending an ear to the proceedings. The discussion ebbed and flowed for some time, until eventually the chairman called an end to the meeting.

      ‘We’ve covered a lot of ground today,’ he said. ‘Clearly, there has to be a lot more work done before we can decide on our ultimate course, and we welcome suggestions for different strategies from anyone who cares to make them. I suggest we meet again in a few weeks to finalise matters.’

      The meeting broke up, and Ruby chatted with James and Olivia for a while, before getting to her feet and preparing to leave the room.

      ‘Dr Martyn…do you have a moment?’

      Ruby paused, turning at the sound of Sam Boyd’s voice. ‘Of course.’ She nodded to James and Olivia, and they continued on their way, leaving her free to talk to her new boss.

      He studied her thoughtfully for a moment or two. ‘I didn’t realise, at first, that you’re one of the members of my team.’

      ‘Would that have made any difference to our exchange of opinions a while back?’

      He shook his head. ‘I think you know that it wouldn’t. I recognised your name when you introduced yourself. You’re my specialist registrar, aren’t you?’

      She nodded. ‘So you’ve been looking through the personnel files. Perhaps I should give you full marks for staying on the ball.’

      He made a mock wince. ‘I can see that you believe in being forthright at all times. You’re not going to easily accept any changes that I decide to put in place, are you?’

      Her expression softened. ‘Ah, now there you have it,’ she said. ‘You see, I do have the interests of the A&E department at heart, and I can promise you that as long as I’m working there I’ll do what I can to support my colleagues and steer things in the right direction.’

      ‘As long as you’re working there?’ He looked at her closely. ‘That’s an odd turn of phrase. I know your contract’s up for renewal at the end of the month, but I assumed you would be staying on. Are you beginning to have doubts about working alongside me? I know that you were a strong contender for the job. Perhaps that’s causing you some difficulty?’

      She gave his question some thought. ‘The board chose you for the post,’ she said. ‘That was their prerogative, and I accept their decision, although as a follow on from that I’m not altogether sure that you and I will ever see eye to eye. This afternoon has been informative, in more ways than one.’

      ‘That’s true,’ he murmured. ‘It works both ways. And I tend to believe that forewarned is forearmed. I have to respect the way that you spoke your mind back there. I hope you’ll go on doing so.’

      She gave a short laugh. ‘Oh, you can count on it. I usually manage to make my feelings clear, one way or another.’

      Becky gurgled, her eyes growing wide as she reached for Ruby, her little arms outstretched, her fists opening and closing in hopeful demand.

      ‘I know, baby,’ Ruby said, looking at her. ‘You’ve been cooped up for long enough, haven’t you? We’d best get you home.’ She glanced back at Dr Boyd and saw that his expression was thoughtful once more. ‘I should go now,’ she told him.

      He frowned. ‘Yes, of course. I imagine looking after a baby must take up a great deal of time and energy, and there are all sorts of provisions to be put in place, aren’t there? Along with difficulties that occur when things go wrong, such as meetings that crop up and problems with babysitting arrangements.’

      ‘Yes, that’s right.’

      ‘I suppose it’s understandable that people might have a change of heart when things don’t turn out quite as expected.’ He glanced at Becky. ‘Ambition has its place, but babies can be a job and a half in themselves, can’t they?’

      She nodded, not quite following his drift. ‘I suppose so,’ she said. She was all too conscious that Becky was beginning to get restless and she needed to be on her way. She started to walk towards the door. ‘I’ll say goodbye, then, Dr Boyd.’

      He nodded. ‘Goodbye. I’ll look forward to working with you in A&E…all being well.’

      She hurried away from the conference room and whisked Becky out to the car. She wasn’t too sure what he had meant by that last turn of phrase…all being well.

      It was only when she was halfway home that it occurred to her where Sam Boyd’s train of thought must have been heading.

      He believed Becky was her child.

      Chapter Two

      ‘THERE you are, young Becky,’ Ruby said with a smile, ‘you’re nice and clean and comfortable now, and I expect you’re ready for some fun.’ She lifted the infant into the air and gently rocked her from side to side, so that she giggled with excitement. ‘Exactly…that’s just what I meant. You are such a lovely baby.’

      She drew her back down and held her close for a moment, enjoying the soft, warm feel of her and breathing in the light fragrance of fresh soap. ‘I’ll pop you into your bouncer, shall I, so that you can stretch your chubby little legs for a few minutes while I make your tea.’

      Ruby had set up the bouncer in the doorway so that she could comfortably watch the child from the kitchen. Once Becky was happily settled, busy touching her toes to the floor and springing up and down within the harness, Ruby set about preparing her food.

      It had been a very odd sort of day, so far, many happy moments with Becky interspersed with worry about her sister…and, on top of that, she was still reeling from the effects of coming face to face with her new boss.

      How on earth was that going to turn out: working alongside Sam Boyd each day when they were dramatically opposed to each other’s ideas? Added to that, he already had the notion that she resented him for taking the job she had set her heart on, and she had to admit to more than a few niggles on that score.

      After all, she’d worked hard to pass her specialist exams and qualify for promotion. Yet what had she actually managed to achieve? These last few years she’d been driven to succeed, spurred on to do her best for the emergency unit where she’d found joy and heartache in equal measure.

      It was never going to be an easy option, working in A&E. They faced huge challenges every day, and now the whole department was facing the threat of closure. Did she really want to go through dealing with the stress of that on top of everything else? She was confused, restless, searching for something that she couldn’t quite define.

      Perhaps the fact that her body clock was ticking away in the background had something to do with the way she was feeling. There was no man in her life any more, not since her relationship with Tom from cardiology had turned sour, and she was less hopeful than ever that there was ever going to be a man who would turn out to be everything she wanted. Maybe he simply didn’t exist, or perhaps she was just too cautious.

      The СКАЧАТЬ