Don't Say a Word. Rita Herron
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Название: Don't Say a Word

Автор: Rita Herron

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408976524


СКАЧАТЬ her throat as she listened to the approaching footsteps. One of the nurses with another round of injections? Dr. Pace with his soothing voice and promises that she would get better? Or Lex, somehow sensing that she had suffered another nightmare?

      Nightmares or memories—she could no longer distinguish the difference. She only knew that night after endless night, some fathomless, sightless, black-hearted devil chased her. That he waited around every corner, watching, stalking, breathing down her neck. That she had to escape. That he wanted her dead and would stop at nothing until he achieved his purpose.

      The door closed, blanketing the room once again in the gray fog that offered her safety.

      It was always twilight in her room.


      “Lex.” She exhaled a sigh of heartfelt relief. Still, the name felt foreign. The first time he’d seen her, he’d commented that her eyes reminded him of sparkling crystal cut glass, so he’d called her Crystal, and the nurses had latched on to it.

      That she’d been blind at first and hadn’t been able to see him hadn’t mattered. She’d relished his company.

      Then, finally, on a pain-filled admission to prove to her that she wasn’t alone in her world of shadows, he’d allowed her to touch his hand. She’d felt the scaly dry patches of leatherlike skin and had understood his reason for withdrawing from the world.

      The condition, caused by exposure to an unknown chemical he’d been exposed to in the war, had disfigured him and eaten away at his body like battery acid. For a brief time before the bandages from her eyes had been removed, she’d feared she would react to his impairment.

      But she had grown accustomed to the sound of his voice as he read her poetry at night, to the cadence of his laugh as he fabricated stories of journeys he’d taken, and his looks hadn’t mattered. In fact, she hadn’t even cringed when she’d finally rested her eyes upon him.

      Apparently, he had adjusted to seeing her without a face, and covered in bandages as well. Who else would be so accepting?

      He dragged the straight chair against the wall near her bed, then reached for her hand. A light squeeze, and her breathing steadied.

      “Thank you for coming.” Heavens, she hated the choked, childish quiver of her voice. But she had been so lonely.

      “I’ll always be here for you, Crystal. Always.”

      She closed her eyes to stem the tears threatening. Theirs was an odd relationship. Two misfits thrown together, two survivors hanging on to life by a severed thread. Yet they weren’t really living either.

      “I’ve missed you since last night, Crystal,” he said in a low voice.

      She tensed. She’d sensed that his friendship ran deep, that he wanted more from her. She loved him in a platonic way.

      Too many pieces of her past lost. Too many questions unanswered.

      Another man…maybe waiting.

      The sound of Lex turning his harmonica over in his hands with fingers brittle from his disease forced her to open her eyes again.

      “Our quote for the day,” he began, “is from Ecclesiastes 49:10. ‘Two are better than one, for if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow.’”

      A sliver of unease tickled her spine as his words washed over her. Lex was her friend, but if she healed as Dr. Pace promised, and she had to hold on to the hope that she would recover, she couldn’t imagine Lex as her lover. And she knew that he wanted more from her.

      He lifted his harmonica and began to wail out a blues song that gripped her with sadness. Regret fed the flames of her emotions. She loved Lex, and she didn’t want to hurt him.

      But she had to find out who she was. Where she’d come from. How she had ended up here.

      If she had a family, a husband, other friends. A lover.

      And why in the past months, not a single person had cared enough to hunt for her.

      DAMON STUDIED HIS BROTHER’S face as he drove toward their family’s house. Of all the confounded nights to have a homey get-together…but his mother had refused to take no for an answer. She’d hinted that his oldest brother, Jean-Paul, a detective with the New Orleans Police Department, had to see them.

      God, he hoped that didn’t mean more trouble. Their family had been through hell the past two years. Katrina had nearly destroyed the family home and business—Jean-Paul had lost his first wife during the ordeal—and only a few months ago, their baby sister, Catherine, had almost died at the hands of a serial killer they’d dubbed the Swamp Devil.

      Tonight—after witnessing the extraction of the woman’s mutilated hand from the swamp, listening to conjecture about the cause of death and the perp from the officers at the scene, and watching his brother sweat bullets for three hours—Damon’s head throbbed with anxiety.

      But his mother insisted the Dubois family needed to celebrate Jean-Paul’s marriage to Britta Berger, the editor of a secret-confession column for a local magazine called Naked Desires, a woman who had drawn the serial killer to New Orleans a few months ago and given his brother the chase of a lifetime.

      And the woman of Jean-Paul’s dreams.

      Granted, Damon had been suspicious of Britta at first, and with good reason. Britta had a shady past, a traumatized upbringing, had lied and had secrets. But when the truth had been revealed, he’d realized she had been an innocent victim of a sinister cult that had sacrificed humans to a god they called Sobek. Not only had she survived and escaped the cult, and the leader who’d tried to kill her, now she helped teenage prostitutes get off the streets. She also loved his brother dearly.

      Lucky bastard.

      Damon pulled down the drive to their parents’ house, weaving through the maze of giant live oaks and the moss sweeping downward like spiderwebs. “Tell me about this woman, the one you think is our victim.”

      “Her name is Kendra. Kendra Yates.”

      “And how did you meet her?”

      “She was a dancer at a casino bar. I…didn’t ask questions until later.”

      Antwaun coughed into his hand. “Much later.”

      So they’d slept together. No big surprise. His brother was quite the ladies’ man, in a hellion, take-me-as-I-am kind of way. “Dammit, Antwaun, when are you going to stop picking up chicks in bars?”

      “Look, Damon, not everyone’s the sainted ex-marine that you are.”

      Damon gritted his teeth, guilt plaguing him. “I’m not a saint. Never claimed to be.”

      Antwaun scowled. “The folks and people in town sure see it that way.”

      Damon narrowed his eyes. He didn’t have time for this bullshit. “Just tell me what happened between you and this woman.”

      Antwaun flexed his fisted hands and stared at the blunt tips of his fingers. “We saw each other for a while. I…thought we were getting close.”