Irresistible. Susan Mallery
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Название: Irresistible

Автор: Susan Mallery

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротическая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408953938


СКАЧАТЬ both inadequate and bitter, loosened the first nut. The other three followed just as fast.

      “Thanks,” she said with a smile. “I’ll take it from here.”

      “I’m already involved,” he told her. “I can put on the spare in a couple of seconds.”

      Or so he thought. “Yes, well, that’s a funny story,” she said. “I don’t have a spare. It’s big and bulky and really weighs down the car.”

      He straightened. “You need a spare.”

      His statement of the obvious irritated her. “Thanks for the advice, but as I don’t have one, it’s not very helpful.”

      “So what do you do now?”

      “I say thank you.” She glanced pointedly at the stairs leading to his apartment. When he didn’t move, she added, “I don’t want to keep you.”

      His gaze dipped from her face to the large nylon bag on wheels, lying next to her on the driveway. His mouth tightened in disapproval.

      “There is no way you’re going to carry that tire somewhere yourself,” he said flatly.

      Definitely not nice, she thought. “I don’t carry, I drag. I’ve done it before. The tire place I go to is less than a mile from here. I walk there, Randy patches it for me and I walk back. It’s easy. Good exercise, even. So thank you for your help and have a nice day.”

      She reached for the tire in question. He stepped between her and it.

      “I’ll take it,” he told her.

      “No, thank you. I’m fine.”

      He topped her by at least seven or eight inches and he had to outweigh her by a good sixty pounds…every ounce of them muscle. As he narrowed his gaze and glared at her, she had the feeling he was trying to intimidate her. He was doing a good job of it, too, but she couldn’t let him know that. She was tough. She was determined. She was…

      “Mommy, can I have toast?”

      Why was life always about timing?

      She turned to her daughter standing at the entrance to their apartment. “Sure, Zoe. But let me help. I’ll be right in.”

      Zoe smiled. “Okay, Mommy.” The screen door slammed shut.

      Elissa glanced back at Walker, only to find that stealth guy had used her moment of inattention to pick up her tire and walk toward his very expensive, very out-of-place-for-this-neighborhood SUV.

      “You can’t take that tire,” she said as she hurried after him. “It’s mine.”

      “I’m not stealing it,” he said in a bored tone. “I’m taking it to be fixed. Where do you usually go?”

      “I’m not going to tell you.” Ha! That should stop him.

      “Fine. I’ll go where I want.” He tossed the tire into the SUV and slammed the back shut.

      “Wait! Stop.” When, exactly, had she lost control?

      He turned to her. “Are you really worried I’m going to disappear with your tire?”

      “No. Of course not. It’s just…I don’t…”

      He waited patiently.

      “I don’t know you,” she snapped. “I keep to myself. I don’t want to owe you.”

      He surprised her by nodding. “I can respect that. Where do you want me to take the tire?”

      So he wasn’t giving up. “Randy’s Brake and Tire Center.” She gave him directions. “But you have to wait a second. I need to get a pair of earrings.”

      “For Randy?” He raised his eyebrows.

      “For Randy’s sister. It’s her birthday.” She drew in a breath, hating to explain. “It’s how I pay for the work.”

      She waited for the judgment, or at the very least, a smart-ass comment. Instead Walker shrugged.

      “Go get them.”

      THE TRIP TO RANDY’S Brake and Tire Center took three minutes and when Walker parked, he found a short, beer-bellied older man waiting for him.

      Randy himself, Walker would guess as he opened the car door.

      “You got Elissa’s tire?” the man asked.

      “In back.”

      Randy eyed Walker’s BMW X5. “Bet you take that to the dealer,” he said.

      “I haven’t had to yet, but I will.”

      “Nice wheels.” Randy walked around to the rear of the SUV and opened the back. When he saw the tire in question, he groaned. “What is it with Elissa? They’re doing construction across from where she works. I swear, she finds every loose nail hanging around on the road. Always in this tire, too. There’s more patch on it than rubber.”

      More patch than tread, Walker thought as he stared at the worn tire. “She should replace it.”

      Randy looked at him. “You think? Thing is, you can’t get blood from a rock. Hey, times are tight with everyone, right? Got my earrings?”

      Walker took the small envelope out of his shirt pocket and handed it over. Randy looked inside and whistled. “Very nice. Janice is gonna love them. Okay, give me ten minutes and I’ll have this ready to go.”

      Walker hadn’t wanted to help his neighbor in the first place. He’d taken a short-term lease on the apartment to give himself time to figure out what to do with the rest of his life in quiet and solitude. He didn’t know anyone in the neighborhood and he didn’t want anyone to know him.

      Except for a brief but surprisingly effective interrogation from the old lady living downstairs, he’d kept to himself for nearly six weeks. Until he’d seen Elissa struggling with the lug nuts.

      He’d wanted to ignore her. That had been his plan. But he couldn’t—which was a character flaw he needed to work on. Now, faced with a crappy tire that was likely to blow the second she hit sixty on the 405, he found himself unable to walk away again.

      “Give me a new one,” he muttered.

      Randy raised his bushy eyebrows. “You’re buying Elissa a tire?”

      Walker nodded. Best-case scenario, he would replace both rear tires. But he only had the one wheel with him.

      The older man puffed out his chest. “How, exactly, do you know Elissa and Zoe?”

      Zoe? Walker blanked for a second, then remembered the kid he’d seen around. Elissa’s daughter.

      He owed this guy nothing in the way of explanations. Still, he found himself saying, “I live upstairs.”

      Randy СКАЧАТЬ