Sweet Trouble. Susan Mallery
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Название: Sweet Trouble

Автор: Susan Mallery

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408936733


СКАЧАТЬ swallowed, then opened his mouth. When the test was done, he grinned. “I was brave.”

      “Yes, you were,” Jesse told him. “This is to make sure Matt’s really your daddy.”

      “But you said he was.”

      “I know, but this makes it official. Just to be sure.”

      Gabe obviously wasn’t used to having his mother’s word questioned. Give it time, Matt thought.

      The woman from the lab left.

      The boy slid close to Jesse. “When he’s sure, will he like me?” he asked in a loud whisper.

      Jesse shot Matt a look, then hugged Gabe. “He likes you now, honey. But the test will make everyone feel better.”

      Matt had the feeling of being judged, which didn’t make sense. What had he done wrong?

      Jesse picked up the kid and set him on her lap. “You’re getting big,” she said. “Some days I can actually see you growing.”

      Gabe laughed and turned to him. “When I reach the mark on the wall I get to have a real bike.”

      Jesse sighed. “Something I agreed to in a moment of weakness. A two-wheeler, but with training wheels.”

      Gabe sighed. “Yes, Mommy. But when Uncle Bill teaches me how to ride, I don’t have to use them anymore.”

      Who was this Uncle Bill? This was the second time his name had come up. Matt made a note to make sure the investigator found out everything about him.

      “Give me a break,” she told her son, hugging him close. “Don’t grow up so fast. I like you small.”

      “But I want to be big!”

      Jesse laughed and her long hair swung forward. She turned to him then, happy and beautiful and so full of life.

      He’d seen her like that a hundred times. He’d seen her smile turn wicked as she reached for him. He’d seen her tired and sleepy and shaking with passion. He knew her body, or he had. He knew her scent and the feel of her skin. He’d once said he could find her blindfolded in a room full of women.

      He’d loved her years ago; when he’d been young and stupid and thought everything would work out. But it hadn’t. She’d betrayed him and now, still angry, he knew taking Gabe away from her wasn’t enough revenge. There had to be more. But what?

      “Do you like my mommy?” Gabe asked.

      The unexpected question surprised Matt. “Of course,” he said quickly, knowing he couldn’t speak the truth. That he hated her with a passion that could burn through steel.

      “Do you love her?” the boy asked.

      “Shh,” Jesse said quickly as color stained her cheeks. “That’s one of those not-polite questions we’ve talked about.”

      “But why?”

      “It just is.”

      She was embarrassed. Why? Out of guilt? Or did she still have feelings for him? As long as there was some kind of weakness, he wanted to exploit it. But how? There was no way to make up for what she’d done unless he did it to her. Get her to care about him, get her to expose her heart so he could crush her.

      Was that the answer? Steal her heart and her child? That would leave her with nothing.

      It was a ruthless and cruel plan, which made him like every part of it. He’d spent the past five years honing his skills with women. If he put his mind to it, Jesse wouldn’t stand a chance. Then he would walk away without looking back.

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