Mending the Doctor's Heart. Tina Radcliffe
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Название: Mending the Doctor's Heart

Автор: Tina Radcliffe

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472012890


СКАЧАТЬ welled up inside of him. Tamping down anxiety, Ben rubbed the back of his neck as he paced back and forth, inspecting the framed photos of the hospital staff on the white walls.

      He knew when he applied for the position that this day would come. But was he ready? Actually getting the job seemed as terrifying as the possibility of being turned down.

      “Dr. Rogers, you may go in now.”

      Ben swallowed hard and adjusted his tie one last time before crossing the threshold to Medical Director Dr. Henry Rhoades’s sanctum. Floor-to-ceiling windows stretched along the far side of the room, ushering in streams of sunlight and offering an unobstructed view of the mountain peaks in the distance. Distracted by the scenery, Ben was taken by surprise when a robust silver-haired gentleman in a wheelchair stopped in front of him.

      Dr. Rhoades?

      The man in the chair wore a crisp blue shirt with the sleeves haphazardly shoved up to reveal muscular forearms. His striped navy tie was slightly askew.

      “Dr. Rogers.” He struck out a hand. “Delighted to finally meet you.”

      Henry Rhoades’s grin lit up his round face. The man’s smile and the bright green eyes behind his wire-rimmed spectacles seemed somewhat familiar, but Ben couldn’t quite place why.

      “Thank you, sir,” he said.

      “I heard about your heroics at the café. Well done.”

      “Hardly heroics, sir. Dislodged a chocolate-chunk cookie. The Friday special, I understand.”

      Dr. Rhoades chuckled. “None the less, it only reaffirms your curriculum vitae. Exemplary.”

      “Thank you.”

      “You met Dr. Elliott, as well.”

      Ben frowned, confused. How could the man possibly know he’d met Sara Elliott less than two hours ago?

      Henry Rhoades wheeled himself behind the large oak desk with practiced ease and picked up a file. “Please have a seat. Relax.”

      Following instructions, Ben did his best imitation of relaxing. “Yes, we did meet, and I have to admit that after talking to her, I’m a little confused. My last conversation with you indicated the final interview was, well...”

      “A formality.”

      “Yes, sir.”

      “At the time I spoke to you, that’s exactly what it was, and as I said, your credentials are excellent. You were my first choice.”


      “But I’ll get to that in a moment.” Dr. Rhoades glanced down at the now open folder on his desk. “Tell me about this sabbatical you’ve been on.”

      Ben took a calming breath. “My sister died six months ago. I needed a break.”

      “Your sister.” Henry Rhoades paused, taken aback for a moment. “My condolences.”

      When the older man narrowed his eyes and stared at him, Ben realized he was seeing far too much. He glanced away from the perceptive gaze and instead watched the play of dappled light that streamed in through the window, its prism bending as it reached out and landed on a silver picture frame on the desk. The picture was of a young child and a woman laughing.

      Dr. Rhoades cleared his throat and continued. “Loss is never easy. Are you sure you’re ready to get back to work?”

      “Sir, I’m committed to giving you one hundred percent.”

      “Fair enough.”

      For a moment, the only sound was the rhythmic ticking of a large antique clock on a bookshelf.

      “Well now, let’s get to the point. Dr. Elliott’s father has become the benefactor for the new clinic. The project seemed stalled in perpetuity—until he stepped in.”

      Sara Elliott’s father? Ben tried to wrap his mind around that bomb of information.

      “I see.” What did he see? That his chance at redemption was being cancelled out by a bankroll? The gates to Paradise were closing fast, and he’d barely gotten his foot inside. He had to do something.

      “The timing of this has me puzzled,” Ben admitted.

      “Understandable. I apologize for that.” Dr. Rhoades removed his glasses, wiped a spot from the lens with his tie, and then slid them back on the bridge of his nose. “Hollis Elliott suffered a cardiac arrest less than a month ago. When Sara returned home, naturally her father saw a window of opportunity for his only child to remain in Paradise. Unfortunately it was only a few days ago that he notified me of his wishes, and by then the candidates for the position had already been narrowed down to you.”

      Ben took a deep breath. So where did that leave him in the equation? One plus one was still two as far as he could tell, and there was only a single open position.

      Henry Rhoades frowned for moment. “I trust you will keep what I’m about to say confidential.”

      “Yes, sir.”

      “I’ve been the medical director here in Paradise for over twenty-five years. One thing I have learned is that sometimes it’s better to proceed and apologize later than ask permission.” He winked, and once again Ben couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d seen that mischievous glimmer before.


      “Stay with me for a moment. I do eventually arrive at my destination.”

      Ben nodded, amused and concerned at the same time. This was like no other job interview he could remember. Physician interviews were generally so starched, he could barely breathe. Yet Dr. Henry Rhoades was about as laid-back as they come, leaving Ben struggling to figure the man out, much less where the convoluted conversation would lead.

      “Bequeaths and donations go directly to the hospital foundation, which is overseen by the Board of Trustees. The clinic is under that same board, so I have gone to them for assistance in resolving this situation. While Hollis Elliott’s generous funding has made the last phase of the clinic project possible, I am not without options.”

      The phone on his desk buzzed.

      “Excuse me.” He picked up the receiver. “Yes. Thank you. Send her in.”

      The door opened, and Sara Elliott walked into the room.

      Sara had changed clothes and now wore a simple yet elegant navy dress, her long hair free and flowing. This was quite a transformation from the cowgirl he’d met earlier.

      Surprised, Ben caught his breath before he immediately stood. And stumbled.

      Way to go, Rogers. Grace under pressure.

      “Are you all right?” she murmured.

      “Yeah. The carpet tripped me.” He adjusted his suit coat and cleared his throat.

      A soft laugh tumbled from her lips. “Happens to me all the СКАЧАТЬ