His Darling Valentine. Кэрол Мортимер
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Название: His Darling Valentine

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408980842


СКАЧАТЬ lunch with you today,’ she told him determinedly. ‘I have to go and check on the kitten,’ she explained as he gave her a frowning look.

      His brow cleared. ‘We’ll both go,’ he offered. ‘We can go on to the restaurant from there.’

      Tazzy stared at him. Never once during the eighteen months she’d worked for him had there been a need for him to go to her home. ‘I don’t think—’

      ‘Oh, come on, Tazzy,’ he encouraged. ‘After all, I might end up taking the kitten off your hands.’

      ‘I told you, I haven’t decided yet whether or not I’m going to keep it myself!’ she came back defensively.

      ‘Going to wait and see who gave him to you first, is that it?’ Ross teased, brown eyes definitely laughing at her.

      ‘Certainly not,’ she denied crossly. ‘Oh, very well, you can come with me at lunch-time,’ she capitulated. ‘You’ll just have to excuse the mess,’ she added ungraciously, knowing there was no mess, that she kept her home as tidy as she kept her office.

      But the thought of Ross in her home, the one place she never had to remember him having been, was not a pleasant one. Her little terraced house was her sanctuary. A sanctuary that was about to be invaded!

      ‘I’ll do that.’ Ross grinned knowingly. ‘While we’re there, you could also change into something a little less … businesslike,’ he added before continuing on his way to his own office.

      Tazzy glared at the now closed door between the two rooms. She had no intention of changing into something less businesslike! Businesslike was how she liked to be whenever she was around Ross, and she had no intention of ever changing that.

      Whoever the practical joker was who had sent her first the kitten, and then these roses, had a lot to answer for. Because she had no doubts that it was the anonymous gifts she had received today that had prompted Ross into inviting her out to lunch, if only to try and find out from Tazzy exactly how serious the relationship was.

      When there was no relationship!

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