Beauty in Disguise. Mary Moore
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СКАЧАТЬ servant, Master Jacob. I look forward to your advice on the horses, as well. I am sure I can count on your judgment.”

      Jacob’s eyes widened to twice their normal size, and he looked over his shoulder at her and giggled.

      Lacey, in the meantime, was having her small hand kissed by the dashing lord bent on one knee before her. His eyes, quite level with hers, twinkled as he released her hand and said, “I can see that Trotton must feel very graced indeed at having two such beautiful sisters in their midst.”

      Lacey could only stare, her mouth agape, but as he rose to his full height, she turned to her with a smile, as dazzling as any Charity could muster. Kathryn was a little embarrassed to feel tears form in her eyes at the happiness of the two little ones and felt completely unnerved to be so proud of a man she had absolutely no right to be proud of. She felt the tug of her heartstrings. That heart, the one she thought long ago on the shelf, was beating erratically and she sighed inwardly.

      Kathryn’s mind was stayed on Lord Dalton. How she wished she could meet him as herself as she had last night under the cover of darkness. Would he turn away from her, as well? She had no reason to believe he would not. She had only the actions of other men to judge since her fatal mistake. Despite his manners, he would no doubt feel the same.

      So lost in her thoughts was she that Lady Dinsmore’s voice barely broke through before she realized they were coming toward her. Kathryn stood, determined not to fear detection, and curtsied with a lowered head as he bowed to her in turn. She seemed to hear their voices from very far away.

      “My lord, Miss Montgomery is Charity’s companion. We are so fortunate to have her to teach Charity the ways of the ton. We would not want it said our girl did not have proper manners.”

      “Miss Montgomery, I am happy to make your acquaintance. I can see that though these little ones are not in your charge, they clearly show their devotion to you. Miss Charity must share you, it seems.” How had he guessed that? Ah, that intuitiveness—he always knew what she needed before she knew herself.

      His smile disarmed her, and the dimples alone caused her heart to race. “Thank you, my lord,” she said.

      She was surprised that he remained by her side.

      “Have you been in London recently, Miss Montgomery? I admit to only a short stay before coming here, but I do not recall seeing you there.”

      Kathryn was not prepared for this discourse. She never thought to have conversation with him so soon, if at all. She had no time to put on the mantle of servitude she had contemplated when she knew he was coming. “No, my lord, I have not been to London for many years, thank you for asking.”

      “I do not know the precise time you were there, but I, too, have been away from it for some time, and I do not find it changed in the least.”

      Should she betray what she knew? “Of course. I believe Sir John mentioned that you had been in the army.”

      “That is true. However, in addition I have been the past four years learning to run our family estate. My brother was killed in a hunting accident, and I had to sell out and return home.” She could tell the hurt was still raw, and she wanted to comfort him. He quickly smiled. “Perhaps we met in London many years ago?”

      “I do not believe so, my lord.” She looked at him, knowing her spectacles hid the mischief in her eyes. “My Season was cut short, but perhaps you have guessed that I did not...take?”

      She slowly smiled, letting him know the joke was on her, but he surprised her with his own grin, dimples becoming quite evident. “Ah, then you were the one! Every other debutante I met while in London had more hair than wit! I seem to remember hearing of the woman with such a gift for conversation that she was a must at every gathering.”

      She could not help herself, and laughed outright. He had been so charming to everyone he met, she still could not be completely sure he was not being the perfect gentleman, but she surmised he was laughing with her in return. For one instant her heart was lighter than it had been in years, but it grew heavy again as she remembered what she had lost. The thought of it made her smile disappear.

      “Forgive me, Miss Montgomery, I have let my sense of the ridiculous get the better of me. I thought...”

      “No, no, my lord. You said nothing amiss. I have only remembered something that I...”

      “Kate! What can you be about?” Charity’s patience had run out. Oh, dear, what was she doing? She moved aside as Charity put her hand on Lord Dalton’s arm. “You must wonder at us, my lord,” she spoke in a conspiratorial voice. “I have never sanctioned having Kate present at tea, and now Mama will have to agree with me. I apologize for her lapse in judgment in monopolizing the conversation.”

      “I quite disagree, Miss Charity. Miss Montgomery and I were just exchanging pleasantries. I believe you must be well satisfied in your mother’s choice of companion for you.”

      No, Lord Dalton had not changed. Kathryn knew she must leave his presence. “Lady Dinsmore, shall I take the children to the nursery so you may visit with your guest?”

      “Yes, yes, do let them go.” She heard Charity sigh as she left. “I am sure you must wonder at us, my lord, but Mother will have them to tea with the adults.”

      Kathryn heard the low timbre of Lord Dalton’s voice descry her annoyance. He told her he had been charmed and had several nieces and nephews he enjoyed very much when he visited his sister at Michaelmas. She was once again pleased that he did not hide his joy for children, as many men would have. Indeed, she was too pleased with everything about him!

      Would she be able to keep her countenance when around him? Her heart had betrayed her the night before, and she felt it again in the drawing room only moments ago. She knew it would be a tough battle to overcome her renewed feelings, but it was one she must win. To use his vernacular, she would need the entire arsenal to make it happen.

      Chapter Three

      Kathryn felt the need for air. Charity was no doubt resting before getting dressed for the evening, so she took a walk down to the lake the children loved so much.

      She needed to gain her composure.

      After the debacle in Scotland, Kathryn had run to the only person left in her life she could trust. Dear Miss Mattingly! Her old governess folded her in her arms and let her cry for all she had lost. She alone had offered comfort and forgiveness to a vulnerable young woman. Matty had taught her to be the open and honest woman she had grown to be. Dear Miss Matty had been a living Bible to Kathryn; she lived it every day of her life, and Kathryn believed it by watching her.

      Matty wanted her to go back to her father, but Kathryn could not. He had made it plain that she was no longer part of his life.

      After years of Kathryn being at the mercy of jealous wives and gentlemen who thought she was fair game, Matty had created the mask that made Kathryn feel safe enough to go on with her life. Matty believed God had helped them make a plan out of dire need, so she felt thankful, not guilty.

      Now, sitting on the bench overlooking the lake, she bent to rub her ankles where her odd shoes rubbed against them. She was thankful that they had finally been broken in enough to prevent the blisters and pinching they had caused at first.

      Matty had warned her that her natural poise could be her undoing. СКАЧАТЬ