The Face Lift Massage. Narendra Mehta
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Название: The Face Lift Massage

Автор: Narendra Mehta

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9780007374175



      muscles of the mouth

      Image Buccinator – compresses the cheeks to blow a kiss, whistle, and suck.

      Image Depressor anguli oris – draws the corners of the mouth downwards and laterally to form a grimace.

      Image Depressor labii inferioris – draws the lower lip downwards to pout.

      Image Levator labii superioris – opens the lips, and raises and furrows the upper lip (and flares the nostrils).

      Image Mentalis – protrudes the lower lip and wrinkles the chin to express doubt.

      Image Orbicularis oris – closes the mouth and purses and protrudes the lips to kiss and whistle, and also pulls the lips against the teeth.

      Image Platysma – draws the corner of the mouth downwards and backwards to show horror.

      Image Risorius – draws the corner of the mouth outwards to grin.

      Image Zygomaticus major and minor – pulls the corner of the mouth upwards and outwards to smile.

      muscles of the jaw

      Image Masseter – clenches the teeth and raises and closes the lower jaw tightly for chewing.

      Image Temporalis – raises the lower jaw and presses it against the upper jaw to aid chewing.

      get to know your face

      The following exercises can help you to locate and identify some of the key muscles of the face.


      Place two fingers between your eyebrows and frown in a disapproving manner. You’ll feel a combination of the Procerus, which lies just above the nose, and the Corrugator supercilii, located above the eyebrow.


      Place a hand flat against your forehead and scrunch up your forehead. You’ll feel your hand being pulled up, mainly due to the contraction of the large Frontalis muscle. Working this muscle helps to increase oxygen and blood circulation through the forehead and around the eyes. This helps soften your brow, making you look more relaxed.


      Place two fingers of both hands on either side of your head, slightly above and in front of your ears, and clench your teeth. You’ll feel the wide Temporalis muscle, responsible for closing your jaw and aiding chewing.


      Close your eyes and gently place an index finger across the top of each eyelid. Keeping your eyes shut, widen your eyes as if trying to lift your eyelids. The delicate muscle you can feel is part of the Orbicularis Oculi, which encircles the eye.


      Separate the index and middle fingers of one hand to make a V shape. Place one finger on either side of your nose and try closing your nostrils. You’ll feel the Compressor Naris.


      Now try flaring your nostrils. This involves the Depressor Septi and Levator Labii superioris.


      Purse your lips as if kissing and feel the circular muscle surrounding the mouth. This is the Orbicularis Oris.


      Protrude your lower lip and wrinkle your chin as if sulking. The muscle that controls this expression is the Mentalis.


      Place a finger slightly away from the corner of one side of your mouth and smile to that side. The muscles you can feel are the Zygomaticus major and minor.

      express yourself

      Now that you’ve become familiar with some of your facial muscles it’s time to look at how they work together to create certain expressions. This is not just a learning process but also very good exercise. It’s best to stand in front of a mirror so you can see how the muscles function. By doing these exercises regularly you’ll become familiar with your face, your skin will take on a healthy glow, and there will be a fresh vitality about you. As soon as you can feel the muscles, let go and assume the next expression.

      Image Begin by assuming the most neutral expression possible. Breathe slowly, relax your facial muscles, and clear your mind.

      Image Now imagine something fabulous has happened or that you’ve heard some great news. Let your face show the surprise. From this expression move on to the next one.

      Image Pretend you’d been desperately hoping something would happen but it hasn’t. Let your face show your disappointment and sadness.

      Image Think of some of your happiest memories and show your happiness.

      Image We all get angry at times. Imagine someone has done something to make your blood boil. Let the mirror see how you feel.

      Image Now have a good laugh at yourself- pull faces or do whatever you need to do to make yourself laugh. Now СКАЧАТЬ