Best Laid Plans. Brenda Jackson
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Название: Best Laid Plans

Автор: Brenda Jackson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Madaris Family Saga

isbn: 9781474082358


СКАЧАТЬ something she could fix.”

      He could tell from the frown on Ivy’s face that wasn’t what she wanted to hear. He had to be up-front with her. She wasn’t dealing with just anyone, but with a ninety-something-year-old woman who was determined to see each of her great-grands married before she took her last breath.

      “Trust me, it’s going to be hard to convince Mama Laverne that she made a mistake about us.”

      Ivy threw up her hands in frustration. “So what are we supposed to do? Give in and let them control our lives? I refuse to do that, Nolan.”

      She stood and he watched her pace. He tried to keep his gaze from roaming over her and found it difficult to do so. It was also difficult to think about how she was wearing the hell out of those cutoffs. Way too sexy for his peace of mind. It was obvious that she was agitated and he understood the feeling. Under any other circumstances her plan would be doable. But they were dealing with Felicia Laverne Madaris who couldn’t easily be outsmarted. He and his cousins had learned that the hard way over the years.

      She stopped pacing and turned to him. “Are you saying there’s nothing we can do but continue to allow ourselves to be manipulated?”

      “Pretty much.”

      “And you’re going to settle for that?” she snapped. “Why don’t you just be honest and admit that you don’t like my plan and the reason you don’t like it.”

      Nolan frowned. Had he missed something? Why was her anger now directed at him? And what was she talking about, all but accusing him of having an ulterior motive for not wanting to go along with her plan?

      “Would you like to explain what you’re accusing me of?” he said tightly.

      She came back to the table and placed her hands palms down and leaned closer to him as if she demanded his attention. She didn’t have to demand it because she had it. He noticed the way the mass of curly hair on her head was sliding over her shoulders. Her glasses seemed off center on her nose and he was tempted to reach out and straighten them. But she was already fired up and there was no need to add kerosene to the fire.

      “I read the papers. I see photographs of the kind of women you date. The women constantly on your arm,” she said. “I’m well aware of the type of women that claim your attention. And it’s quite obvious I’m not like them. I don’t even come close. I know that. But can’t you put those types of women aside for less than eight weeks and pretend you could settle on someone like me?”

      Settle on someone like her? Nolan was stunned into silence. As far as he was concerned, any woman she had read about or seen him with was all flash and no substance. Although he didn’t know everything there was to know about Ivy, he believed she was right in saying that she was not like them. Personally, he saw that as a good thing.

      “The type of women I date have nothing to do with why I have doubts about your plan working. I know my great-grandmother. The only way we can pull it off is if we’re totally convincing. And the only way to do that is for us to pretend we’ve fallen hard for each other.”

      He paused for a moment and then added, “But then on the other hand she could use that same premise against us. If she thinks we fell hard for each other in the beginning that would make her more determined to save our relationship when we decide to go our separate ways.”

      Ivy came to sit back down at the table. “Unless you did something I would consider unforgivable.”

      He raised a brow. “Like what?”

      “Like if I was to find you in a compromising position with a woman.”

      Her suggestion made him angry. “You want people to believe I betrayed you?”

      “Why not? It wouldn’t bother me if you did.”

      He leaned toward her over the table. “But it would bother me. It will bother my family. It will bother anyone who knows me. What you’re suggesting will be a direct hit on my character.”

      “You, a man who doesn’t believe in getting serious with any one woman. Who is known around town as Mr. One-Night Stand? A bona fide womanizer? Are you saying you don’t play women?”

      “That’s exactly what I am saying. I don’t play women. I date them. And when I do, I make it clear where I stand. I don’t do serious relationships nor am I looking for one. I make that understood up front. If there’s a communication problem, it’s not on my end, so there shouldn’t be a woman out there who has the right to feel cheated on by whatever I do.”

      He stood and leaned over the table, wanting to make sure he had Ivy’s absolute attention. “Your plan calls for me to engage in what will appear to be a very serious relationship with you, and then you want to end things when you catch me cheating. That won’t work because if and when I ever decide to get involved in a serious relationship with a woman I would never betray her.”

      “It will only be pretense, Nolan. You and I will know the truth.”

      He glared at her. Did she not understand the lasting effect of what doing something like that, pretense or otherwise, could do to his character? Did she think most men wouldn’t have a problem doing something like that? He wondered what type of men she associated with.

      “It doesn’t matter,” he said in a tight voice. “Come up with another unforgivable act. Infidelity is off the table.”

      She crossed her arms over her chest and glared back at him. “Fine. I’ll come up with something else.”

      “You do that.”

      As they continued to glare at each other, he wondered if she understood what he’d told her about his great-grandmother’s expectations. Just saying they were involved wouldn’t be good enough to appease Felicia Laverne Madaris. She was a “show me” person and was used to displays of open affection, something that was in abundance in the Madaris family. There was no faking that. Could she handle it?

      He sat down and leaned back in his chair, still holding her gaze. “So, if I agree to go along with your plan, assuming you come up with an acceptable reason for breaking up, how far are you willing to go to be convincing?”

      She lifted a brow. “What do you mean? We won’t be sleeping together if that’s what you’re getting at,” she said in a firm tone.

      A smile touched his lips. “I didn’t think we would be. But we need to give the impression we are.”

      She frowned. “Why? Your family doesn’t know me. For all they know I might be someone who plans to save myself for marriage.”

      “They might not know you, but they do know me, and my family wouldn’t believe I’d be serious about a woman and not sharing her bed.”

      “Which means?”

      “Which means to make things look real, whenever we’re out in public there needs to be hand-holding, touching, whispering sweet nothings in your ear and kissing.” Heat invaded his midsection at the mention of them kissing. At that moment her tongue swiped across her bottom lip.

      “Kissing?” she asked in a low voice, like it had taken everything within her to say the word.

      He looked into the СКАЧАТЬ