The Baby Issue. Jennifer Taylor
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Название: The Baby Issue

Автор: Jennifer Taylor

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474066464


СКАЧАТЬ sounds very intriguing.’

      ‘Oh, it is, believe me!’ He smiled at her and she felt a trickle of heat flow through her veins when she saw the warmth in his eyes. ‘Anyhow, I’d love to stay and talk to you for longer but I really must go. We’re usually finished by eleven so if there’s anything you need, just give me a shout.’

      ‘Thank you,’ she said softly. Maybe it was silly but she couldn’t help noticing that he was looking at her like a man looked at a woman he found attractive.

      ‘Oh, and in case I forgot to say it before, I’ll say it now—welcome to Winton surgery, Anna. I hope you’ll be very happy here, even if it is only for a short time.’

      He disappeared down the stairs before she could reply. Anna heard him speaking to someone at the bottom, heard a burst of laughter flow up the stairs and smiled. Maybe it was a bit too soon to make up her mind but she had a feeling that she was going to be very happy here. She sensed that she could grow to like Ben Cole once she got to know him better and…

      And what? a small voice whispered in her mind. What if she did grow to like him? What if he liked her? What if they found each other attractive, even? Exactly what did she hope would come out of it? What future could there be for a woman in her situation?

      Anna felt the little bubble of happiness burst. Her future was all mapped out and there was no place in it for Benedict Cole or any other man!

      Anna spent the next hour unpacking and finding out where everything was kept. Although the flat was small there was everything there that she would need, which was a good job, bearing in mind how little she had brought with her.

      She had lived in staff accommodation in her last job so she’d not had to worry about furniture and crockery or the hundred and one other things needed to set up a home. It hadn’t been a priority when she had moved in with Jo either, but at some point soon she would have to make provision to buy all those things, even though she had no idea where she would get the money from. After all, there wasn’t just herself to think about now.

      She sighed as she felt a familiar wave of panic wash over her. She had promised herself that she would try to remain positive but it wasn’t easy when she knew the difficulties she was going to face. All she could do was keep reminding herself that she wasn’t the first woman to have found herself in this situation, even if the circumstances were rather unusual in her case. Other people had managed and so would she!

      That decided, she went into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. It was only when she opened the fridge that she realised she didn’t have any milk or tea bags—or anything else for that matter. In the rush to get packed that morning to leave her sister’s home, she had given no thought to the subject of groceries, but she would have to do something about it soon.

      She fetched her bag then went to the back door, hunting through the bunch of keys Ben Cole had given her to find the one that fitted the lock. She tried several in turn but none of them worked. It left her with no choice but to use the exit through the surgery, even though she had wanted to avoid doing that until she was officially on duty.

      Anna started down the stairs then paused when she heard a commotion break out below. She could hear a woman screaming but she couldn’t make out what she was saying. She hurried down the rest of the stairs and followed the noise to the waiting room, taking in the scene that met her at a glance.

      ‘Give him to me,’ she ordered, rushing forward and taking the child from the terrified mother’s arms. It was a little boy, about two years old, and he was deeply unconscious, his eyes rolled back into his head and his lips tinged blue. Putting her ear to the child’s chest, Anna assured herself that he was still breathing then turned to Eileen.

      ‘Which way is the treatment room?’

      ‘This way. I’ll show you.’

      Eileen flew out from behind the desk and led the way, opening the door to the treatment room for her. The child’s mother was sobbing hysterically now so that Anna had to raise her voice to be heard.

      ‘Tell Dr Cole that we need him in here straight away, please.’

      Anna didn’t waste any time as the receptionist hurried away. She laid the little boy on the couch and quickly unzipped his coat. ‘When did this happen?’ she asked the sobbing mother.

      ‘Just a few moments ago. Sam was up most of the night with earache, which is why I brought him to the surgery this morning.’ The young woman wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘He felt really hot when I dressed him and he wouldn’t eat his breakfast, which just isn’t like him. He seemed all right when we got here but then he went all…all stiff and started twitching.’

      ‘I see.’ Anna slipped off the child’s coat and quickly removed his jumper and trousers as well. Hurrying to the sink, she filled a bowl with tepid water then looked round when Ben Cole appeared.

      ‘What have we got?’ he asked, hurrying to the couch.

      ‘He appears to have had a convulsion. His temperature is elevated so I was about to sponge him down,’ she reported crisply, carrying the bowl back to the couch. ‘His mother says that he was complaining of earache through the night.’

      ‘Fine. You get on with that while I check him over.’ He didn’t say anything more as he quickly set about examining the little boy, but Anna had seen the approval in his brown eyes and she felt her heart lift.

      It was nice to know that Ben appreciated her efforts, she thought as she started sponging the child’s hot skin. Maybe it was silly to set any store by his opinion but she knew that it meant a lot to her.

      ‘Classic signs of a febrile convulsion,’ he said, sotto voce, glancing at her. ‘See how flushed his face and neck are, and the rigidity of the limbs and slight arching of the spine.’

      ‘I thought it was that,’ she said, equally softly. She ran the damp cloth over the little boy’s chest once again. ‘I think this is helping, though.’

      ‘It is. The best thing you can do in a case like this is to cool the child down.’ He grimaced. ‘Sorry. I don’t need to tell you that, obviously!’

      Anna laughed at his rueful expression. ‘Don’t worry. You can’t afford to be thin-skinned when you’re a nurse. Most doctors seem to believe that they are the fount of all knowledge.’

      ‘Ouch! I’ll have to watch my step in future, Nurse Clemence. I wouldn’t want to trip over my ego in front of you and end up flat on my face.’

      His eyes were teasing, making it clear that he knew that she’d been joking. Anna smiled back before she realised how dangerous it was to let the conversation continue in that vein. She had to remember that this job was simply a stopgap and not get involved with the people she worked with. It would make it that less painful when the time came for her to leave.

      She carried on sponging the little boy and was rewarded when he started to come round a few minutes later. Ben turned to the child’s mother and smiled reassuringly at her.

      ‘He’s back with us again. I know it’s been a shock for you but try not to let him see that you’re upset. We want to keep him as calm as possible to give him time to recover.’

      ‘He will be all right, won’t he?’ the girl asked shakily, digging a crumpled tissue out of her pocket and scrubbing her eyes with it.

      Anna СКАЧАТЬ