Small-Town Girl. Jessica Keller
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Название: Small-Town Girl

Автор: Jessica Keller

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474056779


СКАЧАТЬ kind. He was an equal partner.

      Wouldn’t it be nice to finally be around someone she could count on? That wasn’t a trait she usually associated with men in her life. Maybe Brice was different.

      Or maybe she didn’t know him well enough yet.

      * * *

      Brice turned off the paddle wheeler and dropped both the bow and stern anchors, which was probably overkill, but better safe than sorry.

      He crossed the boat to where Kendall stood, watching him. Not knowing what to do, and more than anything not wanting to sound foolish in front of her, he chose to stand beside her and look out at the sunset. Kendall didn’t make a move to talk right away. She simply turned and stood shoulder to shoulder with him. Her hand rested beside his on the rail, making his heart thump off-kilter in a way it hadn’t done since college. Since the first time he saw Audra.

      Brice stole a glance at Kendall. Gorgeous. Better than any sunset. He kept finding his gaze shifting back to her. Kendall’s skin had an exotic color to it; he thought he’d heard that type of skin called olive toned before. Her hair was thick, and dark, and had soft-looking curls. Her nose had character. It was a little big, but it fit her perfectly. Maybe six inches shorter than him, she was a good height. If he tucked his arm around her, she’d fit perfectly into the crook of his body.

      Brice pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut.

      What was he thinking?

      Hadn’t he been kicked in the teeth enough by women? He was not going to jump back into the dating pond anytime soon. Besides, women didn’t care about being committed. They cared about what a guy had to offer them. They liked to be chased, not caught. He would do well to remember that he had nothing to offer to anyone; in fact, he usually made people’s lives worse.

      If I hadn’t had you I wouldn’t be stuck.

      He took a step away from Kendall and from his mother’s voice in his mind at the same time. When he opened his eyes, Kendall had followed his movement, though. She was looking up at him, wearing an open expression.

      “You have a scar.” She tapped his cheek where there had been a deep, half-inch scar since he was eight years old. From a belt buckle to the face. “I didn’t notice it before.”

      He grabbed her hand and steered her back to the railing. “Don’t miss the sunset.”

      Space. He just needed space.

      Brice turned to head back to the inside of the boat, but Kendall snagged his arm.

      “Stay with me. It’s no fun watching this or dreaming about romance alone.”

      “Romance?” He reeled back a bit.

      “Don’t look so shocked. I’m not talking about us. Love on a Dime. My business. Remember?” She spent the next ten minutes as the sun sank lower detailing her plan-a-date service. Brice’s resolve against dating grew stronger with each word she spoke. An entire business dedicated to making men spend money to impress their girlfriends? And his shipping business was going to be tangled up in it.

      Yup, women worked exactly like he’d figured. Exactly as Audra—his last girlfriend—had. She’d done him a favor when she turned down his proposal. They would never have been happy together. Brice saw that now. But it didn’t remove the sting of rejection, even all these years later.

      Kendall’s voice broke through his thoughts. “We should offer this as one of the date packages on top of running the weekly cruises. What do you think?”

      “Not sure.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’ll have to think on it a couple days if that’s all right with you.”

      “Of course. It’s your boat, so the choice is all yours. I just think that people would really pay well for this experience. And I’m meeting with a chef next week who I’m sure I could convince to cater meals for dates. Wouldn’t it be romantic to eat here at the back of the boat while the sun set? The couples could finish the evening by dancing here under the stars.” She closed her eyes for a second and swayed. “Does the boat have a sound system?”

      “It does.” His jaw was aching again. “How’d you come up with the idea to start your business?”

      She bit her lip. “Want me to be completely honest?”

      He scrubbed his hand over his face. “What else would I want?”

      “Right. Silly question.” Kendall broke eye contact. “Before I moved to Goose Harbor, I dated. A lot.”

      “Define ‘a lot.’”

      “A lot.” She crossed her arms and looked back at him. “Nothing serious. But suffice to say, I’ve been on more dates than I can count.” She uncrossed her arms and trailed her fingers absently on the railing. “Some of them were really creative, and I planned a lot of them, as well. In the midst of it I realized that I’m really great at the dating part of relationships, so why not make money off that? I used to work as an event planner for a small golf course near my hometown, and the idea sort of sprang from that.”

      She rubbed her hands back and forth over her bare arms. Although it was summer, the evenings cooled down quickly, especially out on the water. And she was only wearing a tank top of sorts.

      Brice shrugged out of his coat. “Put this on. You’ve got to be cold.”

      “Thank you.”

      She slipped it on without hesitation, then pulled the collar up to her nose and breathed in. Did it smell bad? No—at least, her closing her eyes and breathing deeply again didn’t suggest that.

      “What kind of cologne do you wear?”

      “I don’t.”

      She gave him a look that said she thought he was lying. Brice held up his hands. “Bar soap. I promise that’s the extent of it.”

      “Well, that’s some great bar soap. I’m telling you.” She pulled the coat tight around her and crossed her arms to keep it closed. “What now?”

      “Now we head back to town and go our separate ways.” If Kendall had dated a lot, then she couldn’t be innocent about how she was making him feel and think right now. She’d chosen that outfit knowing she was attractive in it. Knowing he’d have a hard time not being interested in her after spending time alone together.

      “Can I come over by the controls with you?”

      “Suit yourself.”

      She followed him to the control area and leaned against the booth, watching him steer. If he had been in a better mood, he would have taught her how to handle the controls and let her steer it for a few minutes, but the evening was shaded by his thoughts now.

      What type of woman was Kendall? Really? At times she seemed completely genuine and innocent, but then she told him she was a serial dater. What did a man do with that sort of information? He’d jumped at a business proposition without knowing her, and now his word bound him to hosting weekly cruises with her.

      He could still say no to her dating service, but even now he knew he wouldn’t. СКАЧАТЬ