Accidental Sweetheart. Lisa Bingham
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СКАЧАТЬ my men watching over the females in the Dovecote, that’s what I’ll have to do.” He motioned to the door. “I’ll wait here until you’re inside, and I’ve heard the bolt hit home.”

      Lydia moved in a daze, entering and locking the door. After all her pestering and prodding, Gideon had admitted, of his own free will, that the women had touched the lives of the men in Bachelor Bottoms. Judging by his tone, he didn’t seem to mind.

      She hurried to the window, pushing aside the curtain in time to see Gideon pausing to look over his shoulder. He must have seen her, because he lifted a hand to the brim of his hat.

      She waved in return, waiting until he’d disappeared into the darkness. Then, she tossed the bag of beans onto the table and meandered upstairs to her room.

      Once inside, she lit the lamp and adjusted the wick. As she did so, she caught her reflection in the mirror. For some reason, her cheeks were pink and her eyes sparkled with an inner energy.

       How very odd.

      Up to this point, she’d thought of the Pinkerton as something of a nuisance. But tonight, she’d had a peek into the gentleman behind the uniform, and she’d been surprised by what she’d found. He really was an interesting man. Although she’d learned a little about his family, there were so many things she still wanted to know.

      Her hands lifted to her hair and she began removing the hairpins one by one. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she glanced at Iona’s empty cot and wished she could talk to her friend and get her opinion on the change in...


      The other girls were still locked in the storehouse!

      Lydia jumped to her feet and raced pell-mell down the staircase. Then, after peeking out the front window to make sure that there was no sign of Gideon Gault, she ran as fast as she could back to town.

      * * *

      Gideon didn’t bother going back to the Pinkerton office and the barracks on the upper floor. He’d only gone a short distance into town before the old familiar restlessness began to bubble up inside of him.

       He had to get away.

       He had to keep moving.

       He had to feel the wind in his hair and the roll of a horse beneath him.

      By the time he’d reached the livery and saddled his gelding, he was breathing heavily and his lungs felt as if bands of iron tightened around them. The past seemed to suck him back into that dark place where flashes of battle crowded into his brain, pushing everything aside. Try as he might to stay rooted in the present, the coppery taste of fear tainted his tongue. His ears seemed to ring with cannon fire, and the stench of gunpowder and blood lingered in his nostrils. Then, just as quickly, the sensations shifted into something worse. Far worse.



       Untold suffering.

      Swinging onto the back of his mount, he spurred it into a gallop as soon as the animal had cleared the threshold. Then he was riding, riding, up toward the mine where the intermittent lanterns illuminated the road.

      Once he’d passed the opening, he was forced into slowing his horse, even though he wanted to keep flying through the darkness so that he could chase away the ghosts of his past and the sensation of being trapped. He doubled back in the other direction, taking a rarely used road that was little more than a set of wagon ruts etched into the grass.

      It wasn’t until he found himself at the top of the slopes and looking down into the canyon that he brought his mount to a stop. Dragging the cool, damp air into his lungs, he closed his eyes, trying to push away the memories that seemed determined to wash over him and transport him to another time. He felt another mount beneath him, quivering as Gideon led it toward the noise and violence of the battlefield. He remembered the way it had reared back, unseating him, beginning a cascade of ill-timed events that would see him captured, then transported south.

       To Andersonville.

      His body and spirit railed against the images that flashed behind his eyes like malicious lightning bugs.

       So much death.

       Such despair.

      As if his very soul depended on it, Gideon took deep breaths in an attempt to re-anchor himself in the present.

       He would not give in to the past.

       Not tonight.

      Gradually, the sensations of misery and filth began to fade beneath the heady scent of pine and wet grass.

      And something more. A faint hint of...

      Gardenias and lemons.

      An image of Lydia sprang into his head, pushing away the remembered ugliness of war. In his mind’s eye, he saw her in a montage of poses: militantly regarding him with her hands on her hips, challenging him with an imperious stare and smiling up at him in the darkness.

      That thought lingered, becoming more real as he remembered the way that the moonlight had slipped over the curve of her cheek and sparkled in her eyes. Crystal-blue eyes the color of the Aspen River first thing in the morning.

      The woman was full of surprises, he’d give her that. Until today, most of their encounters had proven to be a battle of wits. She’d seemed to delight in slipping away from the Pinkerton guards, and Gideon found secret pleasure in hauling her back into line.

      But tonight...she’d been more open. More...


      A man would have his hands full with a woman like that. If he didn’t keep her in line...

      No. That kind of thinking is exactly what Lydia would expect of him. He could already hear her railing at him that the fairer sex wasn’t meant to be controlled. They were meant to be...


      But Lydia had made it clear that she didn’t want to be loved. At least not by a man. She intended to live her life as a champion for women’s suffrage.

      Which was too bad. Because a woman like that could be a formidable force. Exasperating, yes, but she would also be fiercely loyal and devoted. No doubt, she would love a man with the same passion as she fought for women’s equality.

      Gideon shook his head to rid it of such thoughts. Why was he even thinking of such a thing? Lydia Tomlinson was law unto herself. In a matter of days, she would resume her journey to California, and Gideon’s life and routine could return to normal.

      It was better that way.

      Much better.

      As he shifted in the saddle, his horse nickered slightly. And somehow, the noise sounded like the animal was laughing at him.

      Gideon’s gaze scanned the darkness of the pass one last time, taking in the СКАЧАТЬ