Deceit Of A Pagan. Кэрол Мортимер
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Название: Deceit Of A Pagan

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474029711


СКАЧАТЬ leave—?’ Templar trailed off. ‘But I—I have nowhere else to go!’

      The other woman’s face softened slightly. ‘I’m sorry, love,’ she said more gently. ‘If it was left to me I’d probably let you stay, but my Bert’s adamant about it. He wants your room vacated by the end of the week.’

      ‘But—’ Templar’s face was pale, her movements slow, ‘where can I go?’

      ‘Well, I’m sure I don’t know,’ Mrs Marks replied shortly. ‘Can’t that young man of yours help you out?’

      She shook her head dazedly. She couldn’t ask Ken for help. He thought she was behaving stupidly anyway, insisting that she put Keri in a home and marry him. Until he had said that she had seriously been considering him as a prospective husband, but how could she marry a man who rejected a defenceless baby? The idea was unthinkable, and even if things did become so desperate that she did have to part with Keri, she certainly wouldn’t marry Ken. ‘No, I—–’ she broke off as Keri began crying, a loud choking sob that pierced the paper-thin walls.

      Mrs Marks frowned deeply. ‘You see,’ she said with satisfaction. ‘Not a moment’s peace. Oh, I feel sorry for the poor little mite, but I’d feel even more sorry for her if I didn’t have to listen to that noise all night.’ She turned away from the door. ‘Remember, the end of the week.’

      How could she forget! Unthinkingly Templar picked up Keri, cradling her against the thinness of her own body. As if she realised something was very wrong with her aunt, Keri’s sobs ceased instantly and she cuddled into Templar’s warm scented neck, blowing bubbles and chattering tiredly in the baby talk that endeared her to everyone she met. Or at least, almost everyone, Templar thought hardly.

      For the next two days Templar spent all of her lunch-hour and part of the evenings searching for new accommodation. But it was hopeless. The ones she could afford wouldn’t accept Keri, and the ones she couldn’t afford didn’t seem to mind the presence of a young baby. It was all so frustrating, and Ken didn’t help either.

      ‘Put the kid in an orphanage and marry me,’ was all the help he could give her, as Templar had known it would be.

      She held on to her temper with difficulty. ‘I refuse point blank to part with Keri, she’s all the family I have left.’

      Ken sighed. ‘We could have a family of our own, once we’d settled down, of course.’

      ‘If you feel that way, why couldn’t we keep Keri as well?’ To keep Keri with her Templar would go to any lengths, even marry this man she didn’t love.

      ‘I don’t want someone else’s child,’ Ken said coldly, looking with dislike at Keri as she played happily on the floor.

      She didn’t bother to answer him. He was at least someone to talk to, a friend, something she was much in need of at the moment. It was surprising how many of the people she had thought were friends had shunned her when they thought Keri was her baby. Only Ken and Mary had remained loyal, Ken because he hoped eventually to wear her down enough to marry him, and Mary because she was a true friend.

      She bent and picked Keri up in her arms. ‘Come on, poppet. Time for your bath.’

      ‘Couldn’t that wait until later?’ complained Ken. ‘I don’t see much of you as it is.’

      ‘Babies need routine.’

      ‘So you keep saying, but when do you have time to take care of yourself?’

      She laughed lightly. ‘Is that a polite way of saying I look awful? Really, Ken, you aren’t very complimentary!’ Her green eyes twinkled at him teasingly.

      Ken flushed uncomfortably. ‘You know very well I didn’t mean anything of the sort. You always look beautiful, and you know it.’

      Templar knew she was attractive, as an ex-model she would be stupid not to know that. It wasn’t conceited to know that her long auburn hair shone like autumn leaves, that her wide uptilted eyes, small nose, and wide generous mouth made up a beautiful face, and that her body was perfectly proportioned, if slightly thinner now than it should be. But most of all it was her complete naturalness that finished her beauty, giving her an inner glow that many beautiful women throughout the world paid much money for and never attained.

      At the moment her hair was tied back from her face, showing clearly her high cheekbones and slender swan-like neck. Up until a year ago she had been a model, but the unusual times, the long hours of work, and the travelling, as well as caring for Keri, had made it impossible for her to carry on. She had been forced to fall back on the secretarial qualifications she had obtained when she was at school, accepting a job that had little prospects and paid much less money than she had been earning. And she hadn’t been a model long enough for her to have saved much money, and what there had been was slowly wasting away. Almost every week she withdrew a small amount of her savings, and each week the amount seemed to be larger than the last.

      Luckily Templar knew how to care for her hair expertly so that the loss of visits to the hair salon had made no difference to her long straight tresses, and her skin was smooth enough not to require any cosmetics whatsoever. Occasionally she applied mascara and a light lipstick, but as the money became more and more scarce, these occasions became almost never.

      ‘Do you want to help me bath her?’ she asked as she gathered the baby’s nightclothes together.

      ‘No, thanks.’ Ken picked up the newspaper, burying his nose in its depths.

      She didn’t attempt to argue with him, well aware that Keri welcomed his company no more than he did hers. With the perception of the very young, Keri soon learnt who liked her and who didn’t.

      This was the time of day Templar enjoyed the most, with Keri splashing about in the water with her toys, and usually wetting the bathroom more than she did herself. Templar looked down at the copper curls with love. It was strange really how Keri had inherited none of Tiffany’s blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty, but all of her aunt’s colouring and sense of fun.

      She looked up now and dimpled at her aunt. ‘M—Ma—Ma—–’ she gurgled happily

      ‘Mama, Mama,’ encouraged Templar, come on, darling, say it. Mama, Mama.’

      ‘Ma—Ma,’ her little tongue wrestled with the word, still not quite managing to say the word properly and losing interest as she began gurgling again.

      ‘You’re a monkey,’ Templar laughed. ‘A monkey,’ she repeated as the little girl looked up interestedly.

      Keri was rosy-cheeked and fresh-smelling when they re-entered the room, her tiny fingers clutching on to Templar’s hair. She kissed the baby gently on the cheek before laying her down in her cot. ‘Now off to sleep with you,’ she grinned down at the baby. ‘Keri be a good girl.’

      ‘That’d make a change,’ mumbled Ken, emerging from behind the newspaper.

      ‘She’s a very good baby,’ Templar returned calmly. ‘You don’t like children, that’s all.’

      ‘Oh, but I do. At least, I’ll like my own. I just resent the fact that Keri has no real claim on you. You just took over the responsibility of her after your sister died. I said you were stupid then, and I think you’re even more so now. That child СКАЧАТЬ