Texas Christmas Twins. Deb Kastner
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Название: Texas Christmas Twins

Автор: Deb Kastner

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474080163



      His attention was instead captured by the insane display of Christmas decorations, red and green, silver and gold, everywhere his gaze landed.

      It looked as if the North Pole had exploded in her living room.

      An enormous eight-foot Christmas tree stood in one corner, the flashing angel topper just barely clearing the ceiling. Presents wrapped in colorful aluminum paper were piled high underneath the tree.

      She’d arranged a large Nativity set, complete with a stable and an angel proclaiming Peace on Earth, on the end table.

      Shiny red and gold garland adorned every wall, with evergreen garland gracing the fireplace where the stockings were hung with care, as the poem went. Homemade stockings, with Hudson's and Harper’s names written in flourishes of red and green glitter glue.

      This woman was clearly obsessed with Christmas.

      And apparently, shiny things.

      It took him a moment to focus and find Miranda. He supposed he’d expected to find her changing a diaper or two, or feeding the twins their bottles—or whatever it was that nine-month-old babies ate—as the reason she couldn’t answer the door. Instead, she was right there in the middle of the living room, stretched out on her stomach underneath a card table that she’d draped with sheets, holding a flashlight she was beaming on a picture book as Harper and Hudson cuddled on either side of her.

      Of all the crazy, unexpected scenarios, this one took the cake.

      Or the Christmas fruitcake as the case might be.

      The tent was ingenious. She’d used stacks of hardback books to fasten the edges of the sheet to the sofa on one side of them and an armchair on the other, with the card table holding up the structure in the middle.

      Lying on her stomach, jammed under a table only a few feet high, couldn’t possibly be comfortable for her, with her tall, lithe frame, and yet she had an enthusiastic smile on her face and didn’t look the least bit put out by the awkward position. He suspected her feet might be protruding out the back, although he couldn’t confirm that from his current vantage point.

      She shined the flashlight at his face, momentarily blinding him, and he held up a hand to block the light.

      “Simon?” she questioned, surprise lining her tone. “Simon West?”

      He was astonished she recognized him. He’d added a few inches to his frame in the years since they’d seen each other last, not to mention a few pounds. He’d stayed at the outskirts of John and Mary’s funeral and hadn’t spoken to anyone but Mason and Charlotte.

      “Uncle Simon,” he corrected her tersely, nodding toward the twins. “It’s an honorary title.”

      Of which he was very, very proud.

      “Well, Uncle Simon, you’re more than welcome to join us.” She shifted herself and the twins to the side to make room for him in the tiny strung-up tent.

      “I’m welcome to—” he repeated. He’d walked into her house out of the blue. She had no idea why he was here, and yet she’d immediately offered him the opportunity to join in their...adventure.

      “What are you doing here, by the way?” she asked curiously.


      Her offer completely threw him off his game, and for a moment he was fairly certain he was gaping and couldn’t remember his own name, much less why he had come.

      Eventually, he shook his head. There was no way he was going to get his large frame under that small table, no matter how hard he squeezed. And honestly, he didn’t even really want to try.

      “We can make it work,” Miranda insisted, clearly not taking no for an answer. “I’m sure the twins will love spending quality time with their uncle Simon.”

      She couldn’t possibly know it, but she’d just touched on his weak spot. He hadn’t been spending as much time as he should have with his godchildren. If she’d been trying to give him a guilt trip, those words would have done it, especially given the reason he was here.

      “Grab another sheet from the linen closet in the hallway, and grab a few more books from the shelf,” she instructed. “Oh, and get a chair from the kitchen. Drape the end of your sheet across the card table and onto the chair. That’ll give us all a bit more wiggle room. Believe me, these two are regular squirmy wormies.”

      By the time he’d followed all her instructions and lengthened the makeshift tent, she was fully absorbed reading the twins their book. He stood before them, wondering how he was going to get where Miranda wanted him to go.

      She flashed the cover of the book at Simon, as if finding out what she was reading would somehow convince him to crawl in.

      “We’re reading Little Red Riding Hood. Hudson likes the wolf, don’t you, buddy?” she asked the baby, making a growling sound and tickling his tummy.

      Hudson squealed and giggled happily.

      “Tell Uncle Simon you want him to come on down,” she said to Harper, giving her the same affectionate tickling treatment Hudson had just received. “I think he’s being a little bit stubborn, don’t you?”

      Simon balked at her words. He wasn’t being stubborn. He was being practical.

      And this was definitely not how this confrontation was supposed to go. He hadn’t envisioned anything of the sort when he’d first knocked on her door, but then, how could he have? This whole scenario was mind-boggling.

      He was losing his momentum by the second and he couldn’t seem to do anything to stop it.

      “But this is—” he started to say.




      She raised a jaunty, dark eyebrow. There was no question about it. She was outright daring him to make a fool of himself with the twinkle in her pretty hazel eyes.

      This was nuts. He was crazy just to be thinking about it.

      There was no way he was going to get out of this with his dignity intact. But he’d never been the type of man to walk away from a challenge.

      Not now. Not ever.

      Grumbling under his breath at the ignominy of it all, he dropped onto his belly to army crawl into the mixed-up files of Miranda’s imagination makeshift dwelling.

      “Pirates or spaceships?” she queried as he settled himself in. Grinning, she passed him a handful of crayons.

      “Uh—spaceships, I guess.” Not that he had any real preference for one over the other. He’d honestly never given it any thought.

      “So in your most secret heart of hearts, you long to be an astronaut and not a cowboy, right?”

      Absolutely not.

      He supposed he had imagined exchanging his cowboy СКАЧАТЬ