The Senator's Daughter. Sophia Sasson
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Название: The Senator's Daughter

Автор: Sophia Sasson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Heartwarming

isbn: 9781474064316


СКАЧАТЬ forward to getting to know you. Welcome.


      PS: Consider changing your name to Kat Roberts.

      Kat reread the email. The nerve of him!

      “He has a point, you know.”

      Crista’s voice startled her. She whirled in her chair to find the woman standing behind her, openly reading the email on her screen.

      “Excuse me—isn’t it rude to snoop?” Kat winced at her snarky tone. After Crista had been so open with her, Kat should be a little nicer, but she wasn’t used to such unfiltered sharing.

      Crista laughed and gestured around her. “There’s no privacy here on purpose. People jump ship on campaigns all the time. That’s why strategies are closely guarded secrets and Alex and I have access to every email that goes out on our servers. That’s actually what I was coming here to tell you—and to give you this paperwork to sign, which includes a privacy notice that says you have none.”

      Kat stared at her. Was she serious?

      Crista nodded at her screen. “And he’s right. The optics would be much better if you changed your name. Maybe not right now, but closer to the election.”

      Kat didn’t have the words to respond to the casual tone Crista used, as if they were talking about her switching from regular to diet soda instead of changing her entire identity.

      She finally found her voice. “I will not change my name. It’s my mother’s name, and I’m proud of it.”

      Crista shrugged and walked away.

      Kat turned back to her screen and hit the reply button. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure no one else appeared behind her.

      From: [email protected]

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: You are unbelievable


      Asking me to change my name is not the way to welcome me. The answer is NO.


      PS—next time you want to welcome someone, try chocolates. I prefer mine dark and nutty, none of the sugary, cherry-filled kind.

      Satisfied, she took one more look over her shoulder and hit Send before she could lose her nerve. She immediately went to the next email, which was from Nathan—a terse note explaining the files that were attached. The first file hadn’t even downloaded when she saw an email pop up from Alex.

      Frowning, she craned her neck to peer into his office. He wasn’t there. She clicked the message.

      From: [email protected]

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: Thick skin

      You’ll find campaign staff don’t have time for sugar coating or cherry fillings.

      But I’m all for a woman who likes dark and nutty.

      Sent from my BlackBerry

      Her face heated. She minimized the message and looked behind her before she reread it. Was he flirting with her?

      “Here you go.” She nearly jumped out of her chair as one of the campaign staffers she’d met earlier appeared. He handed her a BlackBerry. “It’s all set up for you. Use this instead of your personal phone from now on—hackers are likely monitoring your text and phone messages so they can sell something to the media.”

      She opened her mouth to ask the pimply-faced intern if he was serious, but he turned and left before she had a chance. She deleted Alex’s emails and went back to reviewing the documents Nathan had sent. Whatever game Alex was playing, she would not indulge him.

      Hours passed like minutes. Kat immersed herself in the policy briefs she’d received. The analysis was fascinating and unlike the academic ones she was accustomed to. Nathan’s arguments could almost convince her the IED bill was justified. Almost. She made several notes for her book.

      When she looked at her watch, she realized with dismay that she wouldn’t have time to go home and make it back before the scheduled call with her father. She walked to Crista’s desk and asked if they could move the video chat to another day. Crista handed her a tablet computer. “Here, this works on cellular. You can take the call from your car so your mother won’t find out.”

      Kat blew out a breath. “What exactly do you know about my mother’s situation?”

      Crista continued tapping away at her computer. “Everything. We researched you when the news story broke and were able to get the claims made on your health insurance, so we’re aware your mother is on mood stabilizers. I assume that’s why you need to go home.”

      Fire erupted inside her. Kat gripped the tablet so hard, her fingers whitened. “That type of information is private. How did you get it?”

      Crista turned in her seat, finally focusing her eyes on Kat. “Don’t be upset. Privacy is an illusion. We hire a firm to do investigations for us—every high-profile campaign does. In this electronic world, information is abundant.”

      Kat muttered her thanks for the tablet and rushed out to her car. Someone had moved it to an underground parking spot the senator used when he needed to come in and out of headquarters without battling the media. She was shaking with anger, but there was no point in taking it out on Crista.

      It took her several minutes of clicking her electronic key to find the car, but she was relieved not to encounter a horde of reporters waiting for her when she did. She sat with her hands resting on the steering wheel. Something buzzed and pinged in her purse, and she reached inside to retrieve the BlackBerry. It was an urgent text from Alex.

      You ok? Crista says you seem upset.

      She resisted the urge to throw the device out the window. She tapped back a message.

      Privacy is important to me.

      The response was almost instant.

      We’re a small campaign staff. It’s not personal.

      What did that even mean? Not personal? It was the very definition of personal. There were at least thirty people inside that campaign office and they all knew every intimate detail of her life.

      She put the phone in her purse and started the car. In two hours, she would be talking to her father for the first time. She needed to prepare herself. The BlackBerry buzzed and pinged insistently. She put the car back in Park and picked it up.

      The senator is looking forward to talking to you. Need anything?

      Yes, she needed to go back in time, before the story broke, when she was all set to get her promotion. A gnawing ache grew in her stomach. Had she miscalculated? Alex made a good case for how her working on the campaign was a win for both of them, but she didn’t trust him. What was the play? She put the phone on silent. She needed some quiet time to think.

      Kat’s mind whirled СКАЧАТЬ