A Doctor For The Nanny. Leigh Bale
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Название: A Doctor For The Nanny

Автор: Leigh Bale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474045377


СКАЧАТЬ get hungry before long. Eva raced to the kitchen and warmed up another bottle for him. Through the window she saw that the sun was barely peeking over the eastern hills. A bit early to go calling on the doctor, but she couldn’t wait. Cody was too important to her.

      No one else in the house was up yet. Eva scrawled a hasty note for Aunt Mamie, then secured Cody in his car seat and scurried with him out the front door to her truck. Correction. Ben’s truck. The one he’d said she could use while she lived at Stillwater Ranch.

      It took her five minutes to get the car seat buckled in tight. She couldn’t figure out the contraption and wished she had a user’s guide handy. Finally it clicked into place.

      The truck engine roared as she started it. The tires spit gravel as she peeled out of the wide driveway. She tapped the brake, trying to control her speed. An accident wouldn’t help anyone.

      She barely noticed the beautiful autumn morning. Russet-brown leaves were scattered across the dirt road. The sun painted the eastern horizon with streams of pink and gold haze and glimmered against the short field grass. Herds of Black Angus cattle grazed lazily on the stubby pasture lands. The crisp morning air smelled of hay and horses. Nothing seemed amiss in the world. Yet Eva’s hands were shaking like aspen leaves in the wind.

      Think. What might have caused Cody’s rash? What if she’d done something wrong when she’d put him down for the night? What if she’d used too much lotion after his bath? Or fed him too much milk? It could be anything. She had no idea. Only that she had to get the baby over to Tyler. And fast.

      It took fifteen minutes to drive to Tyler’s place. Thankfully the Grainger ranch was close by. Only now did Eva realize she should have called first, to ensure he wasn’t in town making early rounds at the hospital. She was happy to see his blue truck parked out front.

      She glanced at the yellow frame house with white trim and an overhanging porch. A modest red barn stood off to the side. Rows of boxwoods edged one corner of the house. A pretty fall wreath hung on the front door, ornately decorated with grape twigs and leaves of burnt orange, red and yellow. Tidy flower beds trailed the serpentine walk path. Everything neat and in its place. Not surprising considering how fastidious Tyler was with everything he did. But Eva figured the wreath was his mother’s doing.

      After hopping out of the truck, Eva hurried around to the passenger side, unclicked the seat belt from Cody’s car seat and lifted him out. She folded the blanket over his head, instinctively knowing the cool morning air was too much for his little lungs.

      When she turned to go inside, she froze. Tyler stood beside the house. Their gazes met across the expanse of the yard. He was dressed in his work clothes and holding the handle of a bucket. As though he’d just been heading out to do his morning chores before working in his medical office.

      She scurried over to him. “Oh, Tyler. I’m so glad you’re here.”

      “Eva. What’s wrong?” He set down the bucket and reached out a hand to clasp her arm. His eyes creased with concern as he met her gaze.

      “It’s the baby. Something’s wrong with him. I don’t know what I’ve done, but it’s bad. Please help him.”

      Tyler indicated the house. “Come inside and I’ll take a look.”

      Clutching the baby close against her chest, she hurried along as he led the way. Just hearing his calm, steady voice brought Eva a modicum of comfort. Knowing he was near made her think all would be well. He’d know what to do. He’d take care of Cody. Tyler could do anything. And after what she’d been through with her fiancé, she was surprised at how much she trusted this man she’d known all her life.

      As he led her inside she thought how foolish she’d been to accept this new assignment as a nanny. She should have said no. Last night when Tyler had asked if she was okay, she should have told him the truth.

       No. I can’t have children, and I don’t want to take care of an adorable baby because he’s a constant reminder of what I can never have.

      Instead, she’d shut her mouth, the words stuck in the back of her throat. She didn’t want to confide anything to Tyler Grainger. Or any man, for that matter. The emotional cost was too high. Better to keep her deficiencies to herself. But now she had a real problem on her hands. Cody was sick. What if he had a fever? She had no idea even how to check for that. And she realized just how unprepared she was to be taking care of a young child. A combination of guilt and fear heated her face. She was in way over her head.

      Tyler led her into the living area. It was a comfortable room with tall potted plants, two recliners, a sofa, throw pillows and pictures of his family. One photo in particular caught her eye. It showed Tyler and his sister, Jenny, on horseback. The picture was taken from the side. Tyler sat in front holding the reins. Jenny sat behind her older brother, her arms wrapped around his waist, her cheek pressed against his back, her face smiling with absolute adoration. Eva knew the entire family had been heartbroken when Jenny had died years earlier at the age of ten. A real tragedy.

      “Come in here,” Tyler said.

      Eva stepped into an examination room, complete with chairs and a wide, padded table.

      Tyler washed his hands in a small sink. Then without asking permission, he scooped Cody from her arms and set him down on the table. His big, strong hands seemed infinitely gentle as he folded the blankets back to take a look. Cody latched on to one of Tyler’s large fingers and tried to pull it to his mouth. Tyler gently pulled free of Cody’s grasp. The baby sucked his own tiny fist, babbling and kicking his legs. He seemed completely oblivious that anything was wrong.

      Eva’s heart pounded in her ears. Sweat broke out on her palms. Tyler reached for a stethoscope, then listened to the baby’s heart and lungs. Next he took Cody’s temperature.

      “His temp is slightly elevated, but nothing that alarms me,” Tyler said without looking up.

      Eva stood beside him, her gaze pinned on Cody as she gripped the edge of the table. “But what about the rash? What caused it?”

      “We’ll see.” Tyler continued his examination. He lifted the baby’s arms, then checked his ears and mouth.

      “Aha! Has Cody been drooling more than usual and chewing on things?” Tyler asked.

      Eva shook her head. “I have no idea. I was just put in charge of him last night.”

      She’d heard of babies drooling, but figured it was done all the time. And they chewed on everything, didn’t they?

      “Well, I think I’ve found the problem,” Tyler said with a laugh.

      Eva leaned closer, nearly beside herself with worry. “What is it?”

      “Cody is teething.”


      He gently opened the baby’s mouth and pointed at his bottom gum line. “See there how the gum is red and inflamed?”

      “Yes.” She stared with rapt attention, wondering how that could cause a rash on the baby’s cheeks.

      “And see that little ridge of white?”

      She stooped forward, catching Tyler’s scent. A mixture of spice and soap. Pleasant and masculine. “What is it?”

      “A СКАЧАТЬ