A Dose Of Passion. Sharon C. Cooper
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Название: A Dose Of Passion

Автор: Sharon C. Cooper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani

isbn: 9781474044837


СКАЧАТЬ shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around everything Drew had shared with him for the past forty-five minutes.

      “Attorney Ashton, you mentioned I would have to move into the home and join the team at Price within three weeks. I’m not sure if I can pick up and move my household in that short amount of time.”

      “First, please call me Drew. Second, Derek, you are now a very wealthy man, assuming you adhere to all of the stipulations in the will. Noah has left you additional funds to assist you with any and all relocation costs. You’ll soon find out money solves a lot of problems and comes in handy when you have to do something quick.”

      Drew slid a check across the table and Derek’s gaze immediately zoned in on all of the zeros behind the five. His mouth dropped open. He fingered the check but didn’t pick it up.

      “This is just for relocating?”

      Drew chuckled. “Actually, that check is yours free and clear, whether you agree to the stipulations in the will or not. Noah wanted you to have something whether or not you decided to relocate and build a life here in Atlanta. So if you decide not to move here and accept the CEO position, you won’t walk away empty-handed. Oh, and the trust fund for Jason is not contingent on anything. Noah often referred to him as his grandson.”

      Derek nodded.

      “I know this is a lot to take in, but there’s more.” Drew closed the folder and, as if on cue, the conference room door opened and his assistant stepped in.

      “Drew, Macy is here. Should I show her in?”

      “Yes, please do.”

      Derek cocked his head and looked at the attorney, but before he could pose a question, Macy was standing in the doorway.

      Her gaze met his, and it was clear she was just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. She recovered quickly and walked farther into the room and shook Drew’s extended hand.

      Derek stood and he couldn’t stop his gaze from roaming over her sexy body. He hadn’t seen her since Noah’s memorial service.

      Despite a hint of fatigue around her eyes, she was as beautiful as ever. Gone was the ponytail she usually sported, as well as the simple shirt and slacks she preferred for work. Instead, she wore a low-cut red blouse that highlighted her breasts and flat stomach. The short black skirt she wore stopped just above her knees and fit her curves perfectly without looking indecent. In all of the times he had seen her, he’d never realized she owned a pair of shapely, traffic-stopping legs that seemed to go on forever. She had worn a pantsuit to the memorial service, but a woman with legs like hers should show them off every chance she got.


      His gaze shot up when he realized Drew had called his name more than once and gestured for him to reclaim his seat at the round conference table.

      Instead of greeting Macy with words, they nodded at each other.

      “Macy, please have a seat here.” Drew pulled out the chair on the other side of his. “I wanted you both to be here so I could discuss the rest of Noah’s will.”

      * * *

      Macy restrained from fanning herself at the sight of Derek in a suit. Had she known he would be there, she would have mentally prepared herself. His presence still affected her down to the core of her being. Granted, she hadn’t been with someone in months, but how could she be attracted to a man of few words who was also aloof and seemed to want to be anywhere she wasn’t?

      If only she could forget how good it had felt to be in his strong arms, hugged up against his hard body. She would never forget that day, for more reasons than one. It was a week ago. Derek had called her at work, informing her that she needed to get to the hospital. Noah had passed away before she arrived. Though she knew the day was coming, she hadn’t wanted to believe her father was gone. No amount of preparation had prepared her for the loss she felt deep down in her soul. And to be comforted by Derek had wreaked havoc on her emotional state. His long, muscular arms wrapped firmly around her and the woodsy scent of his cologne had her wanting to bury her nose in the crook of his neck for a deeper sniff. The man who she’d thought was unfeeling and distant comforted her with soothing words while he held her close until she was able to pull herself together.

      She glanced at him across the table and their gazes collided. It was as if someone had wrapped their hands around her throat and squeezed. She could barely breathe staring into his dark, intense eyes. Diverting her gaze, she returned her attention to Drew, who was speaking and sifting through a file folder on the table in front of him.

      “Macy, here’s a letter Noah left for you. I’ll let you read it now before we proceed.”

      She hesitated before accepting the white envelope and fought the urge to hold it against her chest, over her heart. She had always thought of herself as a strong person, but the past week and a half had proven she wasn’t as strong as she thought.

      She took a deep breath and released it, bracing herself for Noah’s last words to her. The last thing she wanted to do was fall apart in front of Drew and Derek.

      She smiled at the sight of Noah’s scribble.

      My dearest Macy,

      If you’re reading this letter, it means I have gone on to a better place...hopefully. I hope you don’t think I forgot about our agreement regarding the medical complex. I didn’t. Drew will give you the details regarding the building and the renovations.

      Baby girl, I hope you know how proud I am of the woman you’ve become. You were like a little girl to me when you first moved to Atlanta for college, and I watched you grow into an amazing woman. You’re the daughter I never had. It’s no wonder people gravitate to you. The love and compassion you show everyone you meet, as well as your work ethic, make me proud.

      But I worry about you, the way you always put others first, stretching yourself thin, and you’re the first person people seek out when they have a problem. Promise me you’ll start taking care of yourself. I know we always got together for dinner on Thursday nights, but maybe you can keep that going, just with someone else. Perhaps with a man your own age?

      Macy chuckled at the last sentence and blinked rapidly, fighting off the tears that were threatening to fall.

      I want you to have the type of love and passion I shared with Lorraine while she was alive. There’s nothing like finding your soul mate and building a life together. It’s time for you to settle down and have the family you always wanted. I just hate I won’t be there to walk you down the aisle the way we used to talk about or hold your firstborn.

      I love you, baby girl. I’ll be with you always.


      Macy closed her eyes and held the letter to her chest, unable to hold her tears at bay. She would never hear his deep voice call her “baby girl” again and she felt the loss the same way she had when Derek had first informed her that Noah was gone. She felt so blessed to have had him in her life and he would forever hold a special spot in her heart.

      Macy slowly opened her eyes when she felt a hand on her arm.

      “Are you okay?” Drew asked. He handed her a box of tissues. “We can give you a moment if you need it.”

      Derek СКАЧАТЬ