Captivating Witness. Melinda Di Lorenzo
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Название: Captivating Witness

Автор: Melinda Di Lorenzo

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Undercover Justice

isbn: 9781474063210


СКАЧАТЬ is, two minutes ago, you told me there was nothing to say. Now you’re telling me you won’t say anything. Which is it?”

      There was the sound of a muffled sob. “Both.”



      “That answer just doesn’t fly, my friend. You should never have come back to town. You were told what would happen if you did, weren’t you?”

      The Dumpster rattled again, and Reggie cringed backward as a narrow-shouldered man dived out from behind it. He tried to tear across the alley, but the man chasing him was faster. Bigger. And wearing a police uniform.

      For a second, Reggie was so startled that she almost forgot to stifle a gasp. She didn’t recognize the first man. But she knew the man in the uniform. A rookie named Chuck Delta. He’d moved to town very recently, hired on for the upcoming tourist season, and he came into the diner every morning to grab a bagel and a coffee.

      Was he there on official business? Was the man he now held by the collar a criminal? Should Reggie make her presence known?

      But before she could work through an answer to the last question, the first two were answered.

      “You’re supposed to help people,” said the smaller man. “And I haven’t done anything wrong.”

      The big one shook his head. “Maybe not this time around. But I recognized you. And that’s enough.”

      Chuck took a step toward the stranger, his hand stretched out toward the man’s mouth. And in a futile attempt to escape, the stranger flailed, then cringed back against the wall.

      Something worse is going to happen.

      The second the thought popped into Reggie’s head, it came to fruition.

      A flash of metal.

      A muted bang.

      A muffled cry.

      Reggie stumbled backward fearfully, trying to right herself and instead scraping against both the ground and the discarded garbage scattered over it. A soup can—which had somehow sneaked out of its rightful place in the recycling—rolled across the road. She froze, watching it make its way out into the open, ping-pinging along.

      Too much noise!

      Her eyes lifted fearfully just in time to see as the first man slumped forward, and Chuck started to turn. And the need for self-preservation finally kicked in. Reggie’s feet smacked against the cobblestone, her brain urging her along in time with the beat of her flight.

      Run-run, run-run, run-run.

      She pushed out of the alley and hit the concrete sidewalk.

      Quick-quick. Quick-quick. Quick-quick.

      She hit the corner, then continued straight onto the pavement.

      Go-go. Go-go. Go—

      The screech of tires was the only warning she had as she darted out, and her chanting brain didn’t have time to catch up. With her feet still moving, she raised her eyes in horror. A slick black car was sliding toward her, kicking up the scent of burning rubber as it skidded over the road at a wild angle.

      But Reggie couldn’t stop herself.

      Biting down on her lip so hard that she tasted blood, she flew straight into the driver’s-side headlight. Or maybe it hit her. The sudden, sharp pain all the way up her body made it impossible to say which was true. She crumpled to the ground.


      She couldn’t afford to stop here. She had to keep going. So she fought to get to her feet, her hands flailing to grab something—anything—to pull herself up. What she found was a warm hand. Two warm hands, in fact. One wrapped around her own, and another on her shoulder.

      Wide. Tall. Strong.

      A man.

      And Reggie’s first instinct, spurred by the violence she’d just witnessed, was to fight him off. Tooth and nail if she had to.

      But he was mouthing something at her. Words she couldn’t quite make out. And his eyes—light brown and as warm as his hands—were staring down at her, full of concern. A little familiar. And genuine. She was almost sure. But was it enough?

      She swiveled her head in the direction she’d just run from, and the world spun. It would have to be.

      “Help me,” she said, her voice not much more than a croak.

      He replied, and it sounded like “I’m trying.”


      His expression went from concerned to puzzled, to even more concerned. But thankfully, he didn’t argue. He just bent down, lifted her from the ground and tucked her against his broad chest. She closed her eyes and sank into him gratefully, praying he could keep her safe from the craziness she’d just witnessed.

      * * *

      Detective Brayden Maxwell inhaled as he shifted his hips to accommodate the added weight, and a lightly spiced scent hit him. Pleasant. Just like the feel of the girl—who he recognized from the quaint little restaurant a few blocks over—curled up in his arms.

      Reggie, wasn’t it?

      He glanced down. Yep, her name tag confirmed that he had it right.

      Just two minutes earlier, he’d been on the phone with his brother, telling him that things were going smoothly. The plan didn’t have a hitch. Finally, after a decade and a half of searching, he was sure, all but 100 percent sure that they’d located their target. The man who’d walked away without a scratch, but left them with deep scars.

      Now this.

      What had spooked her so badly that she’d run out in front of his car like that? He hadn’t seen anything himself. Heck. He’d barely seen her. He was just glad he’d had enough time to swerve as much as he had. She’d smacked herself pretty hard against his bumper, but three seconds less notice...he shook his head at the thought, then inhaled again, and the sweet smell filled his nose a second time.

      Cinnamon, maybe? Pie from the diner?

      He studied her for another moment. She was always smiling while she served at the restaurant. One of those big smiles that lit up her whole face. It was almost too big for her very petite form. Perfect for her sparkling eyes, though, which were the greenest he’d ever seen. Which were all but closed now. Fluttering just a little. Her body was shaking a little, too.

      Yeah, she was definitely more than shaken up. Maybe not in medical shock, but definitely under a great amount of emotional distress.

      Not good.

      Brayden frowned and brought his attention to the street. He scanned it carefully. Up. Then down. Then both ways again. He couldn’t see a shred of anything suspicious. Or anything much at all, for that matter. The sky was dim, but the streetlights—few as they were in this small town—hadn’t yet come on. The moment СКАЧАТЬ